diff --git a/Server/app/svelte/public/js/libraries/serverTools.js b/Server/app/svelte/public/js/libraries/serverTools.js
index 6e85d01..1fca108 100644
--- a/Server/app/svelte/public/js/libraries/serverTools.js
+++ b/Server/app/svelte/public/js/libraries/serverTools.js
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ export function sendText(route,data,callback) {
} else {
+ callback(false)
// Oh no! There has been an error with the request!
diff --git a/Server/app/svelte/src/groups-add-component.svelte b/Server/app/svelte/src/groups-add-component.svelte
index 60c4008..797e8e2 100644
--- a/Server/app/svelte/src/groups-add-component.svelte
+++ b/Server/app/svelte/src/groups-add-component.svelte
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
let loaded = writable(0)
let content = writable({})
+ let confirmationMsg
let addressInput
let contactInput
let addressVec
@@ -88,11 +89,24 @@
+ function updateConfirmationMsg(response) {
+ if (response!==false) {
+ confirmationMsg.innerHTML = "You have been added to our database! Now go to our Discord to verify yourself."
+ confirmationMsg.style.color = "green"
+ }
+ else {
+ confirmationMsg.innerHTML = "Something went wrong."
+ confirmationMsg.style.color = "red"
+ }
+ }
function submitLocation() {
if (addressVec!=undefined) {
let data = [...addressVec,userPinLat,userPinLng,contactInput.value]
let url = "/" + locale + "/groups-add-post/"
- sendText(url,JSON.stringify(data))
+ sendText(url,JSON.stringify(data),updateConfirmationMsg)
@@ -119,6 +133,7 @@
@@ -128,6 +143,11 @@
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("communes-component", Communes_component);
-export { Communes_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as n,a as o,b as e,s as m,e as r,n as a,d as c,c as i,o as s,f as l,t as p,g as u,h as g,j as d,k as h,l as f,m as b,p as j}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as x}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{addMarkersCommunes as v,communesByCountry as w}from"../../../../../../../../../js/communes.js";import{loadLocaleContent as y}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function k(t,n,o){const e=t.slice();return e[9]=n[o][0],e[10]=n[o][1],e}function z(t,n,o){const e=t.slice();return e[13]=n[o],e}function D(t){let n,o,m,r,a,i,s,x,v,y,z,D,E,O,R,T,A,C,H,L,M=t[0].communes+"",S=t[0].p1+"",_=t[0].subheading1+"",q=t[0]["map-prompt"]+"",B=Object.entries(w),F=[];for(let n=0;no(1,m=t)));let a=x({});i(t,a,(t=>o(0,e=t))),y(a,"countries",r);let c=y(a,"communes-component",r);function l(t,n,o){let e=t([22,0],2);v(e,n,o)}s((()=>{}));return[e,m,r,a,c,l,function(t){return"en"==c?t:e[t]},function(t){return t.location[0].map((t=>"en"==c?t:e[t])).join(", ")},t=>l(t,e,c)]}class A extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",n(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:o(this.attributes),customElement:!0},T,R,m,{},null),t&&t.target&&e(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("communes-component",A);export{A as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/compass-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/compass-component.js
index 1ed1bd2..1e38a3d 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/compass-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/compass-component.js
@@ -1,714 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, k as element, t as text, l as space, m as add_location, p as attr_dev, q as src_url_equal, u as append_dev, w as set_data_dev, j as validate_each_argument, y as listen_dev, x as destroy_each, z as run_all, A as prop_dev } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-import { shuffleArray } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js';
-/* src\compass-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\compass-component.svelte";
-function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[19] = list[i];
- child_ctx[21] = i;
- return child_ctx;
-// (57:4) {#if $loaded==2}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let h1;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[5].heading + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let img_src_value;
- let t2;
- let previous_key = /*qTag*/ ctx[0];
- let key_block = create_key_block_1(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- h1 = element("h1");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- key_block.c();
- add_location(h1, file, 59, 16, 1759);
- attr_dev(img, "id", "compass-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/img/common/compass.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "compass");
- add_location(img, file, 60, 16, 1804);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div0, file, 58, 12, 1716);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "container");
- add_location(div1, file, 57, 8, 1682);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, h1);
- append_dev(h1, t0);
- append_dev(div0, t1);
- append_dev(div0, img);
- append_dev(div0, t2);
- key_block.m(div0, null);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 32 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[5].heading + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*qTag*/ 1 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*qTag*/ ctx[0])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block_1(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(div0, null);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(57:4) {#if $loaded==2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (74:16) {:else}
-function create_else_block(ctx) {
- let p;
- let t1;
- let ul;
- let li0;
- let t2;
- let span0;
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let t5;
- let li1;
- let t6;
- let span1;
- let t7;
- let t8;
- let t9;
- let li2;
- let t10;
- let span2;
- let t11;
- let t12;
- let t13;
- let button;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- p = element("p");
- p.textContent = "You are compatible with ...";
- t1 = space();
- ul = element("ul");
- li0 = element("li");
- t2 = text("capitalism by ");
- span0 = element("span");
- t3 = text(/*capitalismScore*/ ctx[2]);
- t4 = text("%");
- t5 = space();
- li1 = element("li");
- t6 = text("vanguardism by ");
- span1 = element("span");
- t7 = text(/*vanguardismScore*/ ctx[3]);
- t8 = text("%");
- t9 = space();
- li2 = element("li");
- t10 = text("libertarian socialism by ");
- span2 = element("span");
- t11 = text(/*socialismScore*/ ctx[4]);
- t12 = text("%");
- t13 = space();
- button = element("button");
- button.textContent = "back";
- add_location(p, file, 74, 20, 2731);
- add_location(span0, file, 76, 42, 2856);
- add_location(li0, file, 76, 24, 2838);
- add_location(span1, file, 77, 43, 2937);
- add_location(li1, file, 77, 24, 2918);
- add_location(span2, file, 78, 53, 3029);
- add_location(li2, file, 78, 24, 3000);
- attr_dev(ul, "class", "results-list");
- add_location(ul, file, 75, 20, 2787);
- attr_dev(button, "class", "quiz-buttons");
- add_location(button, file, 80, 20, 3113);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, p, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, t1, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, ul, anchor);
- append_dev(ul, li0);
- append_dev(li0, t2);
- append_dev(li0, span0);
- append_dev(span0, t3);
- append_dev(li0, t4);
- append_dev(ul, t5);
- append_dev(ul, li1);
- append_dev(li1, t6);
- append_dev(li1, span1);
- append_dev(span1, t7);
- append_dev(li1, t8);
- append_dev(ul, t9);
- append_dev(ul, li2);
- append_dev(li2, t10);
- append_dev(li2, span2);
- append_dev(span2, t11);
- append_dev(li2, t12);
- insert_dev(target, t13, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, button, anchor);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*click_handler_3*/ ctx[16], false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*capitalismScore*/ 4) set_data_dev(t3, /*capitalismScore*/ ctx[2]);
- if (dirty & /*vanguardismScore*/ 8) set_data_dev(t7, /*vanguardismScore*/ ctx[3]);
- if (dirty & /*socialismScore*/ 16) set_data_dev(t11, /*socialismScore*/ ctx[4]);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(p);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t1);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(ul);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t13);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(button);
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_else_block.name,
- type: "else",
- source: "(74:16) {:else}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (63:16) {#if qTag!=$content.qs.length}
-function create_if_block_1(ctx) {
- let p;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[5].qs[/*qTag*/ ctx[0]].q + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let div;
- let t2;
- let button0;
- let button1;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- let each_value = /*$content*/ ctx[5].qs[/*qTag*/ ctx[0]].as;
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- p = element("p");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- div = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- t2 = space();
- button0 = element("button");
- button0.textContent = "back";
- button1 = element("button");
- button1.textContent = "next";
- add_location(p, file, 63, 20, 1969);
- attr_dev(div, "class", "quiz-inputs");
- add_location(div, file, 64, 20, 2019);
- attr_dev(button0, "class", "quiz-buttons");
- add_location(button0, file, 72, 20, 2544);
- attr_dev(button1, "class", "quiz-buttons");
- add_location(button1, file, 72, 90, 2614);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, p, anchor);
- append_dev(p, t0);
- insert_dev(target, t1, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- insert_dev(target, t2, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, button0, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, button1, anchor);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = [
- listen_dev(button0, "click", /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[14], false, false, false),
- listen_dev(button1, "click", /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[15], false, false, false)
- ];
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content, qTag*/ 33 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[5].qs[/*qTag*/ ctx[0]].q + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*answers, qTag, $content*/ 35) {
- each_value = /*$content*/ ctx[5].qs[/*qTag*/ ctx[0]].as;
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(p);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t1);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t2);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(button0);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(button1);
- mounted = false;
- run_all(dispose);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block_1.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(63:16) {#if qTag!=$content.qs.length}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (66:24) {#each $content.qs[qTag].as as a,i}
-function create_each_block(ctx) {
- let div;
- let input;
- let input_value_value;
- let t0;
- let button;
- let t1_value = /*a*/ ctx[19][0] + "";
- let t1;
- let t2;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- function click_handler() {
- return /*click_handler*/ ctx[13](/*a*/ ctx[19]);
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div = element("div");
- input = element("input");
- t0 = space();
- button = element("button");
- t1 = text(t1_value);
- t2 = space();
- attr_dev(input, "type", "radio");
- attr_dev(input, "id", "option" + /*i*/ ctx[21]);
- attr_dev(input, "name", "options");
- input.__value = input_value_value = /*a*/ ctx[19][1];
- input.value = input.__value;
- /*$$binding_groups*/ ctx[12][0].push(input);
- add_location(input, file, 67, 32, 2198);
- attr_dev(button, "class", "input-label");
- attr_dev(button, "for", "option" + /*i*/ ctx[21]);
- add_location(button, file, 68, 32, 2323);
- attr_dev(div, "class", "radio-container");
- add_location(div, file, 66, 28, 2135);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- append_dev(div, input);
- input.checked = input.__value === /*answers*/ ctx[1][/*qTag*/ ctx[0]];
- append_dev(div, t0);
- append_dev(div, button);
- append_dev(button, t1);
- append_dev(div, t2);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = [
- listen_dev(input, "change", /*input_change_handler*/ ctx[11]),
- listen_dev(button, "click", click_handler, false, false, false)
- ];
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) {
- ctx = new_ctx;
- if (dirty & /*$content, qTag*/ 33 && input_value_value !== (input_value_value = /*a*/ ctx[19][1])) {
- prop_dev(input, "__value", input_value_value);
- input.value = input.__value;
- }
- if (dirty & /*answers, qTag*/ 3) {
- input.checked = input.__value === /*answers*/ ctx[1][/*qTag*/ ctx[0]];
- }
- if (dirty & /*$content, qTag*/ 33 && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*a*/ ctx[19][0] + "")) set_data_dev(t1, t1_value);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- /*$$binding_groups*/ ctx[12][0].splice(/*$$binding_groups*/ ctx[12][0].indexOf(input), 1);
- mounted = false;
- run_all(dispose);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(66:24) {#each $content.qs[qTag].as as a,i}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (62:16) {#key qTag}
-function create_key_block_1(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- function select_block_type(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*qTag*/ ctx[0] != /*$content*/ ctx[5].qs.length) return create_if_block_1;
- return create_else_block;
- }
- let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx);
- let if_block = current_block_type(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (current_block_type === (current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx)) && if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = current_block_type(ctx);
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block_1.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(62:16) {#key qTag}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (56:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[6] == 2 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[6] == 2) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(56:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[6];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 64 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[6])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $content;
- let $loaded;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('compass-component', slots, []);
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(6, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(5, $content = value));
- loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "compass-component", loaded, contentCallback);
- let qTag = 0;
- let answers = [];
- let capitalismScore = "";
- let vanguardismScore = "";
- let socialismScore = "";
- function contentCallback(content) {
- for (let q of content.qs) {
- shuffleArray(q.as);
- }
- }
- function next(i) {
- if (answers[i] != undefined) {
- if (qTag < $content.qs.length) {
- if (qTag == $content.qs.length - 1) {
- $$invalidate(2, capitalismScore = Math.round(answers.map(x => x.includes("C")).filter(Boolean).length * 100 / answers.length).toString());
- $$invalidate(3, vanguardismScore = Math.round(answers.map(x => x.includes("V")).filter(Boolean).length * 100 / answers.length).toString());
- $$invalidate(4, socialismScore = Math.round(answers.map(x => x.includes("LS")).filter(Boolean).length * 100 / answers.length).toString());
- }
- $$invalidate(0, qTag = qTag + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- function back(i) {
- if (qTag != 0) {
- $$invalidate(0, qTag = qTag - 1);
- }
- }
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- const $$binding_groups = [[]];
- function input_change_handler() {
- answers[qTag] = this.__value;
- $$invalidate(1, answers);
- }
- const click_handler = a => $$invalidate(1, answers[qTag] = a[1], answers);
- const click_handler_1 = () => back();
- const click_handler_2 = () => next(qTag);
- const click_handler_3 = () => back();
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- writable,
- loadLocaleContent,
- shuffleArray,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- qTag,
- answers,
- capitalismScore,
- vanguardismScore,
- socialismScore,
- contentCallback,
- next,
- back,
- $content,
- $loaded
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(7, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(8, content = $$props.content);
- if ('locale' in $$props) locale = $$props.locale;
- if ('qTag' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, qTag = $$props.qTag);
- if ('answers' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, answers = $$props.answers);
- if ('capitalismScore' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, capitalismScore = $$props.capitalismScore);
- if ('vanguardismScore' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, vanguardismScore = $$props.vanguardismScore);
- if ('socialismScore' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, socialismScore = $$props.socialismScore);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- qTag,
- answers,
- capitalismScore,
- vanguardismScore,
- socialismScore,
- $content,
- $loaded,
- loaded,
- content,
- next,
- back,
- input_change_handler,
- $$binding_groups,
- click_handler,
- click_handler_1,
- click_handler_2,
- click_handler_3
- ];
-class Compass_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("compass-component", Compass_component);
-export { Compass_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as n,a as e,b as i,s as o,e as r,n as s,d as a,c as l,o as m,f as c,t as u,g as p,h as d,j as g,l as h,m as f,q as b,p as v,r as q}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as x}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{loadLocaleContent as _}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import{shuffleArray as z}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js";function w(t,n,e){const i=t.slice();return i[19]=n[e],i[21]=e,i}function y(t){let n,e,r,s,l,m,b,v,q=t[5].heading+"",x=t[0],_=S(t);return{c(){n=c("div"),e=c("div"),r=c("h1"),s=u(q),l=p(),m=c("img"),v=p(),_.c(),d(m,"id","compass-img"),g(m.src,b="/img/common/compass.svg")||d(m,"src","/img/common/compass.svg"),d(m,"alt","compass"),d(e,"id","text-container"),d(n,"id","container")},m(t,o){i(t,n,o),h(n,e),h(e,r),h(r,s),h(e,l),h(e,m),h(e,v),_.m(e,null)},p(t,n){32&n&&q!==(q=t[5].heading+"")&&f(s,q),1&n&&o(x,x=t[0])?(_.d(1),_=S(t),_.c(),_.m(e,null)):_.p(t,n)},d(t){t&&a(n),_.d(t)}}}function k(t){let n,e,o,r,s,l,m,g,v,q,x,_,z,w,y,k,j,C,S,B,M,N,T,D;return{c(){n=c("p"),n.textContent="You are compatible with ...",e=p(),o=c("ul"),r=c("li"),s=u("capitalism by "),l=c("span"),m=u(t[2]),g=u("%"),v=p(),q=c("li"),x=u("vanguardism by "),_=c("span"),z=u(t[3]),w=u("%"),y=p(),k=c("li"),j=u("libertarian socialism by "),C=c("span"),S=u(t[4]),B=u("%"),M=p(),N=c("button"),N.textContent="back",d(o,"class","results-list"),d(N,"class","quiz-buttons")},m(a,c){i(a,n,c),i(a,e,c),i(a,o,c),h(o,r),h(r,s),h(r,l),h(l,m),h(r,g),h(o,v),h(o,q),h(q,x),h(q,_),h(_,z),h(q,w),h(o,y),h(o,k),h(k,j),h(k,C),h(C,S),h(k,B),i(a,M,c),i(a,N,c),T||(D=b(N,"click",t[16]),T=!0)},p(t,n){4&n&&f(m,t[2]),8&n&&f(z,t[3]),16&n&&f(S,t[4])},d(t){t&&a(n),t&&a(e),t&&a(o),t&&a(M),t&&a(N),T=!1,D()}}}function j(t){let n,e,o,r,s,l,m,g,x,_=t[5].qs[t[0]].q+"",z=t[5].qs[t[0]].as,y=[];for(let n=0;ne(6,o=t)));let s=x({});l(t,s,(t=>e(5,i=t))),_(s,"countries",r),_(s,"compass-component",r,(function(t){for(let n of t.qs)z(n.as)}));let a=0,c=[],u="",p="",d="";function g(t){null!=c[t]&&at.includes("C"))).filter(Boolean).length/c.length).toString()),e(3,p=Math.round(100*c.map((t=>t.includes("V"))).filter(Boolean).length/c.length).toString()),e(4,d=Math.round(100*c.map((t=>t.includes("LS"))).filter(Boolean).length/c.length).toString())),e(0,a+=1))}function h(t){0!=a&&e(0,a-=1)}m((()=>{}));return[a,c,u,p,d,i,o,r,s,g,h,function(){c[a]=this.__value,e(1,c)},[[]],t=>e(1,c[a]=t[1],c),()=>h(),()=>g(a),()=>h()]}class T extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",n(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:e(this.attributes),customElement:!0},N,M,o,{},null),t&&t.target&&i(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("compass-component",T);export{T as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/cookies-dialog.js b/Server/public/js/components/cookies-dialog.js
index d4a55c2..79c9c70 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/cookies-dialog.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/cookies-dialog.js
@@ -1,99 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, o as onMount, k as element, n as noop, m as add_location, p as attr_dev, u as append_dev, h as detach_dev } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-/* src\components\cookies-dialog.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\components\\cookies-dialog.svelte";
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let p;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- p = element("p");
- p.textContent = "We use cookies to improve your experience, personalise your content and analyse site usage. By clicking “OK”, you agree to the use of cookies.";
- this.c = noop;
- add_location(p, file, 19, 8, 248);
- add_location(div0, file, 18, 4, 233);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "wrapper");
- add_location(div1, file, 17, 0, 209);
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, p);
- },
- p: noop,
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('cookies-dialog', slots, []);
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount });
- return [];
-class Cookies_dialog extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("cookies-dialog", Cookies_dialog);
-export { Cookies_dialog as default };
+import{S as e,i as s,a as t,b as o,s as i,f as a,n as r,h as n,d as c,o as d}from"./index-4348483d.js";function p(e){let s;return{c(){s=a("div"),s.innerHTML="We use cookies to improve your experience, personalise your content and analyse site usage. By clicking “OK”, you agree to the use of cookies.
",this.c=r,n(s,"id","wrapper")},m(e,t){o(e,s,t)},p:r,i:r,o:r,d(e){e&&c(s)}}}function u(e){return d((()=>{})),[]}class h extends e{constructor(e){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",s(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:t(this.attributes),customElement:!0},u,p,i,{},null),e&&e.target&&o(e.target,this,e.anchor)}}customElements.define("cookies-dialog",h);export{h as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/cooperatives-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/cooperatives-component.js
index d049e46..772910c 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/cooperatives-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/cooperatives-component.js
@@ -1,737 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, g as globals, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, j as validate_each_argument, k as element, t as text, l as space, m as add_location, p as attr_dev, q as src_url_equal, r as set_custom_element_data, u as append_dev, w as set_data_dev, x as destroy_each } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { coopsByCountry, addMarkersCoops } from '../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js';
-/* src\cooperatives-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const { Object: Object_1 } = globals;
-const file = "src\\cooperatives-component.svelte";
-function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[9] = list[i][0];
- child_ctx[10] = list[i][1];
- return child_ctx;
-function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[13] = list[i];
- return child_ctx;
-// (39:4) {#if $loaded==2}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let h1;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].cooperatives + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let img_src_value;
- let t2;
- let p0;
- let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + "";
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let h3;
- let t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + "";
- let t5;
- let t6;
- let map_component;
- let map_component_callback_value;
- let t7;
- let p1;
- let t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0]["map-prompt"] + "";
- let t8;
- let t9;
- let each_value = Object.entries(coopsByCountry);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- h1 = element("h1");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- p0 = element("p");
- t3 = text(t3_value);
- t4 = space();
- h3 = element("h3");
- t5 = text(t5_value);
- t6 = space();
- map_component = element("map-component");
- t7 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- t8 = text(t8_value);
- t9 = space();
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- add_location(h1, file, 41, 16, 1144);
- attr_dev(img, "id", "coops-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/img/common/coops.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "coops");
- add_location(img, file, 42, 16, 1194);
- attr_dev(p0, "class", "description");
- add_location(p0, file, 43, 16, 1272);
- add_location(h3, file, 44, 16, 1330);
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map");
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[8]);
- add_location(map_component, file, 45, 16, 1379);
- attr_dev(p1, "id", "add-prompt");
- add_location(p1, file, 46, 16, 1507);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div0, file, 40, 12, 1101);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "container");
- add_location(div1, file, 39, 8, 1067);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, h1);
- append_dev(h1, t0);
- append_dev(div0, t1);
- append_dev(div0, img);
- append_dev(div0, t2);
- append_dev(div0, p0);
- append_dev(p0, t3);
- append_dev(div0, t4);
- append_dev(div0, h3);
- append_dev(h3, t5);
- append_dev(div0, t6);
- append_dev(div0, map_component);
- append_dev(div0, t7);
- append_dev(div0, p1);
- append_dev(p1, t8);
- append_dev(div0, t9);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].cooperatives + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t5_value !== (t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + "")) set_data_dev(t5, t5_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && map_component_callback_value !== (map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[8])) {
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value);
- }
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t8_value !== (t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0]["map-prompt"] + "")) set_data_dev(t8, t8_value);
- if (dirty & /*Object, coopsByCountry, $content, getAddress, getCountry*/ 193) {
- each_value = Object.entries(coopsByCountry);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(39:4) {#if $loaded==2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (51:24) {#each coops as coop}
-function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
- let div2;
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let p0;
- let b0;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].name + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let t2_value = /*coop*/ ctx[13].name + "";
- let t2;
- let t3;
- let p1;
- let b1;
- let t4_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + "";
- let t4;
- let t5;
- let t6_value = /*getAddress*/ ctx[7](/*coop*/ ctx[13]) + "";
- let t6;
- let t7;
- let p2;
- let b2;
- let t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].market + "";
- let t8;
- let t9;
- let t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*coop*/ ctx[13].market] + "";
- let t10;
- let t11;
- let p3;
- let b3;
- let t12_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].workers + "";
- let t12;
- let t13;
- let t14_value = /*coop*/ ctx[13].workers + "";
- let t14;
- let t15;
- let p4;
- let b4;
- let t16_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].status + "";
- let t16;
- let t17;
- let t18_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*coop*/ ctx[13].status] + "";
- let t18;
- let t19;
- let p5;
- let b5;
- let t20_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].website + "";
- let t20;
- let t21;
- let a0;
- let t22_value = /*coop*/ ctx[13].website[1] + "";
- let t22;
- let t23;
- let p6;
- let b6;
- let t24_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].contact + "";
- let t24;
- let t25;
- let a1;
- let t26_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*coop*/ ctx[13].contact[1]] + "";
- let t26;
- let t27;
- let picture;
- let source0;
- let t28;
- let source1;
- let t29;
- let img;
- let t30;
- let p7;
- let b7;
- let t31_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].description + "";
- let t31;
- let t32;
- let t33_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*coop*/ ctx[13].description] + "";
- let t33;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div2 = element("div");
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- p0 = element("p");
- b0 = element("b");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = text(": ");
- t2 = text(t2_value);
- t3 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- b1 = element("b");
- t4 = text(t4_value);
- t5 = text(": ");
- t6 = text(t6_value);
- t7 = space();
- p2 = element("p");
- b2 = element("b");
- t8 = text(t8_value);
- t9 = text(": ");
- t10 = text(t10_value);
- t11 = space();
- p3 = element("p");
- b3 = element("b");
- t12 = text(t12_value);
- t13 = text(": ");
- t14 = text(t14_value);
- t15 = space();
- p4 = element("p");
- b4 = element("b");
- t16 = text(t16_value);
- t17 = text(": ");
- t18 = text(t18_value);
- t19 = space();
- p5 = element("p");
- b5 = element("b");
- t20 = text(t20_value);
- t21 = text(": ");
- a0 = element("a");
- t22 = text(t22_value);
- t23 = space();
- p6 = element("p");
- b6 = element("b");
- t24 = text(t24_value);
- t25 = text(": ");
- a1 = element("a");
- t26 = text(t26_value);
- t27 = space();
- picture = element("picture");
- source0 = element("source");
- t28 = space();
- source1 = element("source");
- t29 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t30 = space();
- p7 = element("p");
- b7 = element("b");
- t31 = text(t31_value);
- t32 = text(": ");
- t33 = text(t33_value);
- add_location(b0, file, 54, 43, 2001);
- add_location(p0, file, 54, 40, 1998);
- add_location(b1, file, 55, 43, 2085);
- add_location(p1, file, 55, 40, 2082);
- add_location(b2, file, 56, 43, 2180);
- add_location(p2, file, 56, 40, 2177);
- add_location(b3, file, 57, 43, 2278);
- add_location(p3, file, 57, 40, 2275);
- add_location(b4, file, 58, 43, 2368);
- add_location(p4, file, 58, 40, 2365);
- add_location(b5, file, 59, 43, 2466);
- attr_dev(a0, "href", /*coop*/ ctx[13].website[0]);
