diff --git a/Server/app/svelte/src/groups-add-component.svelte b/Server/app/svelte/src/groups-add-component.svelte
index ffbc7d7..60c4008 100644
--- a/Server/app/svelte/src/groups-add-component.svelte
+++ b/Server/app/svelte/src/groups-add-component.svelte
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
- function mapCallbackGroups(createMap,content) {
+ function mapCallbackGroups(createMap,content,locale) {
let map = createMap([22, 0],2)
- addMarkersGroups(map,content)
+ addMarkersGroups(map,content,locale)
map.on('click', function(event) {
@@ -109,16 +109,17 @@
Add a Group
If there are no groups in your town with whom you can organize then
If there are no groups in your town with whom you can organize then do the following:
- - click on the map to show us where you are located,
- - add a way to contact you or leave blank for a pin to point to our discord and
- - press "Submit" to add yourself to our map
+ - Click on the map to show us where you are located;
+ - Add a way to contact you or leave blank for a pin to point to our discord;
+ - Press "Submit" to add yourself to our map;
+ - Verify yourself by having a chat with us at our Discord server to show on the map;
@@ -129,6 +130,7 @@
ol li {
margin-left: 3rem;
+ margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
label {
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/groups-add-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/groups-add-component.js
index 5fc78ff..b2bad9e 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/groups-add-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/groups-add-component.js
@@ -28,15 +28,17 @@ function create_if_block(ctx) {
let t8;
let li2;
let t10;
+ let li3;
+ let t12;
let label0;
let input0;
let br;
- let t12;
+ let t14;
let label1;
let input1;
- let t14;
- let button;
let t16;
+ let button;
+ let t18;
let map_component;
let map_component_callback_value;
let mounted;
@@ -52,63 +54,67 @@ function create_if_block(ctx) {
img = element("img");
t2 = space();
p = element("p");
- p.textContent = "If there are no groups in your town with whom you can organize then";
+ p.textContent = "If there are no groups in your town with whom you can organize then do the following:";
t4 = space();
ol = element("ol");
li0 = element("li");
- li0.textContent = "click on the map to show us where you are located,";
+ li0.textContent = "Click on the map to show us where you are located;";
t6 = space();
li1 = element("li");
- li1.textContent = "add a way to contact you or leave blank for a pin to point to our discord and";
+ li1.textContent = "Add a way to contact you or leave blank for a pin to point to our discord;";
t8 = space();
li2 = element("li");
- li2.textContent = "press \"Submit\" to add yourself to our map";
+ li2.textContent = "Press \"Submit\" to add yourself to our map;";
t10 = space();
+ li3 = element("li");
+ li3.textContent = "Verify yourself by having a chat with us at our Discord server to show on the map;";
+ t12 = space();
label0 = element("label");
label0.textContent = "Location: ";
input0 = element("input");
br = element("br");
- t12 = space();
+ t14 = space();
label1 = element("label");
label1.textContent = "Contact: ";
input1 = element("input");
- t14 = space();
+ t16 = space();
button = element("button");
button.textContent = "Submit";
- t16 = space();
+ t18 = space();
map_component = element("map-component");
- add_location(h1, file, 109, 16, 3516);
+ add_location(h1, file, 109, 16, 3530);
attr_dev(img, "id", "groups-img");
if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/img/common/groups.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
attr_dev(img, "alt", "groups");
- add_location(img, file, 110, 16, 3554);
+ add_location(img, file, 110, 16, 3568);
attr_dev(p, "class", "description");
- add_location(p, file, 111, 16, 3635);
- add_location(li0, file, 113, 20, 3773);
- add_location(li1, file, 114, 20, 3854);
- add_location(li2, file, 115, 20, 3962);
- add_location(ol, file, 112, 16, 3747);
+ add_location(p, file, 111, 16, 3649);
+ add_location(li0, file, 113, 20, 3805);
+ add_location(li1, file, 114, 20, 3886);
+ add_location(li2, file, 115, 20, 3991);
+ add_location(li3, file, 116, 20, 4064);
+ add_location(ol, file, 112, 16, 3779);
attr_dev(label0, "for", "address-input");
- add_location(label0, file, 117, 16, 4053);