- attr_dev(a0, "target", "_blank");
- attr_dev(a0, "rel", "noreferrer");
- add_location(a0, file, 59, 70, 2493);
- add_location(p5, file, 59, 40, 2463);
- add_location(b6, file, 60, 43, 2620);
- attr_dev(a1, "href", /*coop*/ ctx[13].contact[0]);
- attr_dev(a1, "target", ";_blank;");
- attr_dev(a1, "rel", "noreferrer");
- add_location(a1, file, 60, 70, 2647);
- add_location(p6, file, 60, 40, 2617);
- add_location(div0, file, 53, 36, 1951);
- attr_dev(source0, "srcset", "/img/coops/" + /*coop*/ ctx[13].logo + ".webp");
- add_location(source0, file, 63, 40, 2872);
- attr_dev(source1, "srcset", "/img/coops/" + /*coop*/ ctx[13].logo + ".png");
- add_location(source1, file, 64, 40, 2963);
- attr_dev(img, "class", "coop-logo");
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "logo");
- add_location(img, file, 65, 40, 3053);
- add_location(picture, file, 62, 36, 2821);
- attr_dev(div1, "class", "img-general-info");
- add_location(div1, file, 52, 32, 1883);
- add_location(b7, file, 68, 35, 3212);
- add_location(p7, file, 68, 32, 3209);
- attr_dev(div2, "class", "location-info");
- add_location(div2, file, 51, 28, 1822);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div2, anchor);
- append_dev(div2, div1);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, p0);
- append_dev(p0, b0);
- append_dev(b0, t0);
- append_dev(b0, t1);
- append_dev(p0, t2);
- append_dev(div0, t3);
- append_dev(div0, p1);
- append_dev(p1, b1);
- append_dev(b1, t4);
- append_dev(b1, t5);
- append_dev(p1, t6);
- append_dev(div0, t7);
- append_dev(div0, p2);
- append_dev(p2, b2);
- append_dev(b2, t8);
- append_dev(b2, t9);
- append_dev(p2, t10);
- append_dev(div0, t11);
- append_dev(div0, p3);
- append_dev(p3, b3);
- append_dev(b3, t12);
- append_dev(b3, t13);
- append_dev(p3, t14);
- append_dev(div0, t15);
- append_dev(div0, p4);
- append_dev(p4, b4);
- append_dev(b4, t16);
- append_dev(b4, t17);
- append_dev(p4, t18);
- append_dev(div0, t19);
- append_dev(div0, p5);
- append_dev(p5, b5);
- append_dev(b5, t20);
- append_dev(b5, t21);
- append_dev(p5, a0);
- append_dev(a0, t22);
- append_dev(div0, t23);
- append_dev(div0, p6);
- append_dev(p6, b6);
- append_dev(b6, t24);
- append_dev(b6, t25);
- append_dev(p6, a1);
- append_dev(a1, t26);
- append_dev(div1, t27);
- append_dev(div1, picture);
- append_dev(picture, source0);
- append_dev(picture, t28);
- append_dev(picture, source1);
- append_dev(picture, t29);
- append_dev(picture, img);
- append_dev(div2, t30);
- append_dev(div2, p7);
- append_dev(p7, b7);
- append_dev(b7, t31);
- append_dev(b7, t32);
- append_dev(p7, t33);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].name + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t4_value !== (t4_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + "")) set_data_dev(t4, t4_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t8_value !== (t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].market + "")) set_data_dev(t8, t8_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t10_value !== (t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*coop*/ ctx[13].market] + "")) set_data_dev(t10, t10_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t12_value !== (t12_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].workers + "")) set_data_dev(t12, t12_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t16_value !== (t16_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].status + "")) set_data_dev(t16, t16_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t18_value !== (t18_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*coop*/ ctx[13].status] + "")) set_data_dev(t18, t18_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t20_value !== (t20_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].website + "")) set_data_dev(t20, t20_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t24_value !== (t24_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].contact + "")) set_data_dev(t24, t24_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t26_value !== (t26_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*coop*/ ctx[13].contact[1]] + "")) set_data_dev(t26, t26_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t31_value !== (t31_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].description + "")) set_data_dev(t31, t31_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t33_value !== (t33_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*coop*/ ctx[13].description] + "")) set_data_dev(t33, t33_value);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div2);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block_1.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(51:24) {#each coops as coop}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (48:16) {#each Object.entries(coopsByCountry) as [name,coops]}
-function create_each_block(ctx) {
- let h4;
- let t0_value = /*getCountry*/ ctx[6](/*name*/ ctx[9]) + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let div;
- let t2;
- let each_value_1 = /*coops*/ ctx[10];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- h4 = element("h4");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- div = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- t2 = space();
- attr_dev(h4, "class", "country-name");
- add_location(h4, file, 48, 20, 1648);
- attr_dev(div, "class", "country-block");
- add_location(div, file, 49, 20, 1718);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, h4, anchor);
- append_dev(h4, t0);
- insert_dev(target, t1, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- append_dev(div, t2);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content, Object, coopsByCountry, getAddress*/ 129) {
- each_value_1 = /*coops*/ ctx[10];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div, t2);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(h4);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t1);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(48:16) {#each Object.entries(coopsByCountry) as [name,coops]}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (38:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(38:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 2 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $content;
- let $loaded;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('cooperatives-component', slots, []);
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(1, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(0, $content = value));
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "cooperatives-component", loaded);
- function mapCallbackCoops(createMap, content) {
- let map = createMap([22, 0], 2);
- addMarkersCoops(map, content, locale);
- }
- function getCountry(name) {
- return locale == "en" ? name : $content[name];
- }
- function getAddress(group) {
- return group.location[0].map(x => locale == "en" ? x : $content[x]).join(", ");
- }
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- const func = createMap => mapCallbackCoops(createMap, $content);
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- writable,
- coopsByCountry,
- addMarkersCoops,
- loadLocaleContent,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- mapCallbackCoops,
- getCountry,
- getAddress,
- $content,
- $loaded
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, content = $$props.content);
- if ('locale' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, locale = $$props.locale);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- $content,
- $loaded,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- mapCallbackCoops,
- getCountry,
- getAddress,
- func
- ];
-class Cooperatives_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("cooperatives-component", Cooperatives_component);
-export { Cooperatives_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as e,a as o,b as n,s as r,e as i,n as a,d as s,c,o as m,f as l,t as p,g,h as d,j as f,k as h,l as u,m as b,p as w}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as x}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{addMarkersCoops as v,coopsByCountry as j}from"../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js";import{loadLocaleContent as k}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function y(t,e,o){const n=t.slice();return n[9]=e[o][0],n[10]=e[o][1],n}function z(t,e,o){const n=t.slice();return n[13]=e[o],n}function D(t){let e,o,r,i,a,c,m,x,v,k,z,D,E,O,R,T,_,A,C,H,L=t[0].cooperatives+"",M=t[0].p1+"",S=t[0].subheading1+"",q=t[0]["map-prompt"]+"",B=Object.entries(j),F=[];for(let e=0;eo(1,r=t)));let a=x({});c(t,a,(t=>o(0,n=t)));let s=k(a,"countries",i);function l(t,e){let o=t([22,0],2);v(o,e,s)}k(a,"cooperatives-component",i),m((()=>{}));return[n,r,i,a,s,l,function(t){return"en"==s?t:n[t]},function(t){return t.location[0].map((t=>"en"==s?t:n[t])).join(", ")},t=>l(t,n)]}class _ extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:o(this.attributes),customElement:!0},T,R,r,{},null),t&&t.target&&n(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("cooperatives-component",_);export{_ as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/footer-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/footer-component.js
index 56d805f..008f55c 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/footer-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/footer-component.js
@@ -1,347 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, k as element, t as text, l as space, G as svg_element, m as add_location, p as attr_dev, D as set_style, u as append_dev, y as listen_dev, w as set_data_dev } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-/* src\footer\footer-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\footer\\footer-component.svelte";
-// (21:4) {#if $loaded==2}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let footer;
- let div2;
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let h2;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].contactUs + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let p0;
- let t2;
- let a0;
- let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].inviteLink + "";
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let p1;
- let t5;
- let a1;
- let t6_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].inviteLink + "";
- let t6;
- let t7;
- let button;
- let svg;
- let g;
- let rect;
- let path;
- let t8;
- let p2;
- let t9;
- let a2;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- footer = element("footer");
- div2 = element("div");
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- h2 = element("h2");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- p0 = element("p");
- t2 = text("Discord: ");
- a0 = element("a");
- t3 = text(t3_value);
- t4 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- t5 = text("WhatsApp: ");
- a1 = element("a");
- t6 = text(t6_value);
- t7 = space();
- button = element("button");
- svg = svg_element("svg");
- g = svg_element("g");
- rect = svg_element("rect");
- path = svg_element("path");
- t8 = space();
- p2 = element("p");
- t9 = text("Licensed under a Creative Commons ");
- a2 = element("a");
- a2.textContent = "CC BY 4.0 license";
- add_location(h2, file, 25, 24, 692);
- attr_dev(a0, "href", "https://discord.gg/Qk8KUk787z");
- attr_dev(a0, "target", "_blank");
- attr_dev(a0, "rel", "noreferrer");
- set_style(a0, "margin-left", "1.8rem");
- add_location(a0, file, 27, 36, 858);
- add_location(p0, file, 27, 24, 846);
- attr_dev(a1, "href", "https://chat.whatsapp.com/BhnmUNljUxJ2AjeHUwyTKh");
- attr_dev(a1, "target", "_blank");
- attr_dev(a1, "rel", "noreferrer");
- set_style(a1, "margin-left", "0.5rem");
- add_location(a1, file, 28, 37, 1026);
- add_location(p1, file, 28, 24, 1013);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "contact-us-container");
- add_location(div0, file, 24, 20, 635);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "footer-grid-content-container");
- attr_dev(div1, "class", "logged");
- add_location(div1, file, 23, 16, 558);
- attr_dev(rect, "id", "Rectangle_146");
- attr_dev(rect, "data-name", "Rectangle 146");
- attr_dev(rect, "width", "11");
- attr_dev(rect, "height", "51");
- attr_dev(rect, "rx", "5.5");
- attr_dev(rect, "transform", "translate(22 24)");
- attr_dev(rect, "fill", "#cb1816");
- add_location(rect, file, 34, 24, 1573);
- attr_dev(path, "id", "Path_1145");
- attr_dev(path, "data-name", "Path 1145");
- attr_dev(path, "d", "M23.814,4.021a5,5,0,0,1,7.372,0l16.134,17.6c2.94,3.207,1.046,10.4-3.686,8.379S28.02,14.081,28.391,13.524,16.544,27.976,11.366,30,4.741,24.828,7.68,21.621Z");
- attr_dev(path, "fill", "#DD1C1A");
- add_location(path, file, 35, 24, 1727);
- attr_dev(g, "id", "Group_268");
- attr_dev(g, "data-name", "Group 268");
- attr_dev(g, "transform", "translate(-6.177 -2.399)");
- add_location(g, file, 33, 24, 1470);
- attr_dev(svg, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
- attr_dev(svg, "width", "42.545");
- attr_dev(svg, "height", "72.601");
- attr_dev(svg, "viewBox", "0 0 42.545 72.601");
- add_location(svg, file, 32, 20, 1345);
- attr_dev(button, "id", "footer-up");
- attr_dev(button, "aria-label", "go up");
- add_location(button, file, 31, 16, 1244);
- attr_dev(a2, "href", "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode ");
- attr_dev(a2, "target", "_blank");
- attr_dev(a2, "rel", "noreferrer");
- add_location(a2, file, 39, 75, 2137);
- attr_dev(p2, "id", "footer-copyright");
- add_location(p2, file, 39, 16, 2078);
- attr_dev(div2, "id", "footer-content-container");
- add_location(div2, file, 22, 12, 505);
- add_location(footer, file, 21, 8, 483);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, footer, anchor);
- append_dev(footer, div2);
- append_dev(div2, div1);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, h2);
- append_dev(h2, t0);
- append_dev(div0, t1);
- append_dev(div0, p0);
- append_dev(p0, t2);
- append_dev(p0, a0);
- append_dev(a0, t3);
- append_dev(div0, t4);
- append_dev(div0, p1);
- append_dev(p1, t5);
- append_dev(p1, a1);
- append_dev(a1, t6);
- append_dev(div2, t7);
- append_dev(div2, button);
- append_dev(button, svg);
- append_dev(svg, g);
- append_dev(g, rect);
- append_dev(g, path);
- append_dev(div2, t8);
- append_dev(div2, p2);
- append_dev(p2, t9);
- append_dev(p2, a2);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[4], false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].contactUs + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].inviteLink + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t6_value !== (t6_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].inviteLink + "")) set_data_dev(t6, t6_value);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(footer);
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(21:4) {#if $loaded==2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (20:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[0] == 2 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[0] == 2) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(20:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[0];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 1 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[0])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $loaded;
- let $content;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('footer-component', slots, []);
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(0, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(1, $content = value));
- loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "footer-component", loaded);
- const writable_props = [];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- const click_handler = () => {
- location.href = '#';
- };
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- writable,
- loadLocaleContent,
- loaded,
- content,
- $loaded,
- $content
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, content = $$props.content);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [$loaded, $content, loaded, content, click_handler];
-class Footer_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("footer-component", Footer_component);
-export { Footer_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as e,a as o,b as r,s as a,e as i,n,d as s,c as m,f as c,t as f,g as d,h as l,v as g,l as h,q as p,m as u}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as b}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{loadLocaleContent as w}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";function v(t){let e,o,a,i,n,m,b,w,v,k,y,x,L,j,z,U,_,C,T,B,H,M,R=t[1].contactUs+"",A=t[1].inviteLink+"",D=t[1].inviteLink+"";return{c(){e=c("footer"),o=c("div"),a=c("div"),i=c("div"),n=c("h2"),m=f(R),b=d(),w=c("p"),v=f("Discord: "),k=c("a"),y=f(A),x=d(),L=c("p"),j=f("WhatsApp: "),z=c("a"),U=f(D),_=d(),C=c("button"),C.innerHTML='',T=d(),B=c("p"),B.innerHTML='Licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license',l(k,"href","https://discord.gg/Qk8KUk787z"),l(k,"target","_blank"),l(k,"rel","noreferrer"),g(k,"margin-left","1.8rem"),l(z,"href","https://chat.whatsapp.com/BhnmUNljUxJ2AjeHUwyTKh"),l(z,"target","_blank"),l(z,"rel","noreferrer"),g(z,"margin-left","0.5rem"),l(i,"id","contact-us-container"),l(a,"id","footer-grid-content-container"),l(a,"class","logged"),l(C,"id","footer-up"),l(C,"aria-label","go up"),l(B,"id","footer-copyright"),l(o,"id","footer-content-container")},m(s,c){r(s,e,c),h(e,o),h(o,a),h(a,i),h(i,n),h(n,m),h(i,b),h(i,w),h(w,v),h(w,k),h(k,y),h(i,x),h(i,L),h(L,j),h(L,z),h(z,U),h(o,_),h(o,C),h(o,T),h(o,B),H||(M=p(C,"click",t[4]),H=!0)},p(t,e){2&e&&R!==(R=t[1].contactUs+"")&&u(m,R),2&e&&A!==(A=t[1].inviteLink+"")&&u(y,A),2&e&&D!==(D=t[1].inviteLink+"")&&u(U,D)},d(t){t&&s(e),H=!1,M()}}}function k(t){let e,o=2==t[0]&&v(t);return{c(){o&&o.c(),e=i()},m(t,a){o&&o.m(t,a),r(t,e,a)},p(t,r){2==t[0]?o?o.p(t,r):(o=v(t),o.c(),o.m(e.parentNode,e)):o&&(o.d(1),o=null)},d(t){o&&o.d(t),t&&s(e)}}}function y(t){let e,o=t[0],m=k(t);return{c(){m.c(),e=i(),this.c=n},m(t,o){m.m(t,o),r(t,e,o)},p(t,[r]){1&r&&a(o,o=t[0])?(m.d(1),m=k(t),m.c(),m.m(e.parentNode,e)):m.p(t,r)},i:n,o:n,d(t){t&&s(e),m.d(t)}}}function x(t,e,o){let r,a,i=b(0);m(t,i,(t=>o(0,r=t)));let n=b({});m(t,n,(t=>o(1,a=t))),w(n,"countries",i),w(n,"footer-component",i);return[r,a,i,n,()=>{location.href="#"}]}class L extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:o(this.attributes),customElement:!0},x,y,a,{},null),t&&t.target&&r(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("footer-component",L);export{L as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/groups-add-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/groups-add-component.js
index b2bad9e..56bd051 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/groups-add-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/groups-add-component.js
@@ -1,482 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, C as binding_callbacks, k as element, l as space, m as add_location, p as attr_dev, q as src_url_equal, r as set_custom_element_data, u as append_dev, y as listen_dev } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { groupsByCountry, addMarkersGroups } from '../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent, getData, sendText } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js';
-/* src\groups-add-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\groups-add-component.svelte";
-// (106:4) {#if $loaded==2}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let h1;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let img_src_value;
- let t2;
- let p;
- let t4;
- let ol;
- let li0;
- let t6;
- let li1;
- let t8;
- let li2;
- let t10;
- let li3;
- let t12;
- let label0;
- let input0;
- let br;
- let t14;
- let label1;
- let input1;
- let t16;
- let button;
- let t18;
- let map_component;
- let map_component_callback_value;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- h1 = element("h1");
- h1.textContent = "Add a Group";
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- p = element("p");
- p.textContent = "If there are no groups in your town with whom you can organize then do the following:";
- t4 = space();
- ol = element("ol");
- li0 = element("li");
- li0.textContent = "Click on the map to show us where you are located;";
- t6 = space();
- li1 = element("li");
- li1.textContent = "Add a way to contact you or leave blank for a pin to point to our discord;";
- t8 = space();
- li2 = element("li");
- li2.textContent = "Press \"Submit\" to add yourself to our map;";
- t10 = space();
- li3 = element("li");
- li3.textContent = "Verify yourself by having a chat with us at our Discord server to show on the map;";
- t12 = space();
- label0 = element("label");
- label0.textContent = "Location: ";
- input0 = element("input");
- br = element("br");
- t14 = space();
- label1 = element("label");
- label1.textContent = "Contact: ";
- input1 = element("input");
- t16 = space();
- button = element("button");
- button.textContent = "Submit";
- t18 = space();
- map_component = element("map-component");
- add_location(h1, file, 109, 16, 3530);
- attr_dev(img, "id", "groups-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/img/common/groups.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "groups");
- add_location(img, file, 110, 16, 3568);
- attr_dev(p, "class", "description");
- add_location(p, file, 111, 16, 3649);
- add_location(li0, file, 113, 20, 3805);
- add_location(li1, file, 114, 20, 3886);
- add_location(li2, file, 115, 20, 3991);
- add_location(li3, file, 116, 20, 4064);
- add_location(ol, file, 112, 16, 3779);
- attr_dev(label0, "for", "address-input");
- add_location(label0, file, 118, 16, 4196);
- attr_dev(input0, "id", "address-input");
- attr_dev(input0, "type", "text");
- input0.readOnly = true;
- add_location(input0, file, 118, 61, 4241);
- add_location(br, file, 118, 133, 4313);
- attr_dev(label1, "for", "contact-input");
- add_location(label1, file, 119, 16, 4335);
- attr_dev(input1, "id", "contact-input");
- attr_dev(input1, "type", "text");
- add_location(input1, file, 119, 60, 4379);
- attr_dev(button, "id", "submit-button");
- add_location(button, file, 120, 16, 4460);
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map");
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[11]);
- add_location(map_component, file, 121, 16, 4546);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div0, file, 108, 12, 3487);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "container");
- add_location(div1, file, 106, 8, 3384);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, h1);
- append_dev(div0, t1);
- append_dev(div0, img);
- append_dev(div0, t2);
- append_dev(div0, p);
- append_dev(div0, t4);
- append_dev(div0, ol);
- append_dev(ol, li0);
- append_dev(ol, t6);
- append_dev(ol, li1);
- append_dev(ol, t8);
- append_dev(ol, li2);
- append_dev(ol, t10);
- append_dev(ol, li3);
- append_dev(div0, t12);
- append_dev(div0, label0);
- append_dev(div0, input0);
- /*input0_binding*/ ctx[9](input0);
- append_dev(div0, br);
- append_dev(div0, t14);
- append_dev(div0, label1);
- append_dev(div0, input1);
- /*input1_binding*/ ctx[10](input1);
- append_dev(div0, t16);
- append_dev(div0, button);
- append_dev(div0, t18);
- append_dev(div0, map_component);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*submitLocation*/ ctx[8], false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && map_component_callback_value !== (map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[11])) {
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value);
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- /*input0_binding*/ ctx[9](null);
- /*input1_binding*/ ctx[10](null);
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(106:4) {#if $loaded==2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (105:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[2] == 2 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[2] == 2) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(105:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[2];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 4 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[2])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function createPin(lat, lng) {
- let markerIcon = new L.Icon({
- iconUrl: '/img/common/markers/marker-black.png',
- shadowUrl: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/0.7.7/images/marker-shadow.png',
- iconSize: [25, 41],
- iconAnchor: [12, 41],
- popupAnchor: [1, -34],
- shadowSize: [41, 41]
- });
- return L.marker([lat, lng], { icon: markerIcon });
-function updatePin(marker, lat, lng) {
- let newLatLng = L.latLng(lat, lng); // Replace with the desired coordinates
- marker.setLatLng(newLatLng);
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $loaded;
- let $content;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('groups-add-component', slots, []);
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(2, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(3, $content = value));
- let addressInput;
- let contactInput;
- let addressVec;
- let userPinLat = 0;
- let userPinLng = 0;
- let userPin = createPin(0, 0);
- userPin.setOpacity(0);
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "groups-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- function reverseGeocode(latitude, longitude) {
- let url = `https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?lat=${latitude}&lon=${longitude}&format=jsonv2`;
- let callback = response => {
- // Parse the response JSON
- response = JSON.parse(response);
- // Extract the address information from the response
- let address = response.address;
- let city = address.city || address.town || address.village || address.hamlet;
- let state = address.state;
- let country = address.country;
- let fullAddress = country;
- if (state != undefined) {
- fullAddress += ", " + state;
- } else {
- state = "";
- }
- if (city != undefined) {
- fullAddress += ", " + city;
- } else {
- city = "";
- }
- $$invalidate(0, addressInput.value = fullAddress, addressInput);
- addressVec = [country, state, city];
- };
- getData(url, callback);
- }
- function mapCallbackGroups(createMap, content, locale) {
- let map = createMap([22, 0], 2);
- addMarkersGroups(map, content, locale);
- userPin.addTo(map);
- map.on('click', function (event) {
- let lat = event.latlng.lat;
- let lng = event.latlng.lng;
- userPinLat = lat;
- userPinLng = lng;
- updatePin(userPin, lat, lng);
- userPin.setOpacity(1);
- reverseGeocode(lat, lng);
- });
- }
- function submitLocation() {
- if (addressVec != undefined) {
- let data = [...addressVec, userPinLat, userPinLng, contactInput.value];
- let url = "/" + locale + "/groups-add-post/";
- sendText(url, JSON.stringify(data));
- }
- }
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function input0_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- addressInput = $$value;
- $$invalidate(0, addressInput);
- });
- }
- function input1_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- contactInput = $$value;
- $$invalidate(1, contactInput);
- });
- }
- const func = createMap => mapCallbackGroups(createMap, $content, locale);
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- writable,
- groupsByCountry,
- addMarkersGroups,
- loadLocaleContent,
- getData,
- sendText,
- loaded,
- content,
- addressInput,
- contactInput,
- addressVec,
- userPinLat,
- userPinLng,
- userPin,
- locale,
- createPin,
- updatePin,
- reverseGeocode,
- mapCallbackGroups,
- submitLocation,
- $loaded,
- $content
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, content = $$props.content);
- if ('addressInput' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, addressInput = $$props.addressInput);
- if ('contactInput' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, contactInput = $$props.contactInput);
- if ('addressVec' in $$props) addressVec = $$props.addressVec;
- if ('userPinLat' in $$props) userPinLat = $$props.userPinLat;
- if ('userPinLng' in $$props) userPinLng = $$props.userPinLng;
- if ('userPin' in $$props) userPin = $$props.userPin;
- if ('locale' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, locale = $$props.locale);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- addressInput,
- contactInput,
- $loaded,
- $content,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- mapCallbackGroups,
- submitLocation,
- input0_binding,
- input1_binding,
- func
- ];
-class Groups_add_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("groups-add-component", Groups_add_component);
-export { Groups_add_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as o,a as n,b as e,s as r,e as i,n as a,d as s,c as m,o as l,w as c,f as u,g as p,h as d,j as g,k as f,l as h,q as b}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{addMarkersGroups as y}from"../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js";import{loadLocaleContent as x,getData as v,sendText as k}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function j(t){let o,n,r,i,a,m,l,c,w,y,x,v,k,j,L,z,S,C,T,N,O,A,H,M,q,D;return{c(){o=u("div"),n=u("div"),r=u("h1"),r.textContent="Add a Group",i=p(),a=u("img"),l=p(),c=u("p"),c.textContent="If there are no groups in your town with whom you can organize then do the following:",w=p(),y=u("ol"),y.innerHTML="Click on the map to show us where you are located; \n Add a way to contact you or leave blank for a pin to point to our discord; \n Press "Submit" to add yourself to our map; \n Verify yourself by having a chat with us at our Discord server to show on the map;",x=p(),v=u("label"),v.textContent="Location: ",k=u("input"),j=u("br"),L=p(),z=u("label"),z.textContent="Contact: ",S=u("input"),C=p(),T=u("button"),T.textContent="Submit",N=p(),O=u("p"),A=p(),H=u("map-component"),d(a,"id","groups-img"),g(a.src,m="/img/common/groups.svg")||d(a,"src","/img/common/groups.svg"),d(a,"alt","groups"),d(c,"class","description"),d(v,"for","address-input"),d(k,"id","address-input"),d(k,"type","text"),k.readOnly=!0,d(z,"for","contact-input"),d(S,"id","contact-input"),d(S,"type","text"),d(T,"id","submit-button"),d(O,"id","confirmation-msg"),f(H,"id","map"),f(H,"callback",M=t[13]),d(n,"id","text-container"),d(o,"id","container")},m(s,m){e(s,o,m),h(o,n),h(n,r),h(n,i),h(n,a),h(n,l),h(n,c),h(n,w),h(n,y),h(n,x),h(n,v),h(n,k),t[10](k),h(n,j),h(n,L),h(n,z),h(n,S),t[11](S),h(n,C),h(n,T),h(n,N),h(n,O),t[12](O),h(n,A),h(n,H),q||(D=b(T,"click",t[9]),q=!0)},p(t,o){16&o&&M!==(M=t[13])&&f(H,"callback",M)},d(n){n&&s(o),t[10](null),t[11](null),t[12](null),q=!1,D()}}}function z(t){let o,n=2==t[3]&&j(t);return{c(){n&&n.c(),o=i()},m(t,r){n&&n.m(t,r),e(t,o,r)},p(t,e){2==t[3]?n?n.p(t,e):(n=j(t),n.c(),n.m(o.parentNode,o)):n&&(n.d(1),n=null)},d(t){n&&n.d(t),t&&s(o)}}}function S(t){let o,n=t[3],m=z(t);return{c(){m.c(),o=i(),this.c=a},m(t,n){m.m(t,n),e(t,o,n)},p(t,[e]){8&e&&r(n,n=t[3])?(m.d(1),m=z(t),m.c(),m.m(o.parentNode,o)):m.p(t,e)},i:a,o:a,d(t){t&&s(o),m.d(t)}}}function C(t,o,n){let e,r,i=w(0);m(t,i,(t=>n(3,e=t)));let a,s,u,p,d=w({});m(t,d,(t=>n(4,r=t)));let g=0,f=0,h=function(t,o){let n=new L.Icon({iconUrl:"/img/common/markers/marker-black.png",shadowUrl:"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/0.7.7/images/marker-shadow.png",iconSize:[25,41],iconAnchor:[12,41],popupAnchor:[1,-34],shadowSize:[41,41]});return L.marker([t,o],{icon:n})}(0,0);h.setOpacity(0);let b=x(d,"groups-component",i);function j(t,o,e){let r=t([22,0],2);y(r,o,e),h.addTo(r),r.on("click",(function(t){let o=t.latlng.lat,e=t.latlng.lng;g=o,f=e,function(t,o,n){let e=L.latLng(o,n);t.setLatLng(e)}(h,o,e),h.setOpacity(1),v(`https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?lat=${o}&lon=${e}&format=jsonv2`,(t=>{let o=(t=JSON.parse(t)).address,e=o.city||o.town||o.village||o.hamlet,r=o.state,i=o.country,a=i;null!=r?a+=", "+r:r="",null!=e?a+=", "+e:e="",n(1,s.value=a,s),p=[i,r,e]}))}))}function z(t){!1!==t?(n(0,a.innerHTML="You have been added to our database! Now go to our Discord to verify yourself.",a),n(0,a.style.color="green",a)):(n(0,a.innerHTML="Something went wrong.",a),n(0,a.style.color="red",a))}x(d,"countries",i),l((()=>{}));return[a,s,u,e,r,i,d,b,j,function(){if(null!=p){let t=[...p,g,f,u.value];k("/"+b+"/groups-add-post/",JSON.stringify(t),z)}},function(t){c[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{s=t,n(1,s)}))},function(t){c[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{u=t,n(2,u)}))},function(t){c[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{a=t,n(0,a)}))},t=>j(t,r,b)]}class T extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",o(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:n(this.attributes),customElement:!0},C,S,r,{},null),t&&t.target&&e(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("groups-add-component",T);export{T as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/groups-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/groups-component.js
index 286ad32..56b47ba 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/groups-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/groups-component.js
@@ -1,576 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, g as globals, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, j as validate_each_argument, k as element, t as text, l as space, m as add_location, p as attr_dev, q as src_url_equal, r as set_custom_element_data, u as append_dev, w as set_data_dev, x as destroy_each } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { groupsByCountry, addMarkersGroups } from '../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent, getData, sendData } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js';
-/* src\groups-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const { Object: Object_1 } = globals;
-const file = "src\\groups-component.svelte";
-function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[9] = list[i][0];
- child_ctx[10] = list[i][1];
- return child_ctx;
-function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[13] = list[i];
- return child_ctx;
-// (39:4) {#if $loaded==2}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let h1;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].groups + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let img_src_value;
- let t2;
- let p0;
- let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + "";
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let h3;
- let t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + "";
- let t5;
- let t6;
- let map_component;
- let map_component_callback_value;
- let t7;
- let p1;
- let t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0]["map-prompt"] + "";
- let t8;
- let t9;
- let each_value = Object.entries(groupsByCountry);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- h1 = element("h1");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- p0 = element("p");
- t3 = text(t3_value);
- t4 = space();
- h3 = element("h3");
- t5 = text(t5_value);
- t6 = space();
- map_component = element("map-component");
- t7 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- t8 = text(t8_value);
- t9 = space();
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- add_location(h1, file, 42, 16, 1236);
- attr_dev(img, "id", "groups-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/img/common/groups.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "groups");
- add_location(img, file, 43, 16, 1280);
- attr_dev(p0, "class", "description");
- add_location(p0, file, 44, 16, 1361);
- add_location(h3, file, 45, 16, 1419);
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map");
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[8]);
- add_location(map_component, file, 46, 16, 1468);
- attr_dev(p1, "id", "add-prompt");
- add_location(p1, file, 47, 16, 1597);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div0, file, 41, 12, 1193);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "container");
- add_location(div1, file, 39, 8, 1090);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, h1);
- append_dev(h1, t0);
- append_dev(div0, t1);
- append_dev(div0, img);
- append_dev(div0, t2);
- append_dev(div0, p0);
- append_dev(p0, t3);
- append_dev(div0, t4);
- append_dev(div0, h3);
- append_dev(h3, t5);
- append_dev(div0, t6);
- append_dev(div0, map_component);
- append_dev(div0, t7);
- append_dev(div0, p1);
- append_dev(p1, t8);
- append_dev(div0, t9);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].groups + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t5_value !== (t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + "")) set_data_dev(t5, t5_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && map_component_callback_value !== (map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[8])) {
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value);
- }
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t8_value !== (t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0]["map-prompt"] + "")) set_data_dev(t8, t8_value);
- if (dirty & /*Object, groupsByCountry, $content, getAddress, getCountry*/ 193) {
- each_value = Object.entries(groupsByCountry);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(39:4) {#if $loaded==2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (52:24) {#each groups as group}
-function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
- let div;
- let p0;
- let b0;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let t2_value = /*getAddress*/ ctx[7](/*group*/ ctx[13]) + "";
- let t2;
- let t3;
- let p1;
- let b1;
- let t4_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].members + "";
- let t4;
- let t5;
- let t6_value = /*group*/ ctx[13].members + "";
- let t6;
- let t7;
- let p2;
- let b2;
- let t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].contact + "";
- let t8;
- let t9;
- let a;
- let t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*group*/ ctx[13].contact[1]] + "";
- let t10;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div = element("div");
- p0 = element("p");
- b0 = element("b");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = text(": ");
- t2 = text(t2_value);
- t3 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- b1 = element("b");
- t4 = text(t4_value);
- t5 = text(": ");
- t6 = text(t6_value);
- t7 = space();
- p2 = element("p");
- b2 = element("b");
- t8 = text(t8_value);
- t9 = text(": ");
- a = element("a");
- t10 = text(t10_value);
- add_location(b0, file, 53, 35, 1980);
- add_location(p0, file, 53, 32, 1977);
- add_location(b1, file, 54, 35, 2068);
- add_location(p1, file, 54, 32, 2065);
- add_location(b2, file, 55, 35, 2151);
- attr_dev(a, "href", /*group*/ ctx[13].contact[0]);
- attr_dev(a, "target", ";_blank;");
- attr_dev(a, "rel", "noreferrer");
- add_location(a, file, 55, 62, 2178);
- add_location(p2, file, 55, 32, 2148);
- attr_dev(div, "class", "location-info");
- add_location(div, file, 52, 28, 1916);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- append_dev(div, p0);
- append_dev(p0, b0);
- append_dev(b0, t0);
- append_dev(b0, t1);
- append_dev(p0, t2);
- append_dev(div, t3);
- append_dev(div, p1);
- append_dev(p1, b1);
- append_dev(b1, t4);
- append_dev(b1, t5);
- append_dev(p1, t6);
- append_dev(div, t7);
- append_dev(div, p2);
- append_dev(p2, b2);
- append_dev(b2, t8);
- append_dev(b2, t9);
- append_dev(p2, a);
- append_dev(a, t10);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t4_value !== (t4_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].members + "")) set_data_dev(t4, t4_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t8_value !== (t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].contact + "")) set_data_dev(t8, t8_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t10_value !== (t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*group*/ ctx[13].contact[1]] + "")) set_data_dev(t10, t10_value);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block_1.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(52:24) {#each groups as group}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (49:16) {#each Object.entries(groupsByCountry) as [name,groups]}
-function create_each_block(ctx) {
- let h4;
- let t0_value = /*getCountry*/ ctx[6](/*name*/ ctx[9]) + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let div;
- let t2;
- let each_value_1 = /*groups*/ ctx[10];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- h4 = element("h4");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- div = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- t2 = space();
- attr_dev(h4, "class", "country-name");
- add_location(h4, file, 49, 20, 1740);
- attr_dev(div, "class", "country-block");
- add_location(div, file, 50, 20, 1810);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, h4, anchor);
- append_dev(h4, t0);
- insert_dev(target, t1, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- append_dev(div, t2);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*Object, groupsByCountry, $content, getAddress*/ 129) {
- each_value_1 = /*groups*/ ctx[10];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div, t2);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(h4);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t1);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(49:16) {#each Object.entries(groupsByCountry) as [name,groups]}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (38:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(38:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 2 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $content;
- let $loaded;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('groups-component', slots, []);
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(1, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(0, $content = value));
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "groups-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- function mapCallbackGroups(createMap, content, locale) {
- let map = createMap([22, 0], 2);
- addMarkersGroups(map, content, locale);
- }
- function getCountry(name) {
- return locale == "en" ? name : $content[name];
- }
- function getAddress(group) {
- return group.location[0].map(x => locale == "en" ? x : $content[x]).join(", ");
- }
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- const func = createMap => mapCallbackGroups(createMap, $content, locale);
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- writable,
- groupsByCountry,
- addMarkersGroups,
- loadLocaleContent,
- getData,
- sendData,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- mapCallbackGroups,
- getCountry,
- getAddress,
- $content,
- $loaded
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, content = $$props.content);
- if ('locale' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, locale = $$props.locale);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- $content,
- $loaded,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- mapCallbackGroups,
- getCountry,
- getAddress,
- func
- ];
-class Groups_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("groups-component", Groups_component);
-export { Groups_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as o,a as n,b as e,s as r,e as i,n as m,d as a,c as s,o as c,f as l,t as p,g,h as u,j as d,k as h,l as f,m as b,p as j}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as x}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{addMarkersGroups as v,groupsByCountry as w}from"../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js";import{loadLocaleContent as y}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function k(t,o,n){const e=t.slice();return e[9]=o[n][0],e[10]=o[n][1],e}function z(t,o,n){const e=t.slice();return e[13]=o[n],e}function D(t){let o,n,r,i,m,s,c,x,v,y,z,D,E,O,R,T,A,C,H,L,M=t[0].groups+"",S=t[0].p1+"",_=t[0].subheading1+"",q=t[0]["map-prompt"]+"",B=Object.entries(w),F=[];for(let o=0;on(1,r=t)));let m=x({});s(t,m,(t=>n(0,e=t)));let a=y(m,"groups-component",i);function l(t,o,n){let e=t([22,0],2);v(e,o,n)}y(m,"countries",i),c((()=>{}));return[e,r,i,m,a,l,function(t){return"en"==a?t:e[t]},function(t){return t.location[0].map((t=>"en"==a?t:e[t])).join(", ")},t=>l(t,e,a)]}class A extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",o(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:n(this.attributes),customElement:!0},T,R,r,{},null),t&&t.target&&e(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("groups-component",A);export{A as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/join-us-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/join-us-component.js
index 8ceec18..f8d57d8 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/join-us-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/join-us-component.js
@@ -1,596 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, k as element, t as text, l as space, m as add_location, q as src_url_equal, p as attr_dev, r as set_custom_element_data, u as append_dev, w as set_data_dev } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { addMarkersGroups, groupsMarkersLayer } from '../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js';
-import { addMarkersCoops, coopsMarkersLayer } from '../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js';
-import { addMarkersCommunes, communesMarkersLayer } from '../../../../../../../../../js/communes.js';
-import { addMarkersParties, partiesMarkersLayer } from '../../../../../../../../../js/parties.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js';
-/* src\join-us-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\join-us-component.svelte";
-// (49:4) {#if $loaded==6}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let div2;
- let div1;
- let h1;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].heading + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let img_src_value;
- let t2;
- let ol0;
- let li0;
- let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].condition1 + "";
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let li1;
- let t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].condition2 + "";
- let t5;
- let t6;
- let li2;
- let t7_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].condition3 + "";
- let t7;
- let t8;
- let p0;
- let raw_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].conditionsOutcome + "";
- let t9;
- let h20;
- let t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].subheading1 + "";
- let t10;
- let t11;
- let ol1;
- let li3;
- let t12_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition1 + "";
- let t12;
- let t13;
- let li4;
- let t14_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition2 + "";
- let t14;
- let t15;
- let li5;
- let t16_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition3 + "";
- let t16;
- let t17;
- let li6;
- let t18_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition4 + "";
- let t18;
- let t19;
- let p1;
- let t20_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition5 + "";
- let t20;
- let t21;
- let h21;
- let t22_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].subheading2 + "";
- let t22;
- let t23;
- let div0;
- let p2;
- let t24_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].findOur + "";
- let t24;
- let t25;
- let ol2;
- let li7;
- let a0;
- let t26_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].group + "";
- let t26;
- let t27;
- let t28;
- let li8;
- let a1;
- let t29_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].commune + "";
- let t29;
- let t30;
- let li9;
- let a2;
- let t31_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].cooperative + "";
- let t31;
- let t32;
- let t33_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].or + "";
- let t33;
- let t34;
- let li10;
- let a3;
- let t35_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].party + "";
- let t35;
- let t36;
- let p3;
- let t37_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].nearYou + "";
- let t37;
- let t38;
- let p4;
- let t39_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].noneNear + "";
- let t39;
- let t40;
- let a4;
- let t41_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].WhatsAppGroup + "";
- let t41;
- let t42;
- let t43_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].or + "";
- let t43;
- let t44;
- let a5;
- let t45_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].DiscordServer + "";
- let t45;
- let t46_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].helpStart + "";
- let t46;
- let t47;
- let map_component;
- let map_component_callback_value;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div2 = element("div");
- div1 = element("div");
- h1 = element("h1");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- ol0 = element("ol");
- li0 = element("li");
- t3 = text(t3_value);
- t4 = space();
- li1 = element("li");
- t5 = text(t5_value);
- t6 = space();
- li2 = element("li");
- t7 = text(t7_value);
- t8 = space();
- p0 = element("p");
- t9 = space();
- h20 = element("h2");
- t10 = text(t10_value);
- t11 = space();
- ol1 = element("ol");
- li3 = element("li");
- t12 = text(t12_value);
- t13 = space();
- li4 = element("li");
- t14 = text(t14_value);
- t15 = space();
- li5 = element("li");
- t16 = text(t16_value);
- t17 = space();
- li6 = element("li");
- t18 = text(t18_value);
- t19 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- t20 = text(t20_value);
- t21 = space();
- h21 = element("h2");
- t22 = text(t22_value);
- t23 = space();
- div0 = element("div");
- p2 = element("p");
- t24 = text(t24_value);
- t25 = space();
- ol2 = element("ol");
- li7 = element("li");
- a0 = element("a");
- t26 = text(t26_value);
- t27 = text(",");
- t28 = space();
- li8 = element("li");
- a1 = element("a");
- t29 = text(t29_value);
- t30 = space();
- li9 = element("li");
- a2 = element("a");
- t31 = text(t31_value);
- t32 = space();
- t33 = text(t33_value);
- t34 = space();
- li10 = element("li");
- a3 = element("a");
- t35 = text(t35_value);
- t36 = space();
- p3 = element("p");
- t37 = text(t37_value);
- t38 = space();
- p4 = element("p");
- t39 = text(t39_value);
- t40 = space();
- a4 = element("a");
- t41 = text(t41_value);
- t42 = space();
- t43 = text(t43_value);
- t44 = space();
- a5 = element("a");
- t45 = text(t45_value);
- t46 = text(t46_value);
- t47 = space();
- map_component = element("map-component");
- add_location(h1, file, 51, 16, 1794);
- if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/img/common/join-group.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
- attr_dev(img, "id", "join-group");
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "join group");
- add_location(img, file, 52, 16, 1839);
- add_location(li0, file, 54, 20, 1974);
- add_location(li1, file, 55, 20, 2026);
- add_location(li2, file, 56, 20, 2078);
- add_location(p0, file, 57, 20, 2130);
- attr_dev(ol0, "id", "condition-list");
- add_location(ol0, file, 53, 16, 1928);
- add_location(h20, file, 59, 16, 2212);
- add_location(li3, file, 61, 20, 2315);
- add_location(li4, file, 62, 20, 2374);
- add_location(li5, file, 63, 20, 2433);
- add_location(li6, file, 64, 20, 2492);
- add_location(p1, file, 65, 20, 2551);
- attr_dev(ol1, "id", "value-proposition-list");
- add_location(ol1, file, 60, 16, 2261);
- add_location(h21, file, 67, 16, 2627);
- add_location(p2, file, 69, 20, 2728);
- attr_dev(a0, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[4] + "/groups");
- add_location(a0, file, 71, 28, 2828);
- add_location(li7, file, 71, 24, 2824);
- attr_dev(a1, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[4] + "/communes");
- add_location(a1, file, 72, 28, 2920);
- add_location(li8, file, 72, 24, 2916);
- attr_dev(a2, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[4] + "/cooperatives");
- add_location(a2, file, 73, 28, 3015);
- add_location(li9, file, 73, 24, 3011);
- attr_dev(a3, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[4] + "/parties");
- add_location(a3, file, 74, 28, 3131);
- add_location(li10, file, 74, 24, 3127);
- attr_dev(ol2, "id", "entities-list");
- add_location(ol2, file, 70, 20, 2775);
- add_location(p3, file, 76, 20, 3242);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "call-to-action-list");
- add_location(div0, file, 68, 16, 2676);
- attr_dev(a4, "href", "https://chat.whatsapp.com/BhnmUNljUxJ2AjeHUwyTKh");
- attr_dev(a4, "target", "_blank");
- attr_dev(a4, "rel", "noreferrer");
- add_location(a4, file, 78, 39, 3332);
- attr_dev(a5, "href", "https://discord.gg/Qk8KUk787z");
- attr_dev(a5, "target", "_blank");
- attr_dev(a5, "rel", "noreferrer");
- add_location(a5, file, 78, 172, 3465);
- add_location(p4, file, 78, 16, 3309);
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map");
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[6]);
- add_location(map_component, file, 79, 16, 3606);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div1, file, 50, 12, 1751);
- attr_dev(div2, "id", "container");
- add_location(div2, file, 49, 8, 1717);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div2, anchor);
- append_dev(div2, div1);
- append_dev(div1, h1);
- append_dev(h1, t0);
- append_dev(div1, t1);
- append_dev(div1, img);
- append_dev(div1, t2);
- append_dev(div1, ol0);
- append_dev(ol0, li0);
- append_dev(li0, t3);
- append_dev(ol0, t4);
- append_dev(ol0, li1);
- append_dev(li1, t5);
- append_dev(ol0, t6);
- append_dev(ol0, li2);
- append_dev(li2, t7);
- append_dev(ol0, t8);
- append_dev(ol0, p0);
- p0.innerHTML = raw_value;
- append_dev(div1, t9);
- append_dev(div1, h20);
- append_dev(h20, t10);
- append_dev(div1, t11);
- append_dev(div1, ol1);
- append_dev(ol1, li3);
- append_dev(li3, t12);
- append_dev(ol1, t13);
- append_dev(ol1, li4);
- append_dev(li4, t14);
- append_dev(ol1, t15);
- append_dev(ol1, li5);
- append_dev(li5, t16);
- append_dev(ol1, t17);
- append_dev(ol1, li6);
- append_dev(li6, t18);
- append_dev(ol1, t19);
- append_dev(ol1, p1);
- append_dev(p1, t20);
- append_dev(div1, t21);
- append_dev(div1, h21);
- append_dev(h21, t22);
- append_dev(div1, t23);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, p2);
- append_dev(p2, t24);
- append_dev(div0, t25);
- append_dev(div0, ol2);
- append_dev(ol2, li7);
- append_dev(li7, a0);
- append_dev(a0, t26);
- append_dev(li7, t27);
- append_dev(ol2, t28);
- append_dev(ol2, li8);
- append_dev(li8, a1);
- append_dev(a1, t29);
- append_dev(ol2, t30);
- append_dev(ol2, li9);
- append_dev(li9, a2);
- append_dev(a2, t31);
- append_dev(li9, t32);
- append_dev(li9, t33);
- append_dev(ol2, t34);
- append_dev(ol2, li10);
- append_dev(li10, a3);
- append_dev(a3, t35);
- append_dev(div0, t36);
- append_dev(div0, p3);
- append_dev(p3, t37);
- append_dev(div1, t38);
- append_dev(div1, p4);
- append_dev(p4, t39);
- append_dev(p4, t40);
- append_dev(p4, a4);
- append_dev(a4, t41);
- append_dev(p4, t42);
- append_dev(p4, t43);
- append_dev(p4, t44);
- append_dev(p4, a5);
- append_dev(a5, t45);
- append_dev(p4, t46);
- append_dev(div1, t47);
- append_dev(div1, map_component);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].heading + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].condition1 + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t5_value !== (t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].condition2 + "")) set_data_dev(t5, t5_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t7_value !== (t7_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].condition3 + "")) set_data_dev(t7, t7_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && raw_value !== (raw_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].conditionsOutcome + "")) p0.innerHTML = raw_value; if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t10_value !== (t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].subheading1 + "")) set_data_dev(t10, t10_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t12_value !== (t12_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition1 + "")) set_data_dev(t12, t12_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t14_value !== (t14_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition2 + "")) set_data_dev(t14, t14_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t16_value !== (t16_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition3 + "")) set_data_dev(t16, t16_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t18_value !== (t18_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition4 + "")) set_data_dev(t18, t18_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t20_value !== (t20_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].valueProposition5 + "")) set_data_dev(t20, t20_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t22_value !== (t22_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].subheading2 + "")) set_data_dev(t22, t22_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t24_value !== (t24_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].findOur + "")) set_data_dev(t24, t24_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t26_value !== (t26_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].group + "")) set_data_dev(t26, t26_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t29_value !== (t29_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].commune + "")) set_data_dev(t29, t29_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t31_value !== (t31_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].cooperative + "")) set_data_dev(t31, t31_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t33_value !== (t33_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].or + "")) set_data_dev(t33, t33_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t35_value !== (t35_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].party + "")) set_data_dev(t35, t35_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t37_value !== (t37_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].nearYou + "")) set_data_dev(t37, t37_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t39_value !== (t39_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].noneNear + "")) set_data_dev(t39, t39_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t41_value !== (t41_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].WhatsAppGroup + "")) set_data_dev(t41, t41_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t43_value !== (t43_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].or + "")) set_data_dev(t43, t43_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t45_value !== (t45_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].DiscordServer + "")) set_data_dev(t45, t45_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && t46_value !== (t46_value = /*$content*/ ctx[1].helpStart + "")) set_data_dev(t46, t46_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 2 && map_component_callback_value !== (map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[6])) {
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value);
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div2);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(49:4) {#if $loaded==6}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (48:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[0] == 6 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[0] == 6) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(48:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[0];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 1 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[0])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $loaded;
- let $content;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('join-us-component', slots, []);
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(0, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(1, $content = value));
- loadLocaleContent(content, "groups-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "communes-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "cooperatives-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "parties-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "join-us-component", loaded);
- function mapCallback(createMap, content, locale) {
- let map = createMap([22, 0], 2);
- addMarkersGroups(map, content, locale);
- addMarkersCommunes(map, content, locale);
- addMarkersCoops(map, content, locale);
- addMarkersParties(map, content, locale);
- let overlayMaps = {
- "Groups": groupsMarkersLayer,
- "Communes": communesMarkersLayer,
- "Coops": coopsMarkersLayer,
- "Parties": partiesMarkersLayer
- };
- L.control.layers(null, overlayMaps).addTo(map);
- }
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- const func = createMap => mapCallback(createMap, $content, locale);
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- writable,
- addMarkersGroups,
- groupsMarkersLayer,
- addMarkersCoops,
- coopsMarkersLayer,
- addMarkersCommunes,
- communesMarkersLayer,
- addMarkersParties,
- partiesMarkersLayer,
- loadLocaleContent,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- mapCallback,
- $loaded,
- $content
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, content = $$props.content);
- if ('locale' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, locale = $$props.locale);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [$loaded, $content, loaded, content, locale, mapCallback, func];
-class Join_us_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("join-us-component", Join_us_component);
-export { Join_us_component as default };
+import{S as o,i as t,a as i,b as e,s as r,e as n,n as a,d as s,c as m,o as l,f as c,t as p,g,j as u,h as d,k as h,l as f,m as b}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as v}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{addMarkersGroups as j,groupsMarkersLayer as k}from"../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js";import{addMarkersCoops as w,coopsMarkersLayer as y}from"../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js";import{addMarkersCommunes as x,communesMarkersLayer as P}from"../../../../../../../../../js/communes.js";import{addMarkersParties as T,partiesMarkersLayer as N}from"../../../../../../../../../js/parties.js";import{loadLocaleContent as S}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function z(o){let t,i,r,n,a,m,l,v,j,k,w,y,x,P,T,N,S,z,A,D,H,L,O,U,C,G,M,E,K,R,W,Y,_,B,J,Q,q,F,I,V,X,Z,$,oo,to,io,eo,ro,no,ao,so,mo,lo,co,po,go,uo,ho,fo,bo,vo,jo,ko,wo,yo,xo,Po,To,No,So,zo,Ao,Do,Ho,Lo,Oo,Uo,Co,Go,Mo,Eo,Ko,Ro,Wo=o[1].heading+"",Yo=o[1].condition1+"",_o=o[1].condition2+"",Bo=o[1].condition3+"",Jo=o[1].conditionsOutcome+"",Qo=o[1].subheading1+"",qo=o[1].valueProposition1+"",Fo=o[1].valueProposition2+"",Io=o[1].valueProposition3+"",Vo=o[1].valueProposition4+"",Xo=o[1].valueProposition5+"",Zo=o[1].subheading2+"",$o=o[1].findOur+"",ot=o[1].group+"",tt=o[1].commune+"",it=o[1].cooperative+"",et=o[1].or+"",rt=o[1].party+"",nt=o[1].nearYou+"",at=o[1].noneNear+"",st=o[1].WhatsAppGroup+"",mt=o[1].or+"",lt=o[1].DiscordServer+"",ct=o[1].helpStart+"";return{c(){t=c("div"),i=c("div"),r=c("h1"),n=p(Wo),a=g(),m=c("img"),v=g(),j=c("ol"),k=c("li"),w=p(Yo),y=g(),x=c("li"),P=p(_o),T=g(),N=c("li"),S=p(Bo),z=g(),A=c("p"),D=g(),H=c("h2"),L=p(Qo),O=g(),U=c("ol"),C=c("li"),G=p(qo),M=g(),E=c("li"),K=p(Fo),R=g(),W=c("li"),Y=p(Io),_=g(),B=c("li"),J=p(Vo),Q=g(),q=c("p"),F=p(Xo),I=g(),V=c("h2"),X=p(Zo),Z=g(),$=c("div"),oo=c("p"),to=p($o),io=g(),eo=c("ol"),ro=c("li"),no=c("a"),ao=p(ot),so=p(","),mo=g(),lo=c("li"),co=c("a"),po=p(tt),go=g(),uo=c("li"),ho=c("a"),fo=p(it),bo=g(),vo=p(et),jo=g(),ko=c("li"),wo=c("a"),yo=p(rt),xo=g(),Po=c("p"),To=p(nt),No=g(),So=c("p"),zo=p(at),Ao=g(),Do=c("a"),Ho=p(st),Lo=g(),Oo=p(mt),Uo=g(),Co=c("a"),Go=p(lt),Mo=p(ct),Eo=g(),Ko=c("map-component"),u(m.src,l="/img/common/join-group.svg")||d(m,"src","/img/common/join-group.svg"),d(m,"id","join-group"),d(m,"alt","join group"),d(j,"id","condition-list"),d(U,"id","value-proposition-list"),d(no,"href","/"+o[4]+"/groups"),d(co,"href","/"+o[4]+"/communes"),d(ho,"href","/"+o[4]+"/cooperatives"),d(wo,"href","/"+o[4]+"/parties"),d(eo,"id","entities-list"),d($,"id","call-to-action-list"),d(Do,"href","https://chat.whatsapp.com/BhnmUNljUxJ2AjeHUwyTKh"),d(Do,"target","_blank"),d(Do,"rel","noreferrer"),d(Co,"href","https://discord.gg/Qk8KUk787z"),d(Co,"target","_blank"),d(Co,"rel","noreferrer"),h(Ko,"id","map"),h(Ko,"callback",Ro=o[6]),d(i,"id","text-container"),d(t,"id","container")},m(o,s){e(o,t,s),f(t,i),f(i,r),f(r,n),f(i,a),f(i,m),f(i,v),f(i,j),f(j,k),f(k,w),f(j,y),f(j,x),f(x,P),f(j,T),f(j,N),f(N,S),f(j,z),f(j,A),A.innerHTML=Jo,f(i,D),f(i,H),f(H,L),f(i,O),f(i,U),f(U,C),f(C,G),f(U,M),f(U,E),f(E,K),f(U,R),f(U,W),f(W,Y),f(U,_),f(U,B),f(B,J),f(U,Q),f(U,q),f(q,F),f(i,I),f(i,V),f(V,X),f(i,Z),f(i,$),f($,oo),f(oo,to),f($,io),f($,eo),f(eo,ro),f(ro,no),f(no,ao),f(ro,so),f(eo,mo),f(eo,lo),f(lo,co),f(co,po),f(eo,go),f(eo,uo),f(uo,ho),f(ho,fo),f(uo,bo),f(uo,vo),f(eo,jo),f(eo,ko),f(ko,wo),f(wo,yo),f($,xo),f($,Po),f(Po,To),f(i,No),f(i,So),f(So,zo),f(So,Ao),f(So,Do),f(Do,Ho),f(So,Lo),f(So,Oo),f(So,Uo),f(So,Co),f(Co,Go),f(So,Mo),f(i,Eo),f(i,Ko)},p(o,t){2&t&&Wo!==(Wo=o[1].heading+"")&&b(n,Wo),2&t&&Yo!==(Yo=o[1].condition1+"")&&b(w,Yo),2&t&&_o!==(_o=o[1].condition2+"")&&b(P,_o),2&t&&Bo!==(Bo=o[1].condition3+"")&&b(S,Bo),2&t&&Jo!==(Jo=o[1].conditionsOutcome+"")&&(A.innerHTML=Jo),2&t&&Qo!==(Qo=o[1].subheading1+"")&&b(L,Qo),2&t&&qo!==(qo=o[1].valueProposition1+"")&&b(G,qo),2&t&&Fo!==(Fo=o[1].valueProposition2+"")&&b(K,Fo),2&t&&Io!==(Io=o[1].valueProposition3+"")&&b(Y,Io),2&t&&Vo!==(Vo=o[1].valueProposition4+"")&&b(J,Vo),2&t&&Xo!==(Xo=o[1].valueProposition5+"")&&b(F,Xo),2&t&&Zo!==(Zo=o[1].subheading2+"")&&b(X,Zo),2&t&&$o!==($o=o[1].findOur+"")&&b(to,$o),2&t&&ot!==(ot=o[1].group+"")&&b(ao,ot),2&t&&tt!==(tt=o[1].commune+"")&&b(po,tt),2&t&&it!==(it=o[1].cooperative+"")&&b(fo,it),2&t&&et!==(et=o[1].or+"")&&b(vo,et),2&t&&rt!==(rt=o[1].party+"")&&b(yo,rt),2&t&&nt!==(nt=o[1].nearYou+"")&&b(To,nt),2&t&&at!==(at=o[1].noneNear+"")&&b(zo,at),2&t&&st!==(st=o[1].WhatsAppGroup+"")&&b(Ho,st),2&t&&mt!==(mt=o[1].or+"")&&b(Oo,mt),2&t&<!==(lt=o[1].DiscordServer+"")&&b(Go,lt),2&t&&ct!==(ct=o[1].helpStart+"")&&b(Mo,ct),2&t&&Ro!==(Ro=o[6])&&h(Ko,"callback",Ro)},d(o){o&&s(t)}}}function A(o){let t,i=6==o[0]&&z(o);return{c(){i&&i.c(),t=n()},m(o,r){i&&i.m(o,r),e(o,t,r)},p(o,e){6==o[0]?i?i.p(o,e):(i=z(o),i.c(),i.m(t.parentNode,t)):i&&(i.d(1),i=null)},d(o){i&&i.d(o),o&&s(t)}}}function D(o){let t,i=o[0],m=A(o);return{c(){m.c(),t=n(),this.c=a},m(o,i){m.m(o,i),e(o,t,i)},p(o,[e]){1&e&&r(i,i=o[0])?(m.d(1),m=A(o),m.c(),m.m(t.parentNode,t)):m.p(o,e)},i:a,o:a,d(o){o&&s(t),m.d(o)}}}function H(o,t,i){let e,r,n=v(0);m(o,n,(o=>i(0,e=o)));let a=v({});m(o,a,(o=>i(1,r=o))),S(a,"groups-component",n),S(a,"communes-component",n),S(a,"cooperatives-component",n),S(a,"parties-component",n),S(a,"countries",n);let s=S(a,"join-us-component",n);function c(o,t,i){let e=o([22,0],2);j(e,t,i),x(e,t,i),w(e,t,i),T(e,t,i);let r={Groups:k,Communes:P,Coops:y,Parties:N};L.control.layers(null,r).addTo(e)}l((()=>{}));return[e,r,n,a,s,c,o=>c(o,r,s)]}class O extends o{constructor(o){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",t(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:i(this.attributes),customElement:!0},H,D,r,{},null),o&&o.target&&e(o.target,this,o.anchor)}}customElements.define("join-us-component",O);export{O as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js
index c03e204..4873f60 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js
@@ -1,588 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, C as binding_callbacks, k as element, l as space, t as text, p as attr_dev, m as add_location, q as src_url_equal, D as set_style, r as set_custom_element_data, u as append_dev, w as set_data_dev } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { addMarkersGroups, groupsMarkersLayer } from '../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js';
-import { addMarkersCoops, coopsMarkersLayer } from '../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js';
-import { addMarkersCommunes, communesMarkersLayer } from '../../../../../../../../../js/communes.js';
-import { addMarkersParties, partiesMarkersLayer } from '../../../../../../../../../js/parties.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js';
-/* src\landing-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\landing-component.svelte";
-// (61:4) {#if $loaded==6}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let div7;
- let picture;
- let source0;
- let t0;
- let source1;
- let t1;
- let img0;
- let t2;
- let div6;
- let p0;
- let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].top + "";
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let div4;
- let div0;
- let a0;
- let h20;
- let t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].groupsTitle + "";
- let t5;
- let t6;
- let img1;
- let img1_src_value;
- let t7;
- let p1;
- let t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].groupsText + "";
- let t8;
- let t9;
- let div1;
- let a1;
- let h21;
- let t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].communesTitle + "";
- let t10;
- let t11;
- let img2;
- let img2_src_value;
- let t12;
- let p2;
- let t13_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].communesText + "";
- let t13;
- let t14;
- let div2;
- let a2;
- let h22;
- let t15_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].cooperativesTitle + "";
- let t15;
- let t16;
- let img3;
- let img3_src_value;
- let t17;
- let p3;
- let t18_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].cooperativesText + "";
- let t18;
- let t19;
- let div3;
- let a3;
- let h23;
- let t20_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].partiesTitle + "";
- let t20;
- let t21;
- let img4;
- let img4_src_value;
- let t22;
- let p4;
- let t23_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].partiesText + "";
- let t23;
- let t24;
- let h10;
- let t25_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].findUs + "";
- let t25;
- let t26;
- let map_component;
- let map_component_callback_value;
- let t27;
- let h11;
- let t28_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].whatNow + "";
- let t28;
- let t29;
- let div5;
- let a4;
- let t30_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].joinUs + "";
- let t30;
- let t31;
- let a5;
- let t32_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].talkWithUs + "";
- let t32;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div7 = element("div");
- picture = element("picture");
- source0 = element("source");
- t0 = space();
- source1 = element("source");
- t1 = space();
- img0 = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- div6 = element("div");
- p0 = element("p");
- t3 = text(t3_value);
- t4 = space();
- div4 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- a0 = element("a");
- h20 = element("h2");
- t5 = text(t5_value);
- t6 = space();
- img1 = element("img");
- t7 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- t8 = text(t8_value);
- t9 = space();
- div1 = element("div");
- a1 = element("a");
- h21 = element("h2");
- t10 = text(t10_value);
- t11 = space();
- img2 = element("img");
- t12 = space();
- p2 = element("p");
- t13 = text(t13_value);
- t14 = space();
- div2 = element("div");
- a2 = element("a");
- h22 = element("h2");
- t15 = text(t15_value);
- t16 = space();
- img3 = element("img");
- t17 = space();
- p3 = element("p");
- t18 = text(t18_value);
- t19 = space();
- div3 = element("div");
- a3 = element("a");
- h23 = element("h2");
- t20 = text(t20_value);
- t21 = space();
- img4 = element("img");
- t22 = space();
- p4 = element("p");
- t23 = text(t23_value);
- t24 = space();
- h10 = element("h1");
- t25 = text(t25_value);
- t26 = space();
- map_component = element("map-component");
- t27 = space();
- h11 = element("h1");
- t28 = text(t28_value);
- t29 = space();
- div5 = element("div");
- a4 = element("a");
- t30 = text(t30_value);
- t31 = space();
- a5 = element("a");
- t32 = text(t32_value);
- attr_dev(source0, "srcset", "/img/crowd.webp");
- add_location(source0, file, 63, 16, 2097);
- attr_dev(source1, "srcset", "/img/crowd.png");
- add_location(source1, file, 64, 16, 2148);
- attr_dev(img0, "id", "crowd");
- attr_dev(img0, "alt", "crowd");
- add_location(img0, file, 65, 16, 2198);
- add_location(picture, file, 62, 12, 2070);
- add_location(p0, file, 68, 16, 2307);
- add_location(h20, file, 71, 59, 2510);
- attr_dev(a0, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[6] + "/groups");
- add_location(a0, file, 71, 24, 2475);
- attr_dev(img1, "id", "groups-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img1.src, img1_src_value = "/img/common/groups.svg")) attr_dev(img1, "src", img1_src_value);
- attr_dev(img1, "alt", "groups");
- add_location(img1, file, 72, 24, 2571);
- add_location(p1, file, 73, 24, 2660);
- add_location(div0, file, 70, 20, 2444);
- add_location(h21, file, 76, 61, 2806);
- attr_dev(a1, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[6] + "/communes");
- add_location(a1, file, 76, 24, 2769);
- attr_dev(img2, "id", "communes-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img2.src, img2_src_value = "/img/common/commune.svg")) attr_dev(img2, "src", img2_src_value);
- attr_dev(img2, "alt", "communes");
- add_location(img2, file, 77, 24, 2869);
- add_location(p2, file, 78, 24, 2963);
- add_location(div1, file, 75, 20, 2738);
- add_location(h22, file, 81, 58, 3108);
- attr_dev(a2, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[6] + "/coops");
- add_location(a2, file, 81, 24, 3074);
- attr_dev(img3, "id", "coops-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img3.src, img3_src_value = "/img/common/coops.svg")) attr_dev(img3, "src", img3_src_value);
- attr_dev(img3, "alt", "coops");
- add_location(img3, file, 82, 24, 3175);
- add_location(p3, file, 83, 24, 3261);
- add_location(div2, file, 80, 20, 3043);
- add_location(h23, file, 86, 60, 3412);
- attr_dev(a3, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[6] + "/parties");
- add_location(a3, file, 86, 24, 3376);
- attr_dev(img4, "id", "parties-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img4.src, img4_src_value = "/img/common/parties.svg")) attr_dev(img4, "src", img4_src_value);
- attr_dev(img4, "alt", "coops");
- add_location(img4, file, 87, 24, 3474);
- add_location(p4, file, 88, 24, 3564);
- add_location(div3, file, 85, 20, 3345);
- attr_dev(div4, "id", "container-grid");
- set_style(div4, "--grid-width", /*gridWidth*/ ctx[1]);
- add_location(div4, file, 69, 16, 2346);
- attr_dev(h10, "id", "find-us");
- add_location(h10, file, 108, 16, 6365);
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map");
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[9]);
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "colors", ["#23AC20", "#CA2437", "#217BC9", "#FFD326"]);
- add_location(map_component, file, 109, 16, 6422);
- add_location(h11, file, 110, 16, 6596);
- attr_dev(a4, "class", "link-button");
- attr_dev(a4, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[6] + "/join-us");
- add_location(a4, file, 112, 20, 6690);
- attr_dev(a5, "class", "link-button");
- attr_dev(a5, "href", "https://discord.gg/Qk8KUk787z");
- attr_dev(a5, "target", "_blank");
- attr_dev(a5, "rel", "noreferrer");
- add_location(a5, file, 113, 20, 6789);
- attr_dev(div5, "id", "action-container");
- add_location(div5, file, 111, 16, 6641);
- attr_dev(div6, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div6, file, 67, 12, 2264);
- attr_dev(div7, "id", "container");
- add_location(div7, file, 61, 8, 2036);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div7, anchor);
- append_dev(div7, picture);
- append_dev(picture, source0);
- append_dev(picture, t0);
- append_dev(picture, source1);
- append_dev(picture, t1);
- append_dev(picture, img0);
- append_dev(div7, t2);
- append_dev(div7, div6);
- append_dev(div6, p0);
- append_dev(p0, t3);
- append_dev(div6, t4);
- append_dev(div6, div4);
- append_dev(div4, div0);
- append_dev(div0, a0);
- append_dev(a0, h20);
- append_dev(h20, t5);
- append_dev(div0, t6);
- append_dev(div0, img1);
- append_dev(div0, t7);
- append_dev(div0, p1);
- append_dev(p1, t8);
- append_dev(div4, t9);
- append_dev(div4, div1);
- append_dev(div1, a1);
- append_dev(a1, h21);
- append_dev(h21, t10);
- append_dev(div1, t11);
- append_dev(div1, img2);
- append_dev(div1, t12);
- append_dev(div1, p2);
- append_dev(p2, t13);
- append_dev(div4, t14);
- append_dev(div4, div2);
- append_dev(div2, a2);
- append_dev(a2, h22);
- append_dev(h22, t15);
- append_dev(div2, t16);
- append_dev(div2, img3);
- append_dev(div2, t17);
- append_dev(div2, p3);
- append_dev(p3, t18);
- append_dev(div4, t19);
- append_dev(div4, div3);
- append_dev(div3, a3);
- append_dev(a3, h23);
- append_dev(h23, t20);
- append_dev(div3, t21);
- append_dev(div3, img4);
- append_dev(div3, t22);
- append_dev(div3, p4);
- append_dev(p4, t23);
- /*div4_binding*/ ctx[8](div4);
- append_dev(div6, t24);
- append_dev(div6, h10);
- append_dev(h10, t25);
- append_dev(div6, t26);
- append_dev(div6, map_component);
- append_dev(div6, t27);
- append_dev(div6, h11);
- append_dev(h11, t28);
- append_dev(div6, t29);
- append_dev(div6, div5);
- append_dev(div5, a4);
- append_dev(a4, t30);
- append_dev(div5, t31);
- append_dev(div5, a5);
- append_dev(a5, t32);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].top + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t5_value !== (t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].groupsTitle + "")) set_data_dev(t5, t5_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t8_value !== (t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].groupsText + "")) set_data_dev(t8, t8_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t10_value !== (t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].communesTitle + "")) set_data_dev(t10, t10_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t13_value !== (t13_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].communesText + "")) set_data_dev(t13, t13_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t15_value !== (t15_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].cooperativesTitle + "")) set_data_dev(t15, t15_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t18_value !== (t18_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].cooperativesText + "")) set_data_dev(t18, t18_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t20_value !== (t20_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].partiesTitle + "")) set_data_dev(t20, t20_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t23_value !== (t23_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].partiesText + "")) set_data_dev(t23, t23_value);
- if (dirty & /*gridWidth*/ 2) {
- set_style(div4, "--grid-width", /*gridWidth*/ ctx[1]);
- }
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t25_value !== (t25_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].findUs + "")) set_data_dev(t25, t25_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && map_component_callback_value !== (map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[9])) {
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value);
- }
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t28_value !== (t28_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].whatNow + "")) set_data_dev(t28, t28_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t30_value !== (t30_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].joinUs + "")) set_data_dev(t30, t30_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 8 && t32_value !== (t32_value = /*$content*/ ctx[3].talkWithUs + "")) set_data_dev(t32, t32_value);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div7);
- /*div4_binding*/ ctx[8](null);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(61:4) {#if $loaded==6}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (60:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[2] == 6 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[2] == 6) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(60:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[2];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 4 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[2])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $loaded;
- let $content;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('landing-component', slots, []);
- let grid;
- let gridWidth;
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(2, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(3, $content = value));
- function changeWidth(locale) {
- if (locale == "ru") {
- $$invalidate(1, gridWidth = "1fr 1fr");
- } else {
- $$invalidate(1, gridWidth = "1fr 1fr");
- }
- }
- loadLocaleContent(content, "groups-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "communes-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "cooperatives-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "parties-component", loaded);
- loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "landing-component", loaded, changeWidth);
- changeWidth(locale);
- function mapCallback(createMap, content, locale) {
- let map = createMap([22, 0], 2);
- addMarkersGroups(map, content, locale);
- addMarkersCommunes(map, content, locale);
- addMarkersCoops(map, content, locale);
- addMarkersParties(map, content, locale);
- let overlayMaps = {};
- overlayMaps[content.groups] = groupsMarkersLayer;
- overlayMaps[content.communes] = communesMarkersLayer;
- overlayMaps[content.cooperatives] = coopsMarkersLayer;
- overlayMaps[content.parties] = partiesMarkersLayer;
- L.control.layers(null, overlayMaps).addTo(map);
- }
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function div4_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- grid = $$value;
- $$invalidate(0, grid);
- });
- }
- const func = createMap => mapCallback(createMap, $content, locale);
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- writable,
- addMarkersGroups,
- groupsMarkersLayer,
- addMarkersCoops,
- coopsMarkersLayer,
- addMarkersCommunes,
- communesMarkersLayer,
- addMarkersParties,
- partiesMarkersLayer,
- loadLocaleContent,
- grid,
- gridWidth,
- loaded,
- content,
- changeWidth,
- locale,
- mapCallback,
- $loaded,
- $content
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('grid' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, grid = $$props.grid);
- if ('gridWidth' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, gridWidth = $$props.gridWidth);
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, content = $$props.content);
- if ('locale' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, locale = $$props.locale);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- grid,
- gridWidth,
- $loaded,
- $content,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- mapCallback,
- div4_binding,
- func
- ];
-class Landing_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("landing-component", Landing_component);
-export { Landing_component as default };
+import{S as t,i,a as o,b as e,s as r,e as n,n as s,d as m,c as a,o as c,w as p,f as g,g as d,t as l,h as u,j as h,v as f,k as v,l as w,m as x}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as b}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{addMarkersGroups as j,groupsMarkersLayer as T}from"../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js";import{addMarkersCoops as k,coopsMarkersLayer as y}from"../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js";import{addMarkersCommunes as U,communesMarkersLayer as z}from"../../../../../../../../../js/communes.js";import{addMarkersParties as N,partiesMarkersLayer as C}from"../../../../../../../../../js/parties.js";import{loadLocaleContent as A}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function E(t){let i,o,r,n,s,a,c,p,b,j,T,k,y,U,z,N,C,L,A,E,F,H,M,R,W,B,D,K,Q,S,_,q,G,I,J,O,P,V,X,Y,Z,$,tt,it,ot,et,rt,nt,st,mt,at,ct,pt,gt,dt,lt,ut,ht,ft,vt,wt,xt,bt,jt,Tt,kt,yt,Ut=t[3].top+"",zt=t[3].groupsTitle+"",Nt=t[3].groupsText+"",Ct=t[3].communesTitle+"",Lt=t[3].communesText+"",At=t[3].cooperativesTitle+"",Et=t[3].cooperativesText+"",Ft=t[3].partiesTitle+"",Ht=t[3].partiesText+"",Mt=t[3].findUs+"",Rt=t[3].whatNow+"",Wt=t[3].joinUs+"",Bt=t[3].talkWithUs+"";return{c(){i=g("div"),o=g("picture"),o.innerHTML=' \n \n
',r=d(),n=g("div"),s=g("p"),a=l(Ut),c=d(),p=g("div"),b=g("div"),j=g("a"),T=g("h2"),k=l(zt),y=d(),U=g("img"),N=d(),C=g("p"),L=l(Nt),A=d(),E=g("div"),F=g("a"),H=g("h2"),M=l(Ct),R=d(),W=g("img"),D=d(),K=g("p"),Q=l(Lt),S=d(),_=g("div"),q=g("a"),G=g("h2"),I=l(At),J=d(),O=g("img"),V=d(),X=g("p"),Y=l(Et),Z=d(),$=g("div"),tt=g("a"),it=g("h2"),ot=l(Ft),et=d(),rt=g("img"),st=d(),mt=g("p"),at=l(Ht),ct=d(),pt=g("h1"),gt=l(Mt),dt=d(),lt=g("map-component"),ht=d(),ft=g("h1"),vt=l(Rt),wt=d(),xt=g("div"),bt=g("a"),jt=l(Wt),Tt=d(),kt=g("a"),yt=l(Bt),u(j,"href","/"+t[6]+"/groups"),u(U,"id","groups-img"),h(U.src,z="/img/common/groups.svg")||u(U,"src","/img/common/groups.svg"),u(U,"alt","groups"),u(F,"href","/"+t[6]+"/communes"),u(W,"id","communes-img"),h(W.src,B="/img/common/commune.svg")||u(W,"src","/img/common/commune.svg"),u(W,"alt","communes"),u(q,"href","/"+t[6]+"/coops"),u(O,"id","coops-img"),h(O.src,P="/img/common/coops.svg")||u(O,"src","/img/common/coops.svg"),u(O,"alt","coops"),u(tt,"href","/"+t[6]+"/parties"),u(rt,"id","parties-img"),h(rt.src,nt="/img/common/parties.svg")||u(rt,"src","/img/common/parties.svg"),u(rt,"alt","coops"),u(p,"id","container-grid"),f(p,"--grid-width",t[1]),u(pt,"id","find-us"),v(lt,"id","map"),v(lt,"callback",ut=t[9]),v(lt,"colors",["#23AC20","#CA2437","#217BC9","#FFD326"]),u(bt,"class","link-button"),u(bt,"href","/"+t[6]+"/join-us"),u(kt,"class","link-button"),u(kt,"href","https://discord.gg/Qk8KUk787z"),u(kt,"target","_blank"),u(kt,"rel","noreferrer"),u(xt,"id","action-container"),u(n,"id","text-container"),u(i,"id","container")},m(m,g){e(m,i,g),w(i,o),w(i,r),w(i,n),w(n,s),w(s,a),w(n,c),w(n,p),w(p,b),w(b,j),w(j,T),w(T,k),w(b,y),w(b,U),w(b,N),w(b,C),w(C,L),w(p,A),w(p,E),w(E,F),w(F,H),w(H,M),w(E,R),w(E,W),w(E,D),w(E,K),w(K,Q),w(p,S),w(p,_),w(_,q),w(q,G),w(G,I),w(_,J),w(_,O),w(_,V),w(_,X),w(X,Y),w(p,Z),w(p,$),w($,tt),w(tt,it),w(it,ot),w($,et),w($,rt),w($,st),w($,mt),w(mt,at),t[8](p),w(n,ct),w(n,pt),w(pt,gt),w(n,dt),w(n,lt),w(n,ht),w(n,ft),w(ft,vt),w(n,wt),w(n,xt),w(xt,bt),w(bt,jt),w(xt,Tt),w(xt,kt),w(kt,yt)},p(t,i){8&i&&Ut!==(Ut=t[3].top+"")&&x(a,Ut),8&i&&zt!==(zt=t[3].groupsTitle+"")&&x(k,zt),8&i&&Nt!==(Nt=t[3].groupsText+"")&&x(L,Nt),8&i&&Ct!==(Ct=t[3].communesTitle+"")&&x(M,Ct),8&i&&Lt!==(Lt=t[3].communesText+"")&&x(Q,Lt),8&i&&At!==(At=t[3].cooperativesTitle+"")&&x(I,At),8&i&&Et!==(Et=t[3].cooperativesText+"")&&x(Y,Et),8&i&&Ft!==(Ft=t[3].partiesTitle+"")&&x(ot,Ft),8&i&&Ht!==(Ht=t[3].partiesText+"")&&x(at,Ht),2&i&&f(p,"--grid-width",t[1]),8&i&&Mt!==(Mt=t[3].findUs+"")&&x(gt,Mt),8&i&&ut!==(ut=t[9])&&v(lt,"callback",ut),8&i&&Rt!==(Rt=t[3].whatNow+"")&&x(vt,Rt),8&i&&Wt!==(Wt=t[3].joinUs+"")&&x(jt,Wt),8&i&&Bt!==(Bt=t[3].talkWithUs+"")&&x(yt,Bt)},d(o){o&&m(i),t[8](null)}}}function F(t){let i,o=6==t[2]&&E(t);return{c(){o&&o.c(),i=n()},m(t,r){o&&o.m(t,r),e(t,i,r)},p(t,e){6==t[2]?o?o.p(t,e):(o=E(t),o.c(),o.m(i.parentNode,i)):o&&(o.d(1),o=null)},d(t){o&&o.d(t),t&&m(i)}}}function H(t){let i,o=t[2],a=F(t);return{c(){a.c(),i=n(),this.c=s},m(t,o){a.m(t,o),e(t,i,o)},p(t,[e]){4&e&&r(o,o=t[2])?(a.d(1),a=F(t),a.c(),a.m(i.parentNode,i)):a.p(t,e)},i:s,o:s,d(t){t&&m(i),a.d(t)}}}function M(t,i,o){let e,r,n,s,m=b(0);a(t,m,(t=>o(2,e=t)));let g=b({});function d(t){o(1,s="1fr 1fr")}a(t,g,(t=>o(3,r=t))),A(g,"groups-component",m),A(g,"communes-component",m),A(g,"cooperatives-component",m),A(g,"parties-component",m),A(g,"countries",m);let l=A(g,"landing-component",m,d);function u(t,i,o){let e=t([22,0],2);j(e,i,o),U(e,i,o),k(e,i,o),N(e,i,o);let r={};r[i.groups]=T,r[i.communes]=z,r[i.cooperatives]=y,r[i.parties]=C,L.control.layers(null,r).addTo(e)}d(),c((()=>{}));return[n,s,e,r,m,g,l,u,function(t){p[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{n=t,o(0,n)}))},t=>u(t,r,l)]}class R extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",i(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:o(this.attributes),customElement:!0},M,H,r,{},null),t&&t.target&&e(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("landing-component",R);export{R as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/legend-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/legend-component.js
index 97a38cc..6a643c7 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/legend-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/legend-component.js
@@ -1,362 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, B as flush, s as safe_not_equal, j as validate_each_argument, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, o as onMount, g as globals, k as element, n as noop, p as attr_dev, m as add_location, h as detach_dev, x as destroy_each, C as binding_callbacks, l as space, t as text, D as set_style, u as append_dev, y as listen_dev, w as set_data_dev } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { pullLegendData } from '../../../../../../../../../js/predict/charts.js';
-/* src\components\legend-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const { Object: Object_1 } = globals;
-const file = "src\\components\\legend-component.svelte";
-function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[10] = list[i];
- child_ctx[11] = list;
- child_ctx[12] = i;
- return child_ctx;
-// (69:4) {#each legendData as item, i}
-function create_each_block(ctx) {
- let button;
- let div;
- let t0;
- let span;
- let t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[10].name + "";
- let t1;
- let t2;
- let i = /*i*/ ctx[12];
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const assign_button = () => /*button_binding*/ ctx[6](button, i);
- const unassign_button = () => /*button_binding*/ ctx[6](null, i);
- function click_handler() {
- return /*click_handler*/ ctx[7](/*i*/ ctx[12]);
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- button = element("button");
- div = element("div");
- t0 = space();
- span = element("span");
- t1 = text(t1_value);
- t2 = space();
- attr_dev(div, "class", "marker");
- set_style(div, "background-color", /*item*/ ctx[10].color);
- add_location(div, file, 70, 12, 1892);
- add_location(span, file, 71, 12, 1971);
- add_location(button, file, 69, 8, 1814);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, button, anchor);
- append_dev(button, div);
- append_dev(button, t0);
- append_dev(button, span);
- append_dev(span, t1);
- append_dev(button, t2);
- assign_button();
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", click_handler, false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) {
- ctx = new_ctx;
- if (dirty & /*legendData*/ 1) {
- set_style(div, "background-color", /*item*/ ctx[10].color);
- }
- if (dirty & /*legendData*/ 1 && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[10].name + "")) set_data_dev(t1, t1_value);
- if (i !== /*i*/ ctx[12]) {
- unassign_button();
- i = /*i*/ ctx[12];
- assign_button();
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(button);
- unassign_button();
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(69:4) {#each legendData as item, i}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let div;
- let each_value = /*legendData*/ ctx[0];
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- this.c = noop;
- attr_dev(div, "class", "legend");
- add_location(div, file, 67, 0, 1749);
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*buttons, toggleSeries, legendData*/ 7) {
- each_value = /*legendData*/ ctx[0];
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('legend-component', slots, []);
- let { option = null } = $$props;
- let { chart = null } = $$props;
- let { data = {} } = $$props;
- // Main code
- let legendData = [];
- let buttons = [];
- let dataKeys;
- function init() {
- if (option == null || option == undefined || chart == null || chart == undefined) {
- setTimeout(init, 100);
- } else {
- $$invalidate(0, legendData = pullLegendData(legendData, option));
- for (let obj of legendData) {
- $$invalidate(3, data[obj.name] = true, data);
- }
- dataKeys = Object.keys(data);
- }
- }
- function toggleSeries(i) {
- $$invalidate(3, data[dataKeys[i]] = !data[dataKeys[i]], data);
- let inds = [];
- let ids = option.series.map(x => x._id);
- let id = ids[i];
- for (let j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) {
- if (ids[j] == id) {
- inds.push(j);
- }
- }
- for (let i of inds) {
- let series = option.series[i];
- if (!series.tooltip.show) {
- series.lineStyle.opacity = 1;
- series.itemStyle.opacity = 1;
- series.tooltip.show = true;
- $$invalidate(1, buttons[inds[0]].style.opacity = 1, buttons);
- } else {
- series.lineStyle.opacity = 0;
- series.itemStyle.opacity = 0;
- series.tooltip.show = false;
- $$invalidate(1, buttons[inds[0]].style.opacity = 0.5, buttons);
- }
- }
- chart.setOption(option);
- }
- onMount(() => {
- init();
- });
- const writable_props = ['option', 'chart', 'data'];
- Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function button_binding($$value, i) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- buttons[i] = $$value;
- $$invalidate(1, buttons);
- });
- }
- const click_handler = i => toggleSeries(i);
- $$self.$$set = $$props => {
- if ('option' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, option = $$props.option);
- if ('chart' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, chart = $$props.chart);
- if ('data' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, data = $$props.data);
- };
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- pullLegendData,
- option,
- chart,
- data,
- legendData,
- buttons,
- dataKeys,
- init,
- toggleSeries
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('option' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, option = $$props.option);
- if ('chart' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, chart = $$props.chart);
- if ('data' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, data = $$props.data);
- if ('legendData' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, legendData = $$props.legendData);
- if ('buttons' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, buttons = $$props.buttons);
- if ('dataKeys' in $$props) dataKeys = $$props.dataKeys;
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- legendData,
- buttons,
- toggleSeries,
- data,
- option,
- chart,
- button_binding,
- click_handler
- ];
-class Legend_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- { option: 4, chart: 5, data: 3 },
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- if (options.props) {
- this.$set(options.props);
- flush();
- }
- }
- }
- static get observedAttributes() {
- return ["option", "chart", "data"];
- }
- get option() {
- return this.$$.ctx[4];
- }
- set option(option) {
- this.$$set({ option });
- flush();
- }
- get chart() {
- return this.$$.ctx[5];
- }
- set chart(chart) {
- this.$$set({ chart });
- flush();
- }
- get data() {
- return this.$$.ctx[3];
- }
- set data(data) {
- this.$$set({ data });
- flush();
- }
-customElements.define("legend-component", Legend_component);
-export { Legend_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as e,a as s,b as o,u as n,s as r,f as i,n as a,h as l,d as c,p,o as u,g as h,t as d,v as m,l as f,q as g,m as y,w as $}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{pullLegendData as b}from"../../../../../../../../../js/predict/charts.js";function w(t,e,s){const o=t.slice();return o[10]=e[s],o[11]=e,o[12]=s,o}function x(t){let e,s,n,r,a,p,u,$,b=t[10].name+"",w=t[12];const x=()=>t[6](e,w),k=()=>t[6](null,w);function v(){return t[7](t[12])}return{c(){e=i("button"),s=i("div"),n=h(),r=i("span"),a=d(b),p=h(),l(s,"class","marker"),m(s,"background-color",t[10].color)},m(t,i){o(t,e,i),f(e,s),f(e,n),f(e,r),f(r,a),f(e,p),x(),u||($=g(e,"click",v),u=!0)},p(e,o){t=e,1&o&&m(s,"background-color",t[10].color),1&o&&b!==(b=t[10].name+"")&&y(a,b),w!==t[12]&&(k(),w=t[12],x())},d(t){t&&c(e),k(),u=!1,$()}}}function k(t){let e,s=t[0],n=[];for(let e=0;et._id)),c=a[t];for(let t=0;t{c()}));return t.$$set=t=>{"option"in t&&s(4,n=t.option),"chart"in t&&s(5,r=t.chart),"data"in t&&s(3,i=t.data)},[a,l,p,i,n,r,function(t,e){$[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{l[e]=t,s(1,l)}))},t=>p(t)]}class j extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:s(this.attributes),customElement:!0},v,k,r,{option:4,chart:5,data:3},null),t&&(t.target&&o(t.target,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),n()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["option","chart","data"]}get option(){return this.$$.ctx[4]}set option(t){this.$$set({option:t}),n()}get chart(){return this.$$.ctx[5]}set chart(t){this.$$set({chart:t}),n()}get data(){return this.$$.ctx[3]}set data(t){this.$$set({data:t}),n()}}customElements.define("legend-component",j);export{j as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/loadscreen-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/loadscreen-component.js
index 76d0605..4feb1ba 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/loadscreen-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/loadscreen-component.js
@@ -1,115 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, o as onMount, k as element, n as noop, p as attr_dev, D as set_style, m as add_location, h as detach_dev, C as binding_callbacks } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-/* src\components\loadscreen-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\components\\loadscreen-component.svelte";
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let div;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div = element("div");
- this.c = noop;
- attr_dev(div, "id", "loadscreen");
- set_style(div, "width", "100%");
- set_style(div, "height", "100%");
- set_style(div, "background", "white");
- set_style(div, "position", "absolute");
- set_style(div, "z-index", "100000");
- add_location(div, file, 20, 0, 366);
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- /*div_binding*/ ctx[1](div);
- },
- p: noop,
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- /*div_binding*/ ctx[1](null);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('loadscreen-component', slots, []);
- let loadscreen;
- onMount(() => {
- window.addEventListener('load', function () {
- $$invalidate(0, loadscreen.parentNode.host.style.display = "none", loadscreen);
- });
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function div_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- loadscreen = $$value;
- $$invalidate(0, loadscreen);
- });
- }
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount, loadscreen });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('loadscreen' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, loadscreen = $$props.loadscreen);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [loadscreen, div_binding];
-class Loadscreen_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("loadscreen-component", Loadscreen_component);
-export { Loadscreen_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as s,a as e,b as n,s as o,f as a,n as i,h as d,v as r,d as u,o as c,w as l}from"./index-4348483d.js";function h(t){let s;return{c(){s=a("div"),this.c=i,d(s,"id","loadscreen"),r(s,"width","100%"),r(s,"height","100%"),r(s,"background","white"),r(s,"position","absolute"),r(s,"z-index","100000")},m(e,o){n(e,s,o),t[1](s)},p:i,i:i,o:i,d(e){e&&u(s),t[1](null)}}}function p(t,s,e){let n;return c((()=>{window.addEventListener("load",(function(){e(0,n.parentNode.host.style.display="none",n)}))})),[n,function(t){l[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{n=t,e(0,n)}))}]}class f extends t{constructor(t){super(),s(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:e(this.attributes),customElement:!0},p,h,o,{},null),t&&t.target&&n(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("loadscreen-component",f);export{f as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/manifesto-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/manifesto-component.js
index c4f3b17..e0230b8 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/manifesto-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/manifesto-component.js
@@ -1,1490 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, g as globals, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, C as binding_callbacks, j as validate_each_argument, k as element, p as attr_dev, m as add_location, u as append_dev, t as text, l as space, q as src_url_equal, D as set_style, y as listen_dev, w as set_data_dev, x as destroy_each, H as is_function, I as HtmlTag } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent, getData } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-import { px2rem } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js';
-/* src\manifesto-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const { Object: Object_1 } = globals;
-const file = "src\\manifesto-component.svelte";
-function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[33] = list[i];
- child_ctx[34] = list;
- child_ctx[35] = i;
- return child_ctx;
-function get_each_context_2(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[36] = list[i];
- return child_ctx;
-function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[36] = list[i];
- return child_ctx;
-function get_each_context_3(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[41] = list[i];
- child_ctx[42] = list;
- child_ctx[43] = i;
- return child_ctx;
-function get_each_context_4(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[44] = list[i];
- child_ctx[45] = list;
- child_ctx[46] = i;
- return child_ctx;
-// (168:4) {#if $loaded==2}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let previous_key = /*key*/ ctx[0];
- let key_block = create_key_block_1(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- key_block.c();
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div0, file, 169, 12, 6059);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "container");
- add_location(div1, file, 168, 8, 6008);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- key_block.m(div0, null);
- /*div1_binding_1*/ ctx[28](div1);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty[0] & /*key*/ 1 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*key*/ ctx[0])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block_1(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(div0, null);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- /*div1_binding_1*/ ctx[28](null);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(168:4) {#if $loaded==2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (187:32) {:else}
-function create_else_block_1(ctx) {
- let div;
- let button;
- let t0_value = /*obj*/ ctx[41].name + "";
- let t0;
- let obj = /*obj*/ ctx[41];
- let t1;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const assign_button = () => /*button_binding_2*/ ctx[21](button, obj);
- const unassign_button = () => /*button_binding_2*/ ctx[21](null, obj);
- function click_handler_2() {
- return /*click_handler_2*/ ctx[22](/*obj*/ ctx[41]);
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div = element("div");
- button = element("button");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- attr_dev(button, "class", "level0 heading-button");
- add_location(button, file, 188, 40, 7396);
- attr_dev(div, "class", "heading-button-wrapper");
- add_location(div, file, 187, 36, 7318);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- append_dev(div, button);
- append_dev(button, t0);
- assign_button();
- append_dev(div, t1);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", click_handler_2, false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) {
- ctx = new_ctx;
- if (obj !== /*obj*/ ctx[41]) {
- unassign_button();
- obj = /*obj*/ ctx[41];
- assign_button();
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- unassign_button();
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_else_block_1.name,
- type: "else",
- source: "(187:32) {:else}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (179:32) {#if Array.isArray(obj)}
-function create_if_block_8(ctx) {
- let each_1_anchor;
- let each_value_4 = /*obj*/ ctx[41];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_4);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value_4.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_4(get_each_context_4(ctx, each_value_4, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- each_1_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(target, anchor);
- }
- insert_dev(target, each_1_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty[0] & /*buttons, contentHeadings, goToChapter*/ 36880) {
- each_value_4 = /*obj*/ ctx[41];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_4);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value_4.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context_4(ctx, each_value_4, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_4(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(each_1_anchor.parentNode, each_1_anchor);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value_4.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(each_1_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block_8.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(179:32) {#if Array.isArray(obj)}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (180:36) {#each obj as obj2}
-function create_each_block_4(ctx) {
- let div;
- let button;
- let t0_value = /*obj2*/ ctx[44].name + "";
- let t0;
- let obj2 = /*obj2*/ ctx[44];
- let t1;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const assign_button = () => /*button_binding_1*/ ctx[19](button, obj2);
- const unassign_button = () => /*button_binding_1*/ ctx[19](null, obj2);
- function click_handler_1() {
- return /*click_handler_1*/ ctx[20](/*obj2*/ ctx[44]);
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div = element("div");
- button = element("button");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- attr_dev(button, "class", "level1 heading-button");
- add_location(button, file, 181, 40, 6934);
- attr_dev(div, "class", "heading-button-wrapper");
- add_location(div, file, 180, 36, 6856);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- append_dev(div, button);
- append_dev(button, t0);
- assign_button();
- append_dev(div, t1);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", click_handler_1, false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) {
- ctx = new_ctx;
- if (obj2 !== /*obj2*/ ctx[44]) {
- unassign_button();
- obj2 = /*obj2*/ ctx[44];
- assign_button();
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- unassign_button();
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block_4.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(180:36) {#each obj as obj2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (178:28) {#each contentHeadings as obj}
-function create_each_block_3(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- function select_block_type(ctx, dirty) {
- if (Array.isArray(/*obj*/ ctx[41])) return create_if_block_8;
- return create_else_block_1;
- }
- let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx);
- let if_block = current_block_type(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block_3.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(178:28) {#each contentHeadings as obj}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (199:28) {#if line!==""}
-function create_if_block_1(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- function select_block_type_2(ctx, dirty) {
- if (typeof (/*line*/ ctx[33] === 'object') && Object.keys(/*line*/ ctx[33])[0] == "ul") return create_if_block_2;
- if (typeof (/*line*/ ctx[33] === 'object') && Object.keys(/*line*/ ctx[33])[0] == "ol") return create_if_block_3;
- if (typeof (/*line*/ ctx[33] === 'object') && /*line*/ ctx[33].type == "h3") return create_if_block_4;
- if (typeof (/*line*/ ctx[33] === 'object') && /*line*/ ctx[33].type == "h2") return create_if_block_5;
- if (/*line*/ ctx[33][0] == "#") return create_if_block_6;
- return create_else_block;
- }
- let current_block_type = select_block_type_2(ctx);
- let if_block = current_block_type(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block_1.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(199:28) {#if line!==\\\"\\\"}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (224:32) {:else}
-function create_else_block(ctx) {
- let p;
- let html_tag;
- let raw_value = /*line*/ ctx[33] + "";
- let t;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- p = element("p");
- html_tag = new HtmlTag(false);
- t = space();
- html_tag.a = t;
- attr_dev(p, "class", "margin-end");
- add_location(p, file, 224, 36, 9794);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, p, anchor);
- html_tag.m(raw_value, p);
- append_dev(p, t);
- },
- p: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(p);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_else_block.name,
- type: "else",
- source: "(224:32) {:else}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (222:55)
-function create_if_block_6(ctx) {
- let h1;
- let raw_value = /*line*/ ctx[33].slice(2, /*line*/ ctx[33].length) + "";
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- h1 = element("h1");
- add_location(h1, file, 222, 36, 9673);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, h1, anchor);
- h1.innerHTML = raw_value;
- },
- p: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(h1);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block_6.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(222:55) ",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (218:90)
-function create_if_block_5(ctx) {
- let button;
- let h2;
- let raw_value = /*line*/ ctx[33].line + "";
- let line = /*line*/ ctx[33];
- let t;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const assign_h2 = () => /*h2_binding*/ ctx[26](h2, line);
- const unassign_h2 = () => /*h2_binding*/ ctx[26](null, line);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- button = element("button");
- h2 = element("h2");
- t = space();
- attr_dev(h2, "id", /*line*/ ctx[33].id);
- add_location(h2, file, 219, 40, 9455);
- set_style(button, "display", "block");
- set_style(button, "width", "100%");
- add_location(button, file, 218, 36, 9302);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, button, anchor);
- append_dev(button, h2);
- h2.innerHTML = raw_value;
- assign_h2();
- append_dev(button, t);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(
- button,
- "click",
- function () {
- if (is_function(/*contentTable*/ ctx[6].scrollIntoView({ block: 'start' }, true))) /*contentTable*/ ctx[6].scrollIntoView({ block: 'start' }, true).apply(this, arguments);
- },
- false,
- false,
- false
- );
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) {
- ctx = new_ctx;
- if (line !== /*line*/ ctx[33]) {
- unassign_h2();
- line = /*line*/ ctx[33];
- assign_h2();
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(button);
- unassign_h2();
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block_5.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(218:90) ",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (214:90)
-function create_if_block_4(ctx) {
- let button;
- let h3;
- let raw_value = /*line*/ ctx[33].line + "";
- let line = /*line*/ ctx[33];
- let t;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const assign_h3 = () => /*h3_binding*/ ctx[25](h3, line);
- const unassign_h3 = () => /*h3_binding*/ ctx[25](null, line);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- button = element("button");
- h3 = element("h3");
- t = space();
- attr_dev(h3, "id", /*line*/ ctx[33].id);
- add_location(h3, file, 215, 40, 9049);
- set_style(button, "display", "block");
- set_style(button, "width", "100%");
- add_location(button, file, 214, 36, 8896);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, button, anchor);
- append_dev(button, h3);
- h3.innerHTML = raw_value;
- assign_h3();
- append_dev(button, t);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(
- button,
- "click",
- function () {
- if (is_function(/*contentTable*/ ctx[6].scrollIntoView({ block: 'start' }, true))) /*contentTable*/ ctx[6].scrollIntoView({ block: 'start' }, true).apply(this, arguments);
- },
- false,
- false,
- false
- );
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) {
- ctx = new_ctx;
- if (line !== /*line*/ ctx[33]) {
- unassign_h3();
- line = /*line*/ ctx[33];
- assign_h3();
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(button);
- unassign_h3();
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block_4.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(214:90) ",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (206:101)
-function create_if_block_3(ctx) {
- let ol;
- let t;
- let each_value_2 = /*line*/ ctx[33].ol;
- validate_each_argument(each_value_2);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_2(get_each_context_2(ctx, each_value_2, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- ol = element("ol");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- t = space();
- add_location(ol, file, 206, 36, 8440);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, ol, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(ol, null);
- }
- append_dev(ol, t);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty[0] & /*manifesto*/ 2048) {
- each_value_2 = /*line*/ ctx[33].ol;
- validate_each_argument(each_value_2);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context_2(ctx, each_value_2, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_2(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(ol, t);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value_2.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(ol);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block_3.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(206:101) ",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (200:32) {#if typeof (line === 'object') && (Object.keys(line)[0]=="ul")}
-function create_if_block_2(ctx) {
- let ul;
- let t;
- let each_value_1 = /*line*/ ctx[33].ul;
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- ul = element("ul");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- t = space();
- add_location(ul, file, 200, 36, 8075);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, ul, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(ul, null);
- }
- append_dev(ul, t);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty[0] & /*manifesto*/ 2048) {
- each_value_1 = /*line*/ ctx[33].ul;
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(ul, t);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(ul);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block_2.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(200:32) {#if typeof (line === 'object') && (Object.keys(line)[0]==\\\"ul\\\")}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (208:40) {#each line.ol as line2}
-function create_each_block_2(ctx) {
- let li;
- let raw_value = /*line2*/ ctx[36] + "";
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- li = element("li");
- add_location(li, file, 208, 44, 8556);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, li, anchor);
- li.innerHTML = raw_value;
- },
- p: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(li);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block_2.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(208:40) {#each line.ol as line2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (202:40) {#each line.ul as line2}
-function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
- let li;
- let t_value = /*line2*/ ctx[36] + "";
- let t;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- li = element("li");
- t = text(t_value);
- add_location(li, file, 202, 44, 8191);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, li, anchor);
- append_dev(li, t);
- },
- p: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(li);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block_1.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(202:40) {#each line.ul as line2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (198:24) {#each manifesto as line}
-function create_each_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- function select_block_type_1(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*line*/ ctx[33] !== "") return create_if_block_1;
- }
- let current_block_type = select_block_type_1(ctx);
- let if_block = current_block_type && current_block_type(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (if_block) if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(detaching);
- }
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(198:24) {#each manifesto as line}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (171:16) {#key key}
-function create_key_block_1(ctx) {
- let div1;
- let button;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[10].tableOfContents + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let img_src_value;
- let t2;
- let div0;
- let t3;
- let div2;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- let each_value_3 = /*contentHeadings*/ ctx[12];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_3);
- let each_blocks_1 = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value_3.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks_1[i] = create_each_block_3(get_each_context_3(ctx, each_value_3, i));
- }
- let each_value = /*manifesto*/ ctx[11];
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div1 = element("div");
- button = element("button");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- div0 = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks_1[i].c();
- }
- t3 = space();
- div2 = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "../assets/arrow_down.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "arrow down");
- set_style(img, "transform", "scaleY(-1)");
- add_location(img, file, 174, 28, 6403);
- attr_dev(button, "id", "toggle-content");
- add_location(button, file, 172, 24, 6209);
- attr_dev(div0, "class", "module");
- set_style(div0, "display", "initial");
- add_location(div0, file, 176, 24, 6572);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "table-content");
- add_location(div1, file, 171, 20, 6134);
- attr_dev(div2, "id", "main");
- add_location(div2, file, 196, 20, 7811);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- append_dev(div1, button);
- append_dev(button, t0);
- append_dev(button, t1);
- append_dev(button, img);
- /*img_binding*/ ctx[16](img);
- /*button_binding*/ ctx[17](button);
- append_dev(div1, t2);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks_1[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- /*div0_binding*/ ctx[23](div0);
- /*div1_binding*/ ctx[24](div1);
- insert_dev(target, t3, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, div2, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div2, null);
- }
- /*div2_binding*/ ctx[27](div2);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[18], false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty[0] & /*$content*/ 1024 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[10].tableOfContents + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty[0] & /*contentHeadings, buttons, goToChapter*/ 36880) {
- each_value_3 = /*contentHeadings*/ ctx[12];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_3);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value_3.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context_3(ctx, each_value_3, i);
- if (each_blocks_1[i]) {
- each_blocks_1[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks_1[i] = create_each_block_3(child_ctx);
- each_blocks_1[i].c();
- each_blocks_1[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks_1.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks_1[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks_1.length = each_value_3.length;
- }
- if (dirty[0] & /*manifesto, contentTable, headingsObjects*/ 2144) {
- each_value = /*manifesto*/ ctx[11];
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div2, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- /*img_binding*/ ctx[16](null);
- /*button_binding*/ ctx[17](null);
- destroy_each(each_blocks_1, detaching);
- /*div0_binding*/ ctx[23](null);
- /*div1_binding*/ ctx[24](null);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t3);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div2);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- /*div2_binding*/ ctx[27](null);
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block_1.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(171:16) {#key key}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (167:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[9] == 2 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[9] == 2) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(167:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[9];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty[0] & /*$loaded*/ 512 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[9])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function hideBlock(arrow, block) {
- if (block.style.display == "none" || block.style.display == "") {
- block.style.display = "initial";
- arrow.style.transform = "scaleY(-1)";
- localStorage.setItem("manifesto-hide-content", "false");
- } else {
- block.style.display = "none";
- arrow.style.transform = "";
- localStorage.setItem("manifesto-hide-content", "true");
- }
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $loaded;
- let $content;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('manifesto-component', slots, []);
- let manifesto = [];
- let key;
- let contentButton;
- let contentArrow;
- let contentBlock;
- let buttons = [];
- let headingsObjects = {};
- let contentHeadings = [];
- let contentTable;
- let lastTop = 0;
- let margin = 0;
- let root;
- let main;
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(9, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(10, $content = value));
- loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "manifesto-component", loaded);
- const htmlDelims = ["ul", "ol"];
- getData("/locales/" + locale + "/manifesto.txt", function (response) {
- let splitText = response.split(/\r?\n/);
- let currentChapter;
- let cnt = 0;
- for (let j = 0; j < splitText.length; j++) {
- let line = splitText[j];
- let delimInd = htmlDelims.map(x => line.includes("<" + x + ">")).findIndex(x => x);
- if (delimInd != -1) {
- let delim = htmlDelims[delimInd];
- let obj = {};
- obj[delim] = [];
- let delimEndTag = "" + delim + ">";
- while (true) {
- j += 1;
- line = splitText[j];
- if (line.includes(delimEndTag)) {
- manifesto.push(obj);
- break;
- } else {
- obj[delim].push(line);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (line.slice(0, 3) == "###") {
- let heading = line.slice(4, line.length);
- let id = heading.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll(" ", "-");
- currentChapter.push({ id, name: heading, index: cnt });
- cnt += 1;
- manifesto.push({
- type: "h3",
- id,
- line: heading,
- index: cnt
- });
- } else if (line.slice(0, 2) == "##") {
- let heading = line.slice(3, line.length);
- let id = heading.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll(" ", "-");
- contentHeadings.push({
- id: heading.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll(" ", "-"),
- name: heading,
- index: cnt
- });
- cnt += 1;
- currentChapter = [];
- contentHeadings.push(currentChapter);
- manifesto.push({
- type: "h2",
- id,
- line: heading,
- index: cnt
- });
- } else {
- manifesto.push(line);
- }
- }
- }
- $$invalidate(0, key += 1);
- });
- function goToChapter(id) {
- headingsObjects[id].scrollIntoView({ block: 'start' }, true);
- }
- addEventListener("scroll", event => {
- if (window.innerWidth > 1080) {
- let top = px2rem(window.scrollY);
- let textBottom = px2rem(root.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + window.scrollY);
- let tableBottom = px2rem(contentTable.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + window.scrollY);
- if (top > lastTop && top < 5 || top < lastTop && top < 5) {
- margin = -Math.min(px2rem(window.scrollY), 5);
- } else if (tableBottom >= textBottom - 1.5) {
- margin = margin - (tableBottom - (textBottom - 1.5));
- } else {
- if (margin > -5) {
- margin = -5;
- }
- if (top < 5 && top != 0) {
- let dif = px2rem(contentTable.offsetHeight - window.innerHeight);
- margin = -Math.min(px2rem(window.scrollY), 5 + dif + 2.5);
- } else if (top < lastTop || margin == 0) {
- if (margin < -5) {
- margin = margin + (lastTop - top);
- } else {
- margin = -5;
- }
- } else {
- if (contentTable.offsetHeight > window.innerHeight) {
- let dif = px2rem(contentTable.offsetHeight) - px2rem(window.innerHeight);
- if (margin > -(dif + 8)) {
- margin = margin + (lastTop - top);
- } else {
- margin = -(dif + 8);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $$invalidate(6, contentTable.style.marginTop = margin + "rem", contentTable);
- lastTop = px2rem(window.scrollY);
- } else {
- $$invalidate(6, contentTable.style.marginTop = "0rem", contentTable);
- }
- });
- onMount(() => {
- let hideBool = localStorage.getItem("manifesto-hide-content");
- if (hideBool != undefined && hideBool != null) {
- if (hideBool == "true") {
- hideBlock(contentArrow, contentBlock);
- }
- }
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function img_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- contentArrow = $$value;
- $$invalidate(2, contentArrow);
- });
- }
- function button_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- contentButton = $$value;
- $$invalidate(1, contentButton);
- });
- }
- const click_handler = () => hideBlock(contentArrow, contentBlock);
- function button_binding_1($$value, obj2) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- buttons[obj2.index] = $$value;
- $$invalidate(4, buttons);
- });
- }
- const click_handler_1 = obj2 => goToChapter(obj2.id);
- function button_binding_2($$value, obj) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- buttons[obj.index] = $$value;
- $$invalidate(4, buttons);
- });
- }
- const click_handler_2 = obj => goToChapter(obj.id);
- function div0_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- contentBlock = $$value;
- $$invalidate(3, contentBlock);
- });
- }
- function div1_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- contentTable = $$value;
- $$invalidate(6, contentTable);
- });
- }
- function h3_binding($$value, line) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- headingsObjects[line.id] = $$value;
- $$invalidate(5, headingsObjects);
- });
- }
- function h2_binding($$value, line) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- headingsObjects[line.id] = $$value;
- $$invalidate(5, headingsObjects);
- });
- }
- function div2_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- main = $$value;
- $$invalidate(8, main);
- });
- }
- function div1_binding_1($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- root = $$value;
- $$invalidate(7, root);
- });
- }
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- writable,
- getData,
- px2rem,
- loadLocaleContent,
- manifesto,
- key,
- contentButton,
- contentArrow,
- contentBlock,
- buttons,
- headingsObjects,
- contentHeadings,
- contentTable,
- lastTop,
- margin,
- root,
- main,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- htmlDelims,
- hideBlock,
- goToChapter,
- $loaded,
- $content
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('manifesto' in $$props) $$invalidate(11, manifesto = $$props.manifesto);
- if ('key' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, key = $$props.key);
- if ('contentButton' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, contentButton = $$props.contentButton);
- if ('contentArrow' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, contentArrow = $$props.contentArrow);
- if ('contentBlock' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, contentBlock = $$props.contentBlock);
- if ('buttons' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, buttons = $$props.buttons);
- if ('headingsObjects' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, headingsObjects = $$props.headingsObjects);
- if ('contentHeadings' in $$props) $$invalidate(12, contentHeadings = $$props.contentHeadings);
- if ('contentTable' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, contentTable = $$props.contentTable);
- if ('lastTop' in $$props) lastTop = $$props.lastTop;
- if ('margin' in $$props) margin = $$props.margin;
- if ('root' in $$props) $$invalidate(7, root = $$props.root);
- if ('main' in $$props) $$invalidate(8, main = $$props.main);
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(13, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(14, content = $$props.content);
- if ('locale' in $$props) locale = $$props.locale;
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- key,
- contentButton,
- contentArrow,
- contentBlock,
- buttons,
- headingsObjects,
- contentTable,
- root,
- main,
- $loaded,
- $content,
- manifesto,
- contentHeadings,
- loaded,
- content,
- goToChapter,
- img_binding,
- button_binding,
- click_handler,
- button_binding_1,
- click_handler_1,
- button_binding_2,
- click_handler_2,
- div0_binding,
- div1_binding,
- h3_binding,
- h2_binding,
- div2_binding,
- div1_binding_1
- ];
-class Manifesto_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null,
- [-1, -1]
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("manifesto-component", Manifesto_component);
-export { Manifesto_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as e,a as n,b as i,s as l,e as o,n as r,d as s,c,o as a,w as d,f as m,h as u,l as f,t as h,g as p,j as g,v as w,q as b,m as x,p as y,y as v,H as k}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as H}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{loadLocaleContent as j,getData as I}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import{px2rem as L}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js";function T(t,e,n){const i=t.slice();return i[33]=e[n],i[34]=e,i[35]=n,i}function Y(t,e,n){const i=t.slice();return i[36]=e[n],i}function C(t,e,n){const i=t.slice();return i[36]=e[n],i}function M(t,e,n){const i=t.slice();return i[41]=e[n],i[42]=e,i[43]=n,i}function z(t,e,n){const i=t.slice();return i[44]=e[n],i[45]=e,i[46]=n,i}function A(t){let e,n,o=t[0],r=K(t);return{c(){e=m("div"),n=m("div"),r.c(),u(n,"id","text-container"),u(e,"id","container")},m(l,o){i(l,e,o),f(e,n),r.m(n,null),t[28](e)},p(t,e){1&e[0]&&l(o,o=t[0])?(r.d(1),r=K(t),r.c(),r.m(n,null)):r.p(t,e)},d(n){n&&s(e),r.d(n),t[28](null)}}}function V(t){let e,n,l,o,r,c,a=t[41].name+"",d=t[41];const g=()=>t[21](n,d),w=()=>t[21](null,d);function x(){return t[22](t[41])}return{c(){e=m("div"),n=m("button"),l=h(a),o=p(),u(n,"class","level0 heading-button"),u(e,"class","heading-button-wrapper")},m(t,s){i(t,e,s),f(e,n),f(n,l),g(),f(e,o),r||(c=b(n,"click",x),r=!0)},p(e,n){d!==(t=e)[41]&&(w(),d=t[41],g())},d(t){t&&s(e),w(),r=!1,c()}}}function O(t){let e,n=t[41],l=[];for(let e=0;et[19](n,d),w=()=>t[19](null,d);function x(){return t[20](t[44])}return{c(){e=m("div"),n=m("button"),l=h(a),o=p(),u(n,"class","level1 heading-button"),u(e,"class","heading-button-wrapper")},m(t,s){i(t,e,s),f(e,n),f(n,l),g(),f(e,o),r||(c=b(n,"click",x),r=!0)},p(e,n){d!==(t=e)[44]&&(w(),d=t[44],g())},d(t){t&&s(e),w(),r=!1,c()}}}function S(t){let e;let n=function(t,e){return Array.isArray(t[41])?O:V}(t),l=n(t);return{c(){l.c(),e=o()},m(t,n){l.m(t,n),i(t,e,n)},p(t,e){l.p(t,e)},d(t){l.d(t),t&&s(e)}}}function E(t){let e;let n=function(t,e){return t[33],"ul"==Object.keys(t[33])[0]?D:(t[33],"ol"==Object.keys(t[33])[0]?W:(t[33],"h3"==t[33].type?q:(t[33],"h2"==t[33].type?_:"#"==t[33][0]?B:N)))}(t),l=n(t);return{c(){l.c(),e=o()},m(t,n){l.m(t,n),i(t,e,n)},p(t,e){l.p(t,e)},d(t){l.d(t),t&&s(e)}}}function N(t){let e,n,l,o=t[33]+"";return{c(){e=m("p"),n=new k(!1),l=p(),n.a=l,u(e,"class","margin-end")},m(t,r){i(t,e,r),n.m(o,e),f(e,l)},p:r,d(t){t&&s(e)}}}function B(t){let e,n=t[33].slice(2,t[33].length)+"";return{c(){e=m("h1")},m(t,l){i(t,e,l),e.innerHTML=n},p:r,d(t){t&&s(e)}}}function _(t){let e,n,l,o,r,c=t[33].line+"",a=t[33];const d=()=>t[26](n,a),h=()=>t[26](null,a);return{c(){e=m("button"),n=m("h2"),l=p(),u(n,"id",t[33].id),w(e,"display","block"),w(e,"width","100%")},m(s,a){i(s,e,a),f(e,n),n.innerHTML=c,d(),f(e,l),o||(r=b(e,"click",(function(){v(t[6].scrollIntoView({block:"start"},!0))&&t[6].scrollIntoView({block:"start"},!0).apply(this,arguments)})),o=!0)},p(e,n){a!==(t=e)[33]&&(h(),a=t[33],d())},d(t){t&&s(e),h(),o=!1,r()}}}function q(t){let e,n,l,o,r,c=t[33].line+"",a=t[33];const d=()=>t[25](n,a),h=()=>t[25](null,a);return{c(){e=m("button"),n=m("h3"),l=p(),u(n,"id",t[33].id),w(e,"display","block"),w(e,"width","100%")},m(s,a){i(s,e,a),f(e,n),n.innerHTML=c,d(),f(e,l),o||(r=b(e,"click",(function(){v(t[6].scrollIntoView({block:"start"},!0))&&t[6].scrollIntoView({block:"start"},!0).apply(this,arguments)})),o=!0)},p(e,n){a!==(t=e)[33]&&(h(),a=t[33],d())},d(t){t&&s(e),h(),o=!1,r()}}}function W(t){let e,n,l=t[33].ol,o=[];for(let e=0;en(9,i=t)));let k=H({});c(t,k,(t=>n(10,l=t))),j(k,"countries",v);let T=j(k,"manifesto-component",v);const Y=["ul","ol"];function C(t){w[t].scrollIntoView({block:"start"},!0)}I("/locales/"+T+"/manifesto.txt",(function(t){let e,i=t.split(/\r?\n/),l=0;for(let t=0;tn.includes("<"+t+">"))).findIndex((t=>t));if(-1!=o){let e=Y[o],l={};l[e]=[];let r=""+e+">";for(;;){if(t+=1,n=i[t],n.includes(r)){p.push(l);break}l[e].push(n)}}else if("###"==n.slice(0,3)){let t=n.slice(4,n.length),i=t.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll(" ","-");e.push({id:i,name:t,index:l}),l+=1,p.push({type:"h3",id:i,line:t,index:l})}else if("##"==n.slice(0,2)){let t=n.slice(3,n.length),i=t.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll(" ","-");b.push({id:t.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll(" ","-"),name:t,index:l}),l+=1,e=[],b.push(e),p.push({type:"h2",id:i,line:t,index:l})}else p.push(n)}n(0,o+=1)})),addEventListener("scroll",(t=>{if(window.innerWidth>1080){let t=L(window.scrollY),e=L(f.getBoundingClientRect().bottom+window.scrollY),i=L(u.getBoundingClientRect().bottom+window.scrollY);if(t>x&&t<5||t=e-1.5)y-=i-(e-1.5);else if(y>-5&&(y=-5),t<5&&0!=t){let t=L(u.offsetHeight-window.innerHeight);y=-Math.min(L(window.scrollY),5+t+2.5)}else if(twindow.innerHeight){let e=L(u.offsetHeight)-L(window.innerHeight);y>-(e+8)?y+=x-t:y=-(e+8)}n(6,u.style.marginTop=y+"rem",u),x=L(window.scrollY)}else n(6,u.style.marginTop="0rem",u)})),a((()=>{let t=localStorage.getItem("manifesto-hide-content");null!=t&&null!=t&&"true"==t&&U(s,m)}));return[o,r,s,m,g,w,u,f,h,i,l,p,b,v,k,C,function(t){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{s=t,n(2,s)}))},function(t){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{r=t,n(1,r)}))},()=>U(s,m),function(t,e){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{g[e.index]=t,n(4,g)}))},t=>C(t.id),function(t,e){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{g[e.index]=t,n(4,g)}))},t=>C(t.id),function(t){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{m=t,n(3,m)}))},function(t){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{u=t,n(6,u)}))},function(t,e){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{w[e.id]=t,n(5,w)}))},function(t,e){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{w[e.id]=t,n(5,w)}))},function(t){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{h=t,n(8,h)}))},function(t){d[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{f=t,n(7,f)}))}]}class Z extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:n(this.attributes),customElement:!0},X,Q,l,{},null,[-1,-1]),t&&t.target&&i(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("manifesto-component",Z);export{Z as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/map-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/map-component.js
index f96a0e1..ec2f98e 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/map-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/map-component.js
@@ -1,175 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, B as flush, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, o as onMount, k as element, n as noop, p as attr_dev, m as add_location, h as detach_dev, C as binding_callbacks } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-/* src\components\map-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\components\\map-component.svelte";
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let div;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div = element("div");
- this.c = noop;
- attr_dev(div, "id", "map");
- add_location(div, file, 41, 0, 1151);
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- /*div_binding*/ ctx[3](div);
- },
- p: noop,
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- /*div_binding*/ ctx[3](null);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('map-component', slots, []);
- let { callback = null } = $$props;
- let { colors = null } = $$props;
- // Main code
- let mapContainer;
- function createMap(center, zoom) {
- let map = L.map(mapContainer, { center, zoom });
- L.tileLayer('https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
- attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors',
- minNativeZoom: 2,
- minZoom: 2,
- maxNativeZoom: 14,
- maxZoom: 14
- }).addTo(map);
- return map;
- }
- onMount(() => {
- callback(createMap);
- if (colors != null) {
- let els = mapContainer.getElementsByClassName("leaflet-control-layers-overlays")[0].children;
- for (let i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
- els[i].children[0].children[0].style.accentColor = colors[i];
- }
- }
- });
- const writable_props = ['callback', 'colors'];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function div_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- mapContainer = $$value;
- $$invalidate(0, mapContainer);
- });
- }
- $$self.$$set = $$props => {
- if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, callback = $$props.callback);
- if ('colors' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, colors = $$props.colors);
- };
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- callback,
- colors,
- mapContainer,
- createMap
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, callback = $$props.callback);
- if ('colors' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, colors = $$props.colors);
- if ('mapContainer' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, mapContainer = $$props.mapContainer);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [mapContainer, callback, colors, div_binding];
-class Map_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- { callback: 1, colors: 2 },
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- if (options.props) {
- this.$set(options.props);
- flush();
- }
- }
- }
- static get observedAttributes() {
- return ["callback", "colors"];
- }
- get callback() {
- return this.$$.ctx[1];
- }
- set callback(callback) {
- this.$$set({ callback });
- flush();
- }
- get colors() {
- return this.$$.ctx[2];
- }
- set colors(colors) {
- this.$$set({ colors });
- flush();
- }
-customElements.define("map-component", Map_component);
-export { Map_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as e,a as o,b as s,u as a,s as r,f as l,n,h as i,d as c,o as m,w as h}from"./index-4348483d.js";function p(t){let e;return{c(){e=l("div"),this.c=n,i(e,"id","map")},m(o,a){s(o,e,a),t[3](e)},p:n,i:n,o:n,d(o){o&&c(e),t[3](null)}}}function u(t,e,o){let s,{callback:a=null}=e,{colors:r=null}=e;function l(t,e){let o=L.map(s,{center:t,zoom:e});return L.tileLayer("https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",{attribution:'© OpenStreetMap contributors',minNativeZoom:2,minZoom:2,maxNativeZoom:14,maxZoom:14}).addTo(o),o}return m((()=>{if(a(l),null!=r){let t=s.getElementsByClassName("leaflet-control-layers-overlays")[0].children;for(let e=0;e{"callback"in t&&o(1,a=t.callback),"colors"in t&&o(2,r=t.colors)},[s,a,r,function(t){h[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{s=t,o(0,s)}))}]}class d extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:o(this.attributes),customElement:!0},u,p,r,{callback:1,colors:2},null),t&&(t.target&&s(t.target,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),a()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["callback","colors"]}get callback(){return this.$$.ctx[1]}set callback(t){this.$$set({callback:t}),a()}get colors(){return this.$$.ctx[2]}set colors(t){this.$$set({colors:t}),a()}}customElements.define("map-component",d);export{d as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/navbar-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/navbar-component.js
index 208d06f..1064ab1 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/navbar-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/navbar-component.js
@@ -1,638 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, E as getContext, g as globals, j as validate_each_argument, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, C as binding_callbacks, t as text, l as space, k as element, p as attr_dev, m as add_location, q as src_url_equal, u as append_dev, y as listen_dev, w as set_data_dev, x as destroy_each, z as run_all } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent, locales } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-/* src\navbar\navbar-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const { Object: Object_1 } = globals;
-const file = "src\\navbar\\navbar-component.svelte";
-function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[17] = list[i][0];
- child_ctx[18] = list[i][1];
- return child_ctx;
-// (87:4) {#if Object.keys($content).length!=0}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let t0_value = /*fixHeading*/ ctx[11]() + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let header;
- let input;
- let t2;
- let label;
- let span0;
- let t3;
- let a0;
- let img0;
- let img0_src_value;
- let t4;
- let span1;
- let raw_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].orgName + "";
- let t5;
- let nav;
- let ul;
- let li0;
- let a1;
- let t6_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].manifesto + "";
- let t6;
- let t7;
- let li1;
- let a2;
- let t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].joinUs + "";
- let t8;
- let t9;
- let li2;
- let a3;
- let t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].groups + "";
- let t10;
- let t11;
- let li3;
- let a4;
- let t12_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].communes + "";
- let t12;
- let t13;
- let li4;
- let a5;
- let t14_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].cooperatives + "";
- let t14;
- let t15;
- let li5;
- let a6;
- let t16_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].parties + "";
- let t16;
- let t17;
- let li6;
- let a7;
- let t18_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].partners + "";
- let t18;
- let t19;
- let li7;
- let button;
- let picture;
- let source0;
- let t20;
- let source1;
- let t21;
- let img1;
- let t22;
- let div;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- let each_value = Object.entries(locales);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- header = element("header");
- input = element("input");
- t2 = space();
- label = element("label");
- span0 = element("span");
- t3 = space();
- a0 = element("a");
- img0 = element("img");
- t4 = space();
- span1 = element("span");
- t5 = space();
- nav = element("nav");
- ul = element("ul");
- li0 = element("li");
- a1 = element("a");
- t6 = text(t6_value);
- t7 = space();
- li1 = element("li");
- a2 = element("a");
- t8 = text(t8_value);
- t9 = space();
- li2 = element("li");
- a3 = element("a");
- t10 = text(t10_value);
- t11 = space();
- li3 = element("li");
- a4 = element("a");
- t12 = text(t12_value);
- t13 = space();
- li4 = element("li");
- a5 = element("a");
- t14 = text(t14_value);
- t15 = space();
- li5 = element("li");
- a6 = element("a");
- t16 = text(t16_value);
- t17 = space();
- li6 = element("li");
- a7 = element("a");
- t18 = text(t18_value);
- t19 = space();
- li7 = element("li");
- button = element("button");
- picture = element("picture");
- source0 = element("source");
- t20 = space();
- source1 = element("source");
- t21 = space();
- img1 = element("img");
- t22 = space();
- div = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- attr_dev(input, "type", "checkbox");
- attr_dev(input, "id", "side-menu");
- add_location(input, file, 90, 12, 2866);
- attr_dev(span0, "id", "hamb-line");
- add_location(span0, file, 91, 45, 2997);
- attr_dev(label, "id", "hamb");
- attr_dev(label, "for", "side-menu");
- add_location(label, file, 91, 12, 2964);
- if (!src_url_equal(img0.src, img0_src_value = "/img/common/flag.png")) attr_dev(img0, "src", img0_src_value);
- attr_dev(img0, "id", "navbar-logo");
- attr_dev(img0, "alt", "logo");
- add_location(img0, file, 94, 16, 3139);
- attr_dev(span1, "id", "navbar-logo-text");
- add_location(span1, file, 95, 16, 3217);
- attr_dev(a0, "id", "logo-container");
- attr_dev(a0, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[7] + "/");
- add_location(a0, file, 93, 12, 3074);
- attr_dev(a1, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[7] + "/manifesto");
- add_location(a1, file, 100, 24, 3429);
- add_location(li0, file, 100, 20, 3425);
- attr_dev(a2, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[7] + "/join-us");
- add_location(a2, file, 101, 24, 3518);
- add_location(li1, file, 101, 20, 3514);
- attr_dev(a3, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[7] + "/groups");
- add_location(a3, file, 102, 24, 3602);
- add_location(li2, file, 102, 20, 3598);
- attr_dev(a4, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[7] + "/communes");
- add_location(a4, file, 103, 24, 3685);
- add_location(li3, file, 103, 20, 3681);
- attr_dev(a5, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[7] + "/cooperatives");
- add_location(a5, file, 104, 24, 3772);
- add_location(li4, file, 104, 20, 3768);
- attr_dev(a6, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[7] + "/parties");
- add_location(a6, file, 105, 24, 3867);
- add_location(li5, file, 105, 20, 3863);
- attr_dev(a7, "href", "/" + /*locale*/ ctx[7] + "/partners");
- add_location(a7, file, 106, 24, 3952);
- add_location(li6, file, 106, 20, 3948);
- attr_dev(source0, "srcset", "/img/common/globe.webp");
- add_location(source0, file, 110, 32, 4182);
- attr_dev(source1, "srcset", "/img/common/globe.png");
- add_location(source1, file, 111, 32, 4256);
- attr_dev(img1, "id", "locales-img");
- attr_dev(img1, "alt", "globe");
- add_location(img1, file, 112, 32, 4329);
- add_location(picture, file, 109, 28, 4139);
- add_location(button, file, 108, 24, 4078);
- attr_dev(li7, "id", "locales");
- add_location(li7, file, 107, 20, 4035);
- attr_dev(div, "id", "locales-dropdown");
- add_location(div, file, 116, 20, 4487);
- attr_dev(ul, "id", "menu");
- add_location(ul, file, 99, 16, 3389);
- attr_dev(nav, "id", "nav");
- add_location(nav, file, 98, 12, 3357);
- attr_dev(header, "id", "navbar");
- add_location(header, file, 88, 8, 2776);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, t0, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, t1, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, header, anchor);
- append_dev(header, input);
- /*input_binding*/ ctx[12](input);
- append_dev(header, t2);
- append_dev(header, label);
- append_dev(label, span0);
- append_dev(header, t3);
- append_dev(header, a0);
- append_dev(a0, img0);
- append_dev(a0, t4);
- append_dev(a0, span1);
- span1.innerHTML = raw_value;
- /*span1_binding*/ ctx[13](span1);
- append_dev(header, t5);
- append_dev(header, nav);
- append_dev(nav, ul);
- append_dev(ul, li0);
- append_dev(li0, a1);
- append_dev(a1, t6);
- append_dev(ul, t7);
- append_dev(ul, li1);
- append_dev(li1, a2);
- append_dev(a2, t8);
- append_dev(ul, t9);
- append_dev(ul, li2);
- append_dev(li2, a3);
- append_dev(a3, t10);
- append_dev(ul, t11);
- append_dev(ul, li3);
- append_dev(li3, a4);
- append_dev(a4, t12);
- append_dev(ul, t13);
- append_dev(ul, li4);
- append_dev(li4, a5);
- append_dev(a5, t14);
- append_dev(ul, t15);
- append_dev(ul, li5);
- append_dev(li5, a6);
- append_dev(a6, t16);
- append_dev(ul, t17);
- append_dev(ul, li6);
- append_dev(li6, a7);
- append_dev(a7, t18);
- append_dev(ul, t19);
- append_dev(ul, li7);
- append_dev(li7, button);
- append_dev(button, picture);
- append_dev(picture, source0);
- append_dev(picture, t20);
- append_dev(picture, source1);
- append_dev(picture, t21);
- append_dev(picture, img1);
- append_dev(ul, t22);
- append_dev(ul, div);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- /*div_binding*/ ctx[15](div);
- /*header_binding*/ ctx[16](header);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = [
- listen_dev(input, "click", /*changeNavbar*/ ctx[8], false, false, false),
- listen_dev(button, "click", /*showLocales*/ ctx[9], false, false, false)
- ];
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 16 && raw_value !== (raw_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].orgName + "")) span1.innerHTML = raw_value; if (dirty & /*$content*/ 16 && t6_value !== (t6_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].manifesto + "")) set_data_dev(t6, t6_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 16 && t8_value !== (t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].joinUs + "")) set_data_dev(t8, t8_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 16 && t10_value !== (t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].groups + "")) set_data_dev(t10, t10_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 16 && t12_value !== (t12_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].communes + "")) set_data_dev(t12, t12_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 16 && t14_value !== (t14_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].cooperatives + "")) set_data_dev(t14, t14_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 16 && t16_value !== (t16_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].parties + "")) set_data_dev(t16, t16_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 16 && t18_value !== (t18_value = /*$content*/ ctx[4].partners + "")) set_data_dev(t18, t18_value);
- if (dirty & /*changeLocale, Object, locales*/ 1024) {
- each_value = Object.entries(locales);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t0);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t1);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(header);
- /*input_binding*/ ctx[12](null);
- /*span1_binding*/ ctx[13](null);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- /*div_binding*/ ctx[15](null);
- /*header_binding*/ ctx[16](null);
- mounted = false;
- run_all(dispose);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(87:4) {#if Object.keys($content).length!=0}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (118:24) {#each Object.entries(locales) as [loc,name]}
-function create_each_block(ctx) {
- let button;
- let t_value = /*name*/ ctx[18] + "";
- let t;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- function click_handler() {
- return /*click_handler*/ ctx[14](/*loc*/ ctx[17]);
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- button = element("button");
- t = text(t_value);
- add_location(button, file, 118, 28, 4643);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, button, anchor);
- append_dev(button, t);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", click_handler, false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) {
- ctx = new_ctx;
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(button);
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(118:24) {#each Object.entries(locales) as [loc,name]}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let show_if = Object.keys(/*$content*/ ctx[4]).length != 0;
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = show_if && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 16) show_if = Object.keys(/*$content*/ ctx[4]).length != 0;
- if (show_if) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $content;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('navbar-component', slots, []);
- let hambInput;
- let navbar;
- let localesDropdown;
- let loaded = writable(0);
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(4, $content = value));
- let logoText;
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "navbar-component", loaded);
- function changeNavbar() {
- if (hambInput.checked) {
- $$invalidate(1, navbar.style.background = "white", navbar);
- } else {
- setTimeout(
- () => {
- $$invalidate(1, navbar.style.position = "relative", navbar);
- $$invalidate(1, navbar.style.background = "", navbar);
- $$invalidate(1, navbar.style.boxShadow = "", navbar);
- },
- 510
- );
- }
- }
- function showLocales() {
- if (localesDropdown.style.display == "block") {
- $$invalidate(2, localesDropdown.style.display = "none", localesDropdown);
- } else {
- $$invalidate(2, localesDropdown.style.display = "block", localesDropdown);
- }
- }
- function changeLocale(lang) {
- localStorage.setItem("locale", lang);
- let locSplit = location.href.split("/");
- let localesSymbols = Object.keys(locales);
- locSplit = locSplit.filter(x => !localesSymbols.includes(x));
- let loc = locSplit.slice(0, locSplit.length - 1).join("/") + "/" + lang + "/" + locSplit[locSplit.length - 1];
- location.href = loc;
- }
- function fixHeading() {
- if (locale == "ru") {
- let func = () => {
- if (logoText == undefined) {
- setTimeout(func, 100);
- } else {
- if ((window.innerWidth < 1700 && window.innerWidth > 1400 || window.innerWidth < 400) && logoText.style.lineHeight != "100%") {
- $$invalidate(3, logoText.style.lineHeight = "120%", logoText);
- $$invalidate(3, logoText.style.top = "1rem", logoText);
- $$invalidate(3, logoText.style.width = "16rem", logoText);
- } else if ((window.innerWidth > 1700 || window.innerWidth > 400 && window.innerWidth < 1400) && logoText.style.lineHeight != "400%") {
- $$invalidate(3, logoText.style.lineHeight = "400%", logoText);
- $$invalidate(3, logoText.style.top = "0rem", logoText);
- $$invalidate(3, logoText.style.width = "auto", logoText);
- }
- }
- };
- func();
- addEventListener("resize", func);
- }
- }
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function input_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- hambInput = $$value;
- $$invalidate(0, hambInput);
- });
- }
- function span1_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- logoText = $$value;
- $$invalidate(3, logoText);
- });
- }
- const click_handler = loc => changeLocale(loc);
- function div_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- localesDropdown = $$value;
- $$invalidate(2, localesDropdown);
- });
- }
- function header_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- navbar = $$value;
- $$invalidate(1, navbar);
- });
- }
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- getContext,
- writable,
- loadLocaleContent,
- locales,
- hambInput,
- navbar,
- localesDropdown,
- loaded,
- content,
- logoText,
- locale,
- changeNavbar,
- showLocales,
- changeLocale,
- fixHeading,
- $content
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('hambInput' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, hambInput = $$props.hambInput);
- if ('navbar' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, navbar = $$props.navbar);
- if ('localesDropdown' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, localesDropdown = $$props.localesDropdown);
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, content = $$props.content);
- if ('logoText' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, logoText = $$props.logoText);
- if ('locale' in $$props) $$invalidate(7, locale = $$props.locale);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- hambInput,
- navbar,
- localesDropdown,
- logoText,
- $content,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- changeNavbar,
- showLocales,
- changeLocale,
- fixHeading,
- input_binding,
- span1_binding,
- click_handler,
- div_binding,
- header_binding
- ];
-class Navbar_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("navbar-component", Navbar_component);
-export { Navbar_component as default };
+import{S as e,i as t,a as n,b as o,s as i,e as r,n as a,d as l,c as s,o as d,t as c,g as m,f as h,h as p,j as g,l as u,q as f,m as b,p as w,r as v,w as y}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as k}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{loadLocaleContent as x,locales as j}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";function H(e,t,n){const o=e.slice();return o[17]=t[n][0],o[18]=t[n][1],o}function z(e){let t,n,i,r,a,s,d,y,k,x,z,L,W,M,O,E,N,S,R,U,q,I,X,A,B,C,D,F,G,J,K,P,Q,V,Y,Z,$,_,ee,te,ne,oe,ie,re,ae,le,se,de,ce,me=e[11]()+"",he=e[4].orgName+"",pe=e[4].manifesto+"",ge=e[4].joinUs+"",ue=e[4].groups+"",fe=e[4].communes+"",be=e[4].cooperatives+"",we=e[4].parties+"",ve=e[4].partners+"",ye=Object.entries(j),ke=[];for(let t=0;t',d=m(),y=h("a"),k=h("img"),z=m(),L=h("span"),W=m(),M=h("nav"),O=h("ul"),E=h("li"),N=h("a"),S=c(pe),R=m(),U=h("li"),q=h("a"),I=c(ge),X=m(),A=h("li"),B=h("a"),C=c(ue),D=m(),F=h("li"),G=h("a"),J=c(fe),K=m(),P=h("li"),Q=h("a"),V=c(be),Y=m(),Z=h("li"),$=h("a"),_=c(we),ee=m(),te=h("li"),ne=h("a"),oe=c(ve),ie=m(),re=h("li"),ae=h("button"),ae.innerHTML=' \n \n
',le=m(),se=h("div");for(let e=0;en(4,o=e)));let h=x(m,"navbar-component",c);function p(e){localStorage.setItem("locale",e);let t=location.href.split("/"),n=Object.keys(j);t=t.filter((e=>!n.includes(e)));let o=t.slice(0,t.length-1).join("/")+"/"+e+"/"+t[t.length-1];location.href=o}d((()=>{}));return[i,r,a,l,o,c,m,h,function(){i.checked?n(1,r.style.background="white",r):setTimeout((()=>{n(1,r.style.position="relative",r),n(1,r.style.background="",r),n(1,r.style.boxShadow="",r)}),510)},function(){"block"==a.style.display?n(2,a.style.display="none",a):n(2,a.style.display="block",a)},p,function(){if("ru"==h){let e=()=>{null==l?setTimeout(e,100):(window.innerWidth<1700&&window.innerWidth>1400||window.innerWidth<400)&&"100%"!=l.style.lineHeight?(n(3,l.style.lineHeight="120%",l),n(3,l.style.top="1rem",l),n(3,l.style.width="16rem",l)):(window.innerWidth>1700||window.innerWidth>400&&window.innerWidth<1400)&&"400%"!=l.style.lineHeight&&(n(3,l.style.lineHeight="400%",l),n(3,l.style.top="0rem",l),n(3,l.style.width="auto",l))};e(),addEventListener("resize",e)}},function(e){y[e?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{i=e,n(0,i)}))},function(e){y[e?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{l=e,n(3,l)}))},e=>p(e),function(e){y[e?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{a=e,n(2,a)}))},function(e){y[e?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{r=e,n(1,r)}))}]}class M extends e{constructor(e){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",t(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:n(this.attributes),customElement:!0},W,L,i,{},null),e&&e.target&&o(e.target,this,e.anchor)}}customElements.define("navbar-component",M);export{M as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/pane-aligner.js b/Server/public/js/components/pane-aligner.js
index 7115f40..784b939 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/pane-aligner.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/pane-aligner.js
@@ -1,304 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, E as getContext, o as onMount, F as setContext, k as element, l as space, n as noop, p as attr_dev, m as add_location, u as append_dev, h as detach_dev, C as binding_callbacks } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { debounce } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js';
-/* src\components\pane-aligner.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\components\\pane-aligner.svelte";
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let div6;
- let div5;
- let div2;
- let div0;
- let slot0;
- let t0;
- let div1;
- let slot1;
- let t1;
- let div3;
- let slot2;
- let t2;
- let div4;
- let slot3;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div6 = element("div");
- div5 = element("div");
- div2 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- slot0 = element("slot");
- t0 = space();
- div1 = element("div");
- slot1 = element("slot");
- t1 = space();
- div3 = element("div");
- slot2 = element("slot");
- t2 = space();
- div4 = element("div");
- slot3 = element("slot");
- this.c = noop;
- attr_dev(slot0, "name", "sidebar-left");
- add_location(slot0, file, 74, 16, 2567);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "sidebar-left");
- attr_dev(div0, "class", "pane");
- add_location(div0, file, 73, 12, 2489);
- attr_dev(slot1, "name", "sidebar-left2");
- add_location(slot1, file, 77, 16, 2714);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "sidebar-left2");
- attr_dev(div1, "class", "pane");
- add_location(div1, file, 76, 12, 2634);
- attr_dev(div2, "id", "sidebars-left");
- attr_dev(div2, "class", "sidebar");
- add_location(div2, file, 72, 8, 2435);
- attr_dev(slot2, "name", "sidebar-right");
- add_location(slot2, file, 81, 12, 2879);
- attr_dev(div3, "id", "sidebar-right");
- attr_dev(div3, "class", "pane sidebar");
- add_location(div3, file, 80, 8, 2794);
- attr_dev(slot3, "name", "main");
- attr_dev(slot3, "id", "main-slot");
- add_location(slot3, file, 84, 12, 3007);
- attr_dev(div4, "id", "main-pane");
- attr_dev(div4, "class", "pane");
- add_location(div4, file, 83, 8, 2939);
- attr_dev(div5, "class", "pane-container");
- add_location(div5, file, 71, 4, 2397);
- attr_dev(div6, "id", "root");
- attr_dev(div6, "class", "pane-centering");
- add_location(div6, file, 70, 0, 2336);
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div6, anchor);
- append_dev(div6, div5);
- append_dev(div5, div2);
- append_dev(div2, div0);
- append_dev(div0, slot0);
- /*div0_binding*/ ctx[5](div0);
- append_dev(div2, t0);
- append_dev(div2, div1);
- append_dev(div1, slot1);
- /*div1_binding*/ ctx[6](div1);
- append_dev(div5, t1);
- append_dev(div5, div3);
- append_dev(div3, slot2);
- /*div3_binding*/ ctx[7](div3);
- append_dev(div5, t2);
- append_dev(div5, div4);
- append_dev(div4, slot3);
- /*div4_binding*/ ctx[8](div4);
- /*div6_binding*/ ctx[9](div6);
- },
- p: noop,
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div6);
- /*div0_binding*/ ctx[5](null);
- /*div1_binding*/ ctx[6](null);
- /*div3_binding*/ ctx[7](null);
- /*div4_binding*/ ctx[8](null);
- /*div6_binding*/ ctx[9](null);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('pane-aligner', slots, []);
- let root;
- let mainPane;
- let sidebarLeft;
- let sidebarLeft2;
- let sidebarRight;
- let parentProps = getContext("alignerParent");
- let switchView = parentProps != undefined
- ? getContext("alignerParent").switchView
- : undefined;
- let leftReplaced = false;
- let left2Replaced = false;
- let rightReplaced = false;
- let switchViewReplaced = false;
- function adjustSlotted() {
- if (root.parentNode != null) {
- let slotted = root.parentNode.host.childNodes;
- if (slotted.length == 0) {
- setTimeout(adjustSlotted, 50);
- } else {
- let changed = false;
- let html = root.parentNode.innerHTML;
- for (let item of slotted) {
- if (item.slot == "sidebar-left" && !leftReplaced) {
- html = html.replace("#sidebar-left{display:none}", "");
- leftReplaced = true;
- changed = true;
- } else if (item.slot == "sidebar-left2" && !left2Replaced) {
- html = html.replace("#sidebar-left2{display:none}", "");
- left2Replaced = true;
- changed = true;
- } else if (item.slot == "sidebar-right" && !rightReplaced) {
- html = html.replace("#sidebar-right{display:none;", "#sidebar-right{");
- rightReplaced = true;
- changed = true;
- }
- }
- if (switchView != undefined && !switchViewReplaced) {
- html = html.replace("1880px", switchView);
- changed = true;
- }
- if (changed) {
- $$invalidate(0, root.parentNode.innerHTML = html, root);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- window.addEventListener("resize", debounce(adjustSlotted, 100));
- onMount(() => {
- adjustSlotted();
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function div0_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- sidebarLeft = $$value;
- $$invalidate(2, sidebarLeft);
- });
- }
- function div1_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- sidebarLeft2 = $$value;
- $$invalidate(3, sidebarLeft2);
- });
- }
- function div3_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- sidebarRight = $$value;
- $$invalidate(4, sidebarRight);
- });
- }
- function div4_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- mainPane = $$value;
- $$invalidate(1, mainPane);
- });
- }
- function div6_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- root = $$value;
- $$invalidate(0, root);
- });
- }
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- getContext,
- setContext,
- onMount,
- debounce,
- root,
- mainPane,
- sidebarLeft,
- sidebarLeft2,
- sidebarRight,
- parentProps,
- switchView,
- leftReplaced,
- left2Replaced,
- rightReplaced,
- switchViewReplaced,
- adjustSlotted
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('root' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, root = $$props.root);
- if ('mainPane' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, mainPane = $$props.mainPane);
- if ('sidebarLeft' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, sidebarLeft = $$props.sidebarLeft);
- if ('sidebarLeft2' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, sidebarLeft2 = $$props.sidebarLeft2);
- if ('sidebarRight' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, sidebarRight = $$props.sidebarRight);
- if ('parentProps' in $$props) parentProps = $$props.parentProps;
- if ('switchView' in $$props) switchView = $$props.switchView;
- if ('leftReplaced' in $$props) leftReplaced = $$props.leftReplaced;
- if ('left2Replaced' in $$props) left2Replaced = $$props.left2Replaced;
- if ('rightReplaced' in $$props) rightReplaced = $$props.rightReplaced;
- if ('switchViewReplaced' in $$props) switchViewReplaced = $$props.switchViewReplaced;
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- root,
- mainPane,
- sidebarLeft,
- sidebarLeft2,
- sidebarRight,
- div0_binding,
- div1_binding,
- div3_binding,
- div4_binding,
- div6_binding
- ];
-class Pane_aligner extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("pane-aligner", Pane_aligner);
-export { Pane_aligner as default };
+import{S as i,i as e,a,b as t,s as n,f as r,g as s,n as d,h as o,l,d as m,x as p,o as h,w as g}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{debounce as c}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js";function f(i){let e,a,n,p,h,g,c,f,u,b;return{c(){e=r("div"),a=r("div"),n=r("div"),p=r("div"),p.innerHTML='',h=s(),g=r("div"),g.innerHTML='',c=s(),f=r("div"),f.innerHTML='',u=s(),b=r("div"),b.innerHTML='',this.c=d,o(p,"id","sidebar-left"),o(p,"class","pane"),o(g,"id","sidebar-left2"),o(g,"class","pane"),o(n,"id","sidebars-left"),o(n,"class","sidebar"),o(f,"id","sidebar-right"),o(f,"class","pane sidebar"),o(b,"id","main-pane"),o(b,"class","pane"),o(a,"class","pane-container"),o(e,"id","root"),o(e,"class","pane-centering")},m(r,s){t(r,e,s),l(e,a),l(a,n),l(n,p),i[5](p),l(n,h),l(n,g),i[6](g),l(a,c),l(a,f),i[7](f),l(a,u),l(a,b),i[8](b),i[9](e)},p:d,i:d,o:d,d(a){a&&m(e),i[5](null),i[6](null),i[7](null),i[8](null),i[9](null)}}}function u(i,e,a){let t,n,r,s,d,o=null!=p("alignerParent")?p("alignerParent").switchView:void 0,l=!1,m=!1,f=!1;function u(){if(null!=t.parentNode){let i=t.parentNode.host.childNodes;if(0==i.length)setTimeout(u,50);else{let e=!1,n=t.parentNode.innerHTML;for(let a of i)"sidebar-left"!=a.slot||l?"sidebar-left2"!=a.slot||m?"sidebar-right"!=a.slot||f||(n=n.replace("#sidebar-right{display:none;","#sidebar-right{"),f=!0,e=!0):(n=n.replace("#sidebar-left2{display:none}",""),m=!0,e=!0):(n=n.replace("#sidebar-left{display:none}",""),l=!0,e=!0);null!=o&&(n=n.replace("1880px",o),e=!0),e&&a(0,t.parentNode.innerHTML=n,t)}}}return window.addEventListener("resize",c(u,100)),h((()=>{u()})),[t,n,r,s,d,function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{r=i,a(2,r)}))},function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{s=i,a(3,s)}))},function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{d=i,a(4,d)}))},function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{n=i,a(1,n)}))},function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{t=i,a(0,t)}))}]}class b extends i{constructor(i){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:a(this.attributes),customElement:!0},u,f,n,{},null),i&&i.target&&t(i.target,this,i.anchor)}}customElements.define("pane-aligner",b);export{b as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/parties-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/parties-component.js
index fde9401..b0e9dd2 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/parties-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/parties-component.js
@@ -1,637 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, g as globals, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, j as validate_each_argument, k as element, t as text, l as space, m as add_location, p as attr_dev, q as src_url_equal, r as set_custom_element_data, u as append_dev, w as set_data_dev, x as destroy_each } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { partiesByCountry, addMarkersParties } from '../../../../../../../../../js/parties.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js';
-/* src\parties-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const { Object: Object_1 } = globals;
-const file = "src\\parties-component.svelte";
-function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[9] = list[i][0];
- child_ctx[10] = list[i][1];
- return child_ctx;
-function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[13] = list[i];
- return child_ctx;
-// (39:4) {#if $loaded==2}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let h1;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].parties + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let img_src_value;
- let t2;
- let p0;
- let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + "";
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let h3;
- let t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + "";
- let t5;
- let t6;
- let map_component;
- let map_component_callback_value;
- let t7;
- let p1;
- let t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0]["map-prompt"] + "";
- let t8;
- let t9;
- let each_value = Object.entries(partiesByCountry);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- h1 = element("h1");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- p0 = element("p");
- t3 = text(t3_value);
- t4 = space();
- h3 = element("h3");
- t5 = text(t5_value);
- t6 = space();
- map_component = element("map-component");
- t7 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- t8 = text(t8_value);
- t9 = space();
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- add_location(h1, file, 42, 16, 1203);
- attr_dev(img, "id", "party-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/img/common/parties.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "party");
- add_location(img, file, 43, 16, 1248);
- attr_dev(p0, "class", "description");
- add_location(p0, file, 44, 16, 1328);
- add_location(h3, file, 45, 16, 1386);
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map");
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[8]);
- add_location(map_component, file, 46, 16, 1435);
- attr_dev(p1, "id", "add-prompt");
- add_location(p1, file, 47, 16, 1565);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div0, file, 41, 12, 1160);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "container");
- add_location(div1, file, 39, 8, 1057);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, h1);
- append_dev(h1, t0);
- append_dev(div0, t1);
- append_dev(div0, img);
- append_dev(div0, t2);
- append_dev(div0, p0);
- append_dev(p0, t3);
- append_dev(div0, t4);
- append_dev(div0, h3);
- append_dev(h3, t5);
- append_dev(div0, t6);
- append_dev(div0, map_component);
- append_dev(div0, t7);
- append_dev(div0, p1);
- append_dev(p1, t8);
- append_dev(div0, t9);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].parties + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t5_value !== (t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + "")) set_data_dev(t5, t5_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && map_component_callback_value !== (map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[8])) {
- set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value);
- }
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t8_value !== (t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0]["map-prompt"] + "")) set_data_dev(t8, t8_value);
- if (dirty & /*Object, partiesByCountry, $content, getAddress, getCountry*/ 193) {
- each_value = Object.entries(partiesByCountry);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(39:4) {#if $loaded==2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (52:24) {#each parties as party}
-function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
- let div2;
- let div1;
- let picture;
- let source0;
- let t0;
- let source1;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let t2;
- let div0;
- let p0;
- let b0;
- let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].name + "";
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let t5_value = /*party*/ ctx[13].name + "";
- let t5;
- let t6;
- let p1;
- let b1;
- let t7_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + "";
- let t7;
- let t8;
- let t9_value = /*getAddress*/ ctx[7](/*party*/ ctx[13]) + "";
- let t9;
- let t10;
- let p2;
- let b2;
- let t11_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].link + "";
- let t11;
- let t12;
- let a;
- let t13_value = /*party*/ ctx[13].link + "";
- let t13;
- let t14;
- let p3;
- let b3;
- let t15_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].description + "";
- let t15;
- let t16;
- let t17_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*party*/ ctx[13].description] + "";
- let t17;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div2 = element("div");
- div1 = element("div");
- picture = element("picture");
- source0 = element("source");
- t0 = space();
- source1 = element("source");
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- div0 = element("div");
- p0 = element("p");
- b0 = element("b");
- t3 = text(t3_value);
- t4 = text(": ");
- t5 = text(t5_value);
- t6 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- b1 = element("b");
- t7 = text(t7_value);
- t8 = text(": ");
- t9 = text(t9_value);
- t10 = space();
- p2 = element("p");
- b2 = element("b");
- t11 = text(t11_value);
- t12 = text(": ");
- a = element("a");
- t13 = text(t13_value);
- t14 = space();
- p3 = element("p");
- b3 = element("b");
- t15 = text(t15_value);
- t16 = text(": ");
- t17 = text(t17_value);
- attr_dev(source0, "srcset", "/img/parties/" + /*party*/ ctx[13].logo + ".webp");
- add_location(source0, file, 55, 36, 2051);
- attr_dev(source1, "srcset", "/img/parties/" + /*party*/ ctx[13].logo + ".jpg");
- add_location(source1, file, 56, 36, 2141);
- attr_dev(img, "class", "party-logo");
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "logo");
- add_location(img, file, 57, 36, 2230);
- add_location(picture, file, 54, 32, 2004);
- add_location(b0, file, 60, 39, 2389);
- add_location(p0, file, 60, 36, 2386);
- add_location(b1, file, 61, 39, 2470);
- add_location(p1, file, 61, 36, 2467);
- add_location(b2, file, 62, 39, 2562);
- attr_dev(a, "href", /*party*/ ctx[13].link);
- attr_dev(a, "target", ";_blank;");
- attr_dev(a, "rel", "noreferrer");
- add_location(a, file, 62, 63, 2586);
- add_location(p2, file, 62, 36, 2559);
- add_location(div0, file, 59, 32, 2343);
- attr_dev(div1, "class", "img-general-info");
- add_location(div1, file, 53, 28, 1940);
- add_location(b3, file, 65, 31, 2767);
- add_location(p3, file, 65, 28, 2764);
- attr_dev(div2, "class", "location-info");
- add_location(div2, file, 52, 24, 1883);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div2, anchor);
- append_dev(div2, div1);
- append_dev(div1, picture);
- append_dev(picture, source0);
- append_dev(picture, t0);
- append_dev(picture, source1);
- append_dev(picture, t1);
- append_dev(picture, img);
- append_dev(div1, t2);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, p0);
- append_dev(p0, b0);
- append_dev(b0, t3);
- append_dev(b0, t4);
- append_dev(p0, t5);
- append_dev(div0, t6);
- append_dev(div0, p1);
- append_dev(p1, b1);
- append_dev(b1, t7);
- append_dev(b1, t8);
- append_dev(p1, t9);
- append_dev(div0, t10);
- append_dev(div0, p2);
- append_dev(p2, b2);
- append_dev(b2, t11);
- append_dev(b2, t12);
- append_dev(p2, a);
- append_dev(a, t13);
- append_dev(div2, t14);
- append_dev(div2, p3);
- append_dev(p3, b3);
- append_dev(b3, t15);
- append_dev(b3, t16);
- append_dev(p3, t17);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].name + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t7_value !== (t7_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + "")) set_data_dev(t7, t7_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t11_value !== (t11_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].link + "")) set_data_dev(t11, t11_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t15_value !== (t15_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].description + "")) set_data_dev(t15, t15_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t17_value !== (t17_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*party*/ ctx[13].description] + "")) set_data_dev(t17, t17_value);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div2);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block_1.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(52:24) {#each parties as party}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (49:16) {#each Object.entries(partiesByCountry) as [name,parties]}
-function create_each_block(ctx) {
- let h4;
- let t0_value = /*getCountry*/ ctx[6](/*name*/ ctx[9]) + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let div;
- let t2;
- let each_value_1 = /*parties*/ ctx[10];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- h4 = element("h4");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- div = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- t2 = space();
- attr_dev(h4, "class", "country-name");
- add_location(h4, file, 49, 20, 1710);
- attr_dev(div, "class", "country-block");
- add_location(div, file, 50, 20, 1780);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, h4, anchor);
- append_dev(h4, t0);
- insert_dev(target, t1, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- append_dev(div, t2);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content, Object, partiesByCountry, getAddress*/ 129) {
- each_value_1 = /*parties*/ ctx[10];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div, t2);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(h4);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t1);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(49:16) {#each Object.entries(partiesByCountry) as [name,parties]}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (38:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(38:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 2 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $content;
- let $loaded;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('parties-component', slots, []);
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(1, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(0, $content = value));
- loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "parties-component", loaded);
- function mapCallbackParties(createMap, content, locale) {
- let map = createMap([22, 0], 2);
- addMarkersParties(map, content, locale);
- }
- function getCountry(name) {
- return locale == "en" ? name : $content[name];
- }
- function getAddress(group) {
- return locale == "en"
- ? group.location
- : $content[group.location];
- }
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- const func = createMap => mapCallbackParties(createMap, $content, locale);
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- writable,
- partiesByCountry,
- addMarkersParties,
- loadLocaleContent,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- mapCallbackParties,
- getCountry,
- getAddress,
- $content,
- $loaded
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, content = $$props.content);
- if ('locale' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, locale = $$props.locale);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [
- $content,
- $loaded,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- mapCallbackParties,
- getCountry,
- getAddress,
- func
- ];
-class Parties_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("parties-component", Parties_component);
-export { Parties_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as e,a as n,b as o,s as i,e as r,n as a,d as m,c as s,o as l,f as c,t as p,g,h as d,j as h,k as f,l as u,m as b,p as x}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as y}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{addMarkersParties as w,partiesByCountry as j}from"../../../../../../../../../js/parties.js";import{loadLocaleContent as v}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function k(t,e,n){const o=t.slice();return o[9]=e[n][0],o[10]=e[n][1],o}function z(t,e,n){const o=t.slice();return o[13]=e[n],o}function D(t){let e,n,i,r,a,s,l,y,w,v,z,D,E,O,R,T,A,C,H,L,M=t[0].parties+"",S=t[0].p1+"",_=t[0].subheading1+"",q=t[0]["map-prompt"]+"",B=Object.entries(j),F=[];for(let e=0;en(1,i=t)));let a=y({});s(t,a,(t=>n(0,o=t))),v(a,"countries",r);let m=v(a,"parties-component",r);function c(t,e,n){let o=t([22,0],2);w(o,e,n)}l((()=>{}));return[o,i,r,a,m,c,function(t){return"en"==m?t:o[t]},function(t){return"en"==m?t.location:o[t.location]},t=>c(t,o,m)]}class A extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:n(this.attributes),customElement:!0},T,R,i,{},null),t&&t.target&&o(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("parties-component",A);export{A as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/partners-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/partners-component.js
index 9a475a2..32063c5 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/partners-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/partners-component.js
@@ -1,611 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, g as globals, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, j as validate_each_argument, k as element, t as text, l as space, m as add_location, p as attr_dev, q as src_url_equal, u as append_dev, w as set_data_dev, x as destroy_each } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js';
-import { loadLocaleContent } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js';
-import { partnersByCountry } from '../../../../../../../../../js/partners.js';
-import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js';
-/* src\partners-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const { Object: Object_1 } = globals;
-const file = "src\\partners-component.svelte";
-function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[7] = list[i][0];
- child_ctx[8] = list[i][1];
- return child_ctx;
-function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[11] = list[i];
- return child_ctx;
-// (34:4) {#if $loaded==2}
-function create_if_block(ctx) {
- let div1;
- let div0;
- let h1;
- let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].heading + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let img_src_value;
- let t2;
- let p;
- let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + "";
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let h3;
- let t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + "";
- let t5;
- let t6;
- let each_value = Object.entries(partnersByCountry);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div1 = element("div");
- div0 = element("div");
- h1 = element("h1");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- p = element("p");
- t3 = text(t3_value);
- t4 = space();
- h3 = element("h3");
- t5 = text(t5_value);
- t6 = space();
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- add_location(h1, file, 37, 16, 1044);
- attr_dev(img, "id", "hands-img");
- if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/img/common/handshake.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "hands");
- add_location(img, file, 38, 16, 1089);
- add_location(p, file, 39, 16, 1171);
- add_location(h3, file, 40, 16, 1209);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container");
- add_location(div0, file, 36, 12, 1001);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "container");
- add_location(div1, file, 34, 8, 898);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, h1);
- append_dev(h1, t0);
- append_dev(div0, t1);
- append_dev(div0, img);
- append_dev(div0, t2);
- append_dev(div0, p);
- append_dev(p, t3);
- append_dev(div0, t4);
- append_dev(div0, h3);
- append_dev(h3, t5);
- append_dev(div0, t6);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].heading + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t5_value !== (t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + "")) set_data_dev(t5, t5_value);
- if (dirty & /*Object, partnersByCountry, $content, getAddress, getCountry*/ 49) {
- each_value = Object.entries(partnersByCountry);
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div0, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_if_block.name,
- type: "if",
- source: "(34:4) {#if $loaded==2}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (45:24) {#each partners as partner}
-function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
- let div2;
- let div1;
- let picture;
- let source0;
- let t0;
- let source1;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let t2;
- let div0;
- let p0;
- let b0;
- let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].name + "";
- let t3;
- let t4;
- let t5_value = /*partner*/ ctx[11].name + "";
- let t5;
- let t6;
- let p1;
- let b1;
- let t7_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].type + "";
- let t7;
- let t8;
- let t9_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*partner*/ ctx[11].type] + "";
- let t9;
- let t10;
- let p2;
- let b2;
- let t11_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + "";
- let t11;
- let t12;
- let t13_value = /*getAddress*/ ctx[5](/*partner*/ ctx[11]) + "";
- let t13;
- let t14;
- let p3;
- let b3;
- let t15_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].link + "";
- let t15;
- let t16;
- let a;
- let t17_value = /*partner*/ ctx[11].link + "";
- let t17;
- let t18;
- let p4;
- let b4;
- let t19_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].description + "";
- let t19;
- let t20;
- let t21_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*partner*/ ctx[11].description] + "";
- let t21;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div2 = element("div");
- div1 = element("div");
- picture = element("picture");
- source0 = element("source");
- t0 = space();
- source1 = element("source");
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- div0 = element("div");
- p0 = element("p");
- b0 = element("b");
- t3 = text(t3_value);
- t4 = text(": ");
- t5 = text(t5_value);
- t6 = space();
- p1 = element("p");
- b1 = element("b");
- t7 = text(t7_value);
- t8 = text(": ");
- t9 = text(t9_value);
- t10 = space();
- p2 = element("p");
- b2 = element("b");
- t11 = text(t11_value);
- t12 = text(": ");
- t13 = text(t13_value);
- t14 = space();
- p3 = element("p");
- b3 = element("b");
- t15 = text(t15_value);
- t16 = text(": ");
- a = element("a");
- t17 = text(t17_value);
- t18 = space();
- p4 = element("p");
- b4 = element("b");
- t19 = text(t19_value);
- t20 = text(": ");
- t21 = text(t21_value);
- attr_dev(source0, "srcset", "/img/partners/" + /*partner*/ ctx[11].logo + ".webp");
- add_location(source0, file, 48, 36, 1684);
- attr_dev(source1, "srcset", "/img/partners/" + /*partner*/ ctx[11].logo + ".jpg");
- add_location(source1, file, 49, 36, 1777);
- attr_dev(img, "class", "partner-logo");
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "logo");
- add_location(img, file, 50, 36, 1869);
- add_location(picture, file, 47, 32, 1637);
- add_location(b0, file, 53, 39, 2030);
- add_location(p0, file, 53, 36, 2027);
- add_location(b1, file, 54, 39, 2113);
- add_location(p1, file, 54, 36, 2110);
- add_location(b2, file, 55, 39, 2206);
- add_location(p2, file, 55, 36, 2203);
- add_location(b3, file, 56, 39, 2300);
- attr_dev(a, "href", /*partner*/ ctx[11].link);
- attr_dev(a, "target", ";_blank;");
- attr_dev(a, "rel", "noreferrer");
- add_location(a, file, 56, 63, 2324);
- add_location(p3, file, 56, 36, 2297);
- add_location(div0, file, 52, 32, 1984);
- attr_dev(div1, "class", "img-general-info");
- add_location(div1, file, 46, 28, 1573);
- add_location(b4, file, 59, 31, 2509);
- add_location(p4, file, 59, 28, 2506);
- attr_dev(div2, "class", "location-info");
- add_location(div2, file, 45, 24, 1516);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div2, anchor);
- append_dev(div2, div1);
- append_dev(div1, picture);
- append_dev(picture, source0);
- append_dev(picture, t0);
- append_dev(picture, source1);
- append_dev(picture, t1);
- append_dev(picture, img);
- append_dev(div1, t2);
- append_dev(div1, div0);
- append_dev(div0, p0);
- append_dev(p0, b0);
- append_dev(b0, t3);
- append_dev(b0, t4);
- append_dev(p0, t5);
- append_dev(div0, t6);
- append_dev(div0, p1);
- append_dev(p1, b1);
- append_dev(b1, t7);
- append_dev(b1, t8);
- append_dev(p1, t9);
- append_dev(div0, t10);
- append_dev(div0, p2);
- append_dev(p2, b2);
- append_dev(b2, t11);
- append_dev(b2, t12);
- append_dev(p2, t13);
- append_dev(div0, t14);
- append_dev(div0, p3);
- append_dev(p3, b3);
- append_dev(b3, t15);
- append_dev(b3, t16);
- append_dev(p3, a);
- append_dev(a, t17);
- append_dev(div2, t18);
- append_dev(div2, p4);
- append_dev(p4, b4);
- append_dev(b4, t19);
- append_dev(b4, t20);
- append_dev(p4, t21);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].name + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t7_value !== (t7_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].type + "")) set_data_dev(t7, t7_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t9_value !== (t9_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*partner*/ ctx[11].type] + "")) set_data_dev(t9, t9_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t11_value !== (t11_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + "")) set_data_dev(t11, t11_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t15_value !== (t15_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].link + "")) set_data_dev(t15, t15_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t19_value !== (t19_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].description + "")) set_data_dev(t19, t19_value);
- if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t21_value !== (t21_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*partner*/ ctx[11].description] + "")) set_data_dev(t21, t21_value);
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div2);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block_1.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(45:24) {#each partners as partner}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (42:16) {#each Object.entries(partnersByCountry) as [name,partners]}
-function create_each_block(ctx) {
- let h4;
- let t0_value = /*getCountry*/ ctx[4](/*name*/ ctx[7]) + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let div;
- let t2;
- let each_value_1 = /*partners*/ ctx[8];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- h4 = element("h4");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- div = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- t2 = space();
- attr_dev(h4, "class", "country-name");
- add_location(h4, file, 42, 20, 1340);
- attr_dev(div, "class", "country-block");
- add_location(div, file, 43, 20, 1410);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, h4, anchor);
- append_dev(h4, t0);
- insert_dev(target, t1, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div, null);
- }
- append_dev(div, t2);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*$content, Object, partnersByCountry, getAddress*/ 33) {
- each_value_1 = /*partners*/ ctx[8];
- validate_each_argument(each_value_1);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div, t2);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(h4);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t1);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(42:16) {#each Object.entries(partnersByCountry) as [name,partners]}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (33:0) {#key $loaded}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let if_block_anchor;
- let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2 && create_if_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- if (if_block) if_block.c();
- if_block_anchor = empty();
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2) {
- if (if_block) {
- if_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- if_block = create_if_block(ctx);
- if_block.c();
- if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor);
- }
- } else if (if_block) {
- if_block.d(1);
- if_block = null;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(33:0) {#key $loaded}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1];
- let key_block_anchor;
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- key_block.c();
- key_block_anchor = empty();
- this.c = noop;
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- key_block.m(target, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 2 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let $content;
- let $loaded;
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('partners-component', slots, []);
- let loaded = writable(0);
- validate_store(loaded, 'loaded');
- component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(1, $loaded = value));
- let content = writable({});
- validate_store(content, 'content');
- component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(0, $content = value));
- loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded);
- let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "partners-component", loaded);
- function getCountry(name) {
- return locale == "en" ? name : $content[name];
- }
- function getAddress(group) {
- return group.location[0].map(x => locale == "en" ? x : $content[x]).join(", ");
- }
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = [];
- Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- writable,
- loadLocaleContent,
- partnersByCountry,
- loaded,
- content,
- locale,
- getCountry,
- getAddress,
- $content,
- $loaded
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, loaded = $$props.loaded);
- if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, content = $$props.content);
- if ('locale' in $$props) locale = $$props.locale;
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [$content, $loaded, loaded, content, getCountry, getAddress];
-class Partners_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {},
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- }
- }
-customElements.define("partners-component", Partners_component);
-export { Partners_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as n,a as e,b as o,s as r,e as i,n as a,d as m,c as s,o as l,f as c,t as g,g as p,h as d,j as h,l as f,m as u,p as b}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{w as x}from"./index-71440b21.js";import{loadLocaleContent as y}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";import{partnersByCountry as j}from"../../../../../../../../../js/partners.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function w(t,n,e){const o=t.slice();return o[7]=n[e][0],o[8]=n[e][1],o}function v(t,n,e){const o=t.slice();return o[11]=n[e],o}function k(t){let n,e,r,i,a,s,l,x,y,v,k,z,E,N,O=t[0].heading+"",R=t[0].p1+"",T=t[0].subheading1+"",A=Object.entries(j),C=[];for(let n=0;ne(1,r=t)));let a=x({});s(t,a,(t=>e(0,o=t))),y(a,"countries",i);let m=y(a,"partners-component",i);return l((()=>{})),[o,r,i,a,function(t){return"en"==m?t:o[t]},function(t){return t.location[0].map((t=>"en"==m?t:o[t])).join(", ")}]}class R extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",n(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:e(this.attributes),customElement:!0},O,N,r,{},null),t&&t.target&&o(t.target,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("partners-component",R);export{R as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/select-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/select-component.js
index fefa9f3..df38f5d 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/select-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/select-component.js
@@ -1,593 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, B as flush, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, o as onMount, j as validate_each_argument, k as element, n as noop, p as attr_dev, m as add_location, h as detach_dev, C as binding_callbacks, t as text, l as space, q as src_url_equal, D as set_style, u as append_dev, y as listen_dev, w as set_data_dev, x as destroy_each } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { px2rem, getTextWidth, getCanvasFont } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js';
-/* src\components\select-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\components\\select-component.svelte";
-function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
- const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
- child_ctx[26] = list[i];
- child_ctx[27] = list;
- child_ctx[28] = i;
- return child_ctx;
-// (135:12) {#each options as option, i}
-function create_each_block(ctx) {
- let button;
- let span;
- let t0_value = /*option*/ ctx[26] + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let i = /*i*/ ctx[28];
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const assign_button = () => /*button_binding_1*/ ctx[14](button, i);
- const unassign_button = () => /*button_binding_1*/ ctx[14](null, i);
- function click_handler() {
- return /*click_handler*/ ctx[15](/*i*/ ctx[28]);
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- button = element("button");
- span = element("span");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- add_location(span, file, 136, 20, 4826);
- button.value = /*i*/ ctx[28];
- add_location(button, file, 135, 16, 4715);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, button, anchor);
- append_dev(button, span);
- append_dev(span, t0);
- append_dev(button, t1);
- assign_button();
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", click_handler, false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) {
- ctx = new_ctx;
- if (dirty & /*options*/ 4 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*option*/ ctx[26] + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (i !== /*i*/ ctx[28]) {
- unassign_button();
- i = /*i*/ ctx[28];
- assign_button();
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(button);
- unassign_button();
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_each_block.name,
- type: "each",
- source: "(135:12) {#each options as option, i}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-// (127:4) {#key key}
-function create_key_block(ctx) {
- let button;
- let div0;
- let span;
- let t0_value = (/*value*/ ctx[0] != null ? /*value*/ ctx[0] : "") + "";
- let t0;
- let t1;
- let img;
- let img_src_value;
- let t2;
- let div1;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- let each_value = /*options*/ ctx[2];
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let each_blocks = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
- }
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- button = element("button");
- div0 = element("div");
- span = element("span");
- t0 = text(t0_value);
- t1 = space();
- img = element("img");
- t2 = space();
- div1 = element("div");
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].c();
- }
- attr_dev(span, "id", "current-options-span");
- add_location(span, file, 129, 16, 4359);
- attr_dev(div0, "id", "current-options-div");
- add_location(div0, file, 128, 12, 4311);
- attr_dev(img, "id", "arrow-down");
- if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "../assets/arrow_down.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value);
- attr_dev(img, "alt", "arrow down");
- add_location(img, file, 131, 12, 4484);
- attr_dev(button, "id", "current-option-button");
- add_location(button, file, 127, 8, 4202);
- attr_dev(div1, "id", "options-holder");
- set_style(div1, "display", "none");
- add_location(div1, file, 133, 8, 4582);
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, button, anchor);
- append_dev(button, div0);
- append_dev(div0, span);
- append_dev(span, t0);
- /*span_binding*/ ctx[12](span);
- append_dev(button, t1);
- append_dev(button, img);
- /*button_binding*/ ctx[13](button);
- insert_dev(target, t2, anchor);
- insert_dev(target, div1, anchor);
- for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].m(div1, null);
- }
- /*div1_binding*/ ctx[16](div1);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*changeVisibility*/ ctx[9], false, false, false);
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, dirty) {
- if (dirty & /*value*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = (/*value*/ ctx[0] != null ? /*value*/ ctx[0] : "") + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value);
- if (dirty & /*optionButtons, changeOption, callback, options*/ 1062) {
- each_value = /*options*/ ctx[2];
- validate_each_argument(each_value);
- let i;
- for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
- const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i);
- if (each_blocks[i]) {
- each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty);
- } else {
- each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx);
- each_blocks[i].c();
- each_blocks[i].m(div1, null);
- }
- }
- for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
- each_blocks[i].d(1);
- }
- each_blocks.length = each_value.length;
- }
- },
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(button);
- /*span_binding*/ ctx[12](null);
- /*button_binding*/ ctx[13](null);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(t2);
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div1);
- destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
- /*div1_binding*/ ctx[16](null);
- mounted = false;
- dispose();
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_key_block.name,
- type: "key",
- source: "(127:4) {#key key}",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let div;
- let previous_key = /*key*/ ctx[8];
- let key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- div = element("div");
- key_block.c();
- this.c = noop;
- attr_dev(div, "class", "select");
- add_location(div, file, 125, 0, 4137);
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, div, anchor);
- key_block.m(div, null);
- /*div_binding*/ ctx[17](div);
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*key*/ 256 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*key*/ ctx[8])) {
- key_block.d(1);
- key_block = create_key_block(ctx);
- key_block.c();
- key_block.m(div, null);
- } else {
- key_block.p(ctx, dirty);
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(div);
- key_block.d(detaching);
- /*div_binding*/ ctx[17](null);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('select-component', slots, []);
- let { callback = null } = $$props;
- let { options = [""] } = $$props;
- let { value = null } = $$props;
- let { valueindex = null } = $$props;
- // Main code
- let root = arguments[0];
- let select;
- let optionsHolder;
- let optionButtons = [];
- let currentOption;
- let currentOptionButton;
- let init = false;
- let key = 0;
- let obs = null;
- function setKeyValue(value, options) {
- if (value !== null) {
- if (options.includes(value)) {
- let index = options.findIndex(element => element == value);
- $$invalidate(6, currentOption.innerHTML = value, currentOption);
- $$invalidate(5, optionButtons[index].style.display = "none", optionButtons);
- $$invalidate(11, valueindex = index);
- }
- $$invalidate(8, key += 1);
- }
- }
- function setKeyIndex(valueindex, options) {
- if (valueindex != null && options != undefined && options[valueindex] != value) {
- $$invalidate(0, value = options[valueindex]);
- $$invalidate(8, key += 1);
- }
- }
- function indexToValue(index) {
- $$invalidate(0, value = options[index]);
- }
- function changeVisibility() {
- if (optionsHolder.style.display == "none") {
- $$invalidate(4, optionsHolder.style.display = "initial", optionsHolder);
- } else {
- $$invalidate(4, optionsHolder.style.display = "none", optionsHolder);
- }
- }
- function changeOption(index, callback) {
- $$invalidate(11, valueindex = index);
- $$invalidate(0, value = options[index]);
- if (callback != undefined && callback != null) {
- callback(index);
- }
- }
- function hideSelect() {
- $$invalidate(4, optionsHolder.style.display = "none", optionsHolder);
- }
- function changeOptionsWidth(select, optionsHolder) {
- let selectWidth;
- if (select != undefined && optionsHolder != undefined) {
- let selectWidthText = getComputedStyle(select).getPropertyValue('--width');
- if (isNaN(selectWidthText) || selectWidthText == "") {
- if (obs == null) {
- obs = new ResizeObserver(() => changeOptionsWidth(select, optionsHolder));
- obs.observe(currentOptionButton);
- return;
- } else {
- selectWidthText = getComputedStyle(currentOptionButton).getPropertyValue('width');
- selectWidth = px2rem(parseFloat(selectWidthText.slice(0, selectWidthText.length - 2)));
- }
- } else {
- selectWidth = parseFloat(selectWidthText.slice(0, selectWidthText.length - 2));
- }
- let spanWidths = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < optionsHolder.children.length; i++) {
- let span = optionsHolder.children[i].children[0];
- let spanWidth = getTextWidth(span.innerHTML, getCanvasFont(span));
- spanWidths.push(spanWidth);
- }
- let maxOptionsWidth = px2rem(Math.max(...spanWidths));
- if (maxOptionsWidth > selectWidth) {
- let width = 1.1 * maxOptionsWidth + "rem";
- optionsHolder.style.width = width;
- for (let i = 0; i < optionsHolder.children.length; i++) {
- let button = optionsHolder.children[i];
- button.style.width = width;
- }
- optionsHolder.style.marginLeft = -(1.1 * maxOptionsWidth - selectWidth) / 2 - 0.05 + "rem";
- } else {
- let width = selectWidth + 0.1 + "rem";
- for (let i = 0; i < optionsHolder.children.length; i++) {
- let button = optionsHolder.children[i];
- button.style.width = width;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- onMount(() => {
- init = true;
- root.addEventListener('focusout', hideSelect);
- });
- const writable_props = ['callback', 'options', 'value', 'valueindex'];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function span_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- currentOption = $$value;
- $$invalidate(6, currentOption);
- });
- }
- function button_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- currentOptionButton = $$value;
- $$invalidate(7, currentOptionButton);
- });
- }
- function button_binding_1($$value, i) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- optionButtons[i] = $$value;
- $$invalidate(5, optionButtons);
- });
- }
- const click_handler = i => changeOption(i, callback);
- function div1_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- optionsHolder = $$value;
- $$invalidate(4, optionsHolder);
- });
- }
- function div_binding($$value) {
- binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => {
- select = $$value;
- $$invalidate(3, select);
- });
- }
- $$self.$$set = $$props => {
- if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, callback = $$props.callback);
- if ('options' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, options = $$props.options);
- if ('value' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props.value);
- if ('valueindex' in $$props) $$invalidate(11, valueindex = $$props.valueindex);
- };
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- px2rem,
- getTextWidth,
- getCanvasFont,
- callback,
- options,
- value,
- valueindex,
- root,
- select,
- optionsHolder,
- optionButtons,
- currentOption,
- currentOptionButton,
- init,
- key,
- obs,
- setKeyValue,
- setKeyIndex,
- indexToValue,
- changeVisibility,
- changeOption,
- hideSelect,
- changeOptionsWidth
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, callback = $$props.callback);
- if ('options' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, options = $$props.options);
- if ('value' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props.value);
- if ('valueindex' in $$props) $$invalidate(11, valueindex = $$props.valueindex);
- if ('root' in $$props) root = $$props.root;
- if ('select' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, select = $$props.select);
- if ('optionsHolder' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, optionsHolder = $$props.optionsHolder);
- if ('optionButtons' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, optionButtons = $$props.optionButtons);
- if ('currentOption' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, currentOption = $$props.currentOption);
- if ('currentOptionButton' in $$props) $$invalidate(7, currentOptionButton = $$props.currentOptionButton);
- if ('init' in $$props) init = $$props.init;
- if ('key' in $$props) $$invalidate(8, key = $$props.key);
- if ('obs' in $$props) obs = $$props.obs;
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- $$self.$$.update = () => {
- if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*value, options*/ 5) {
- setKeyValue(value, options);
- }
- if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*valueindex, options*/ 2052) {
- setKeyIndex(valueindex, options);
- }
- if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*select, optionsHolder*/ 24) {
- changeOptionsWidth(select, optionsHolder);
- }
- };
- return [
- value,
- callback,
- options,
- select,
- optionsHolder,
- optionButtons,
- currentOption,
- currentOptionButton,
- key,
- changeVisibility,
- changeOption,
- valueindex,
- span_binding,
- button_binding,
- button_binding_1,
- click_handler,
- div1_binding,
- div_binding
- ];
-class Select_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- {
- callback: 1,
- options: 2,
- value: 0,
- valueindex: 11
- },
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- if (options.props) {
- this.$set(options.props);
- flush();
- }
- }
- }
- static get observedAttributes() {
- return ["callback", "options", "value", "valueindex"];
- }
- get callback() {
- return this.$$.ctx[1];
- }
- set callback(callback) {
- this.$$set({ callback });
- flush();
- }
- get options() {
- return this.$$.ctx[2];
- }
- set options(options) {
- this.$$set({ options });
- flush();
- }
- get value() {
- return this.$$.ctx[0];
- }
- set value(value) {
- this.$$set({ value });
- flush();
- }
- get valueindex() {
- return this.$$.ctx[11];
- }
- set valueindex(valueindex) {
- this.$$set({ valueindex });
- flush();
- }
-customElements.define("select-component", Select_component);
-export { Select_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as e,a as r,b as i,u as o,s as n,f as l,n as s,h as a,d,o as u,t as c,g as h,j as p,v as f,l as m,q as v,m as b,p as g,w}from"./index-4348483d.js";import{px2rem as y,getTextWidth as x,getCanvasFont as $}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js";function k(t,e,r){const i=t.slice();return i[26]=e[r],i[27]=e,i[28]=r,i}function z(t){let e,r,o,n,s,a,u=t[26]+"",p=t[28];const f=()=>t[14](e,p),g=()=>t[14](null,p);function w(){return t[15](t[28])}return{c(){e=l("button"),r=l("span"),o=c(u),n=h(),e.value=t[28]},m(t,l){i(t,e,l),m(e,r),m(r,o),m(e,n),f(),s||(a=v(e,"click",w),s=!0)},p(e,r){t=e,4&r&&u!==(u=t[26]+"")&&b(o,u),p!==t[28]&&(g(),p=t[28],f())},d(t){t&&d(e),g(),s=!1,a()}}}function L(t){let e,r,o,n,s,u,w,y,x,$,L,j=(null!=t[0]?t[0]:"")+"",M=t[2],T=[];for(let e=0;ee==t));r(6,n.innerHTML=t,n),r(5,p[i].style.display="none",p),r(11,c=i)}r(8,f+=1)}}function b(t,e){null!=t&&null!=e&&e[t]!=d&&(r(0,d=e[t]),r(8,f+=1))}function g(){"none"==o.style.display?r(4,o.style.display="initial",o):r(4,o.style.display="none",o)}function k(t,e){r(11,c=t),r(0,d=a[t]),null!=e&&null!=e&&e(t)}function z(){r(4,o.style.display="none",o)}function L(t,e){let r;if(null!=t&&null!=e){let i=getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("--width");if(isNaN(i)||""==i){if(null==m)return m=new ResizeObserver((()=>L(t,e))),void m.observe(l);i=getComputedStyle(l).getPropertyValue("width"),r=y(parseFloat(i.slice(0,i.length-2)))}else r=parseFloat(i.slice(0,i.length-2));let o=[];for(let t=0;tr){let t=1.1*n+"rem";e.style.width=t;for(let r=0;r{n=t,r(6,n)}))}function M(t){w[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{l=t,r(7,l)}))}function T(t,e){w[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{p[e]=t,r(5,p)}))}u((()=>{h.addEventListener("focusout",z)}));const E=t=>k(t,s);function H(t){w[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{o=t,r(4,o)}))}function R(t){w[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{i=t,r(3,i)}))}return t.$$set=t=>{"callback"in t&&r(1,s=t.callback),"options"in t&&r(2,a=t.options),"value"in t&&r(0,d=t.value),"valueindex"in t&&r(11,c=t.valueindex)},t.$$.update=()=>{5&t.$$.dirty&&v(d,a),2052&t.$$.dirty&&b(c,a),24&t.$$.dirty&&L(i,o)},[d,s,a,i,o,p,n,l,f,g,k,c,j,M,T,E,H,R]}class T extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:r(this.attributes),customElement:!0},M,j,n,{callback:1,options:2,value:0,valueindex:11},null),t&&(t.target&&i(t.target,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),o()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["callback","options","value","valueindex"]}get callback(){return this.$$.ctx[1]}set callback(t){this.$$set({callback:t}),o()}get options(){return this.$$.ctx[2]}set options(t){this.$$set({options:t}),o()}get value(){return this.$$.ctx[0]}set value(t){this.$$set({value:t}),o()}get valueindex(){return this.$$.ctx[11]}set valueindex(t){this.$$set({valueindex:t}),o()}}customElements.define("select-component",T);export{T as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/switch-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/switch-component.js
index 6bc83b3..bd960dc 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/components/switch-component.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/components/switch-component.js
@@ -1,209 +1 @@
-(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document);
-import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, B as flush, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, o as onMount, k as element, l as space, n as noop, p as attr_dev, m as add_location, u as append_dev, y as listen_dev, h as detach_dev, z as run_all } from './index-d19aafba.js';
-import { px2rem, getTextWidth, getCanvasFont } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js';
-/* src\components\switch-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */
-const file = "src\\components\\switch-component.svelte";
-function create_fragment(ctx) {
- let label;
- let input;
- let t;
- let span;
- let mounted;
- let dispose;
- const block = {
- c: function create() {
- label = element("label");
- input = element("input");
- t = space();
- span = element("span");
- this.c = noop;
- attr_dev(input, "type", "checkbox");
- add_location(input, file, 39, 4, 804);
- attr_dev(span, "class", "switch-span");
- add_location(span, file, 40, 4, 880);
- attr_dev(label, "class", "switch");
- add_location(label, file, 38, 0, 776);
- },
- l: function claim(nodes) {
- throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
- },