+ add_location(label0, file, 118, 16, 4196);
attr_dev(input0, "id", "address-input");
attr_dev(input0, "type", "text");
input0.readOnly = true;
- add_location(input0, file, 117, 61, 4098);
- add_location(br, file, 117, 133, 4170);
+ add_location(input0, file, 118, 61, 4241);
+ add_location(br, file, 118, 133, 4313);
attr_dev(label1, "for", "contact-input");
- add_location(label1, file, 118, 16, 4192);
+ add_location(label1, file, 119, 16, 4335);
attr_dev(input1, "id", "contact-input");
attr_dev(input1, "type", "text");
- add_location(input1, file, 118, 60, 4236);
+ add_location(input1, file, 119, 60, 4379);
attr_dev(button, "id", "submit-button");
- add_location(button, file, 119, 16, 4317);
+ add_location(button, file, 120, 16, 4460);
set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map");
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[10]);
- add_location(map_component, file, 120, 16, 4403);
+ set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[11]);
+ add_location(map_component, file, 121, 16, 4546);
attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div0, file, 108, 12, 3473);
+ add_location(div0, file, 108, 12, 3487);
attr_dev(div1, "id", "container");
- add_location(div1, file, 106, 8, 3370);
+ add_location(div1, file, 106, 8, 3384);
m: function mount(target, anchor) {
insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
@@ -125,34 +131,36 @@ function create_if_block(ctx) {
append_dev(ol, li1);
append_dev(ol, t8);
append_dev(ol, li2);
- append_dev(div0, t10);
+ append_dev(ol, t10);
+ append_dev(ol, li3);
+ append_dev(div0, t12);
append_dev(div0, label0);
append_dev(div0, input0);
- /*input0_binding*/ ctx[8](input0);
+ /*input0_binding*/ ctx[9](input0);
append_dev(div0, br);
- append_dev(div0, t12);
+ append_dev(div0, t14);
append_dev(div0, label1);
append_dev(div0, input1);
- /*input1_binding*/ ctx[9](input1);
- append_dev(div0, t14);
- append_dev(div0, button);
+ /*input1_binding*/ ctx[10](input1);
append_dev(div0, t16);
+ append_dev(div0, button);
+ append_dev(div0, t18);
append_dev(div0, map_component);
if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*submitLocation*/ ctx[7], false, false, false);
+ dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*submitLocation*/ ctx[8], false, false, false);
mounted = true;
p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && map_component_callback_value !== (map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[10])) {
+ if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && map_component_callback_value !== (map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[11])) {
set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value);
d: function destroy(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- /*input0_binding*/ ctx[8](null);
- /*input1_binding*/ ctx[9](null);
+ /*input0_binding*/ ctx[9](null);
+ /*input1_binding*/ ctx[10](null);
mounted = false;
@@ -334,9 +342,9 @@ function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
getData(url, callback);
- function mapCallbackGroups(createMap, content) {
+ function mapCallbackGroups(createMap, content, locale) {
let map = createMap([22, 0], 2);
- addMarkersGroups(map, content);
+ addMarkersGroups(map, content, locale);
map.on('click', function (event) {
@@ -382,7 +390,7 @@ function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- const func = createMap => mapCallbackGroups(createMap, $content);
+ const func = createMap => mapCallbackGroups(createMap, $content, locale);
$$self.$capture_state = () => ({
@@ -419,7 +427,7 @@ function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
if ('userPinLat' in $$props) userPinLat = $$props.userPinLat;
if ('userPinLng' in $$props) userPinLng = $$props.userPinLng;
if ('userPin' in $$props) userPin = $$props.userPin;
- if ('locale' in $$props) locale = $$props.locale;
+ if ('locale' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, locale = $$props.locale);
if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
@@ -433,6 +441,7 @@ function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
+ locale,
@@ -444,7 +453,7 @@ function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
class Groups_add_component extends SvelteElement {
constructor(options) {
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
+ this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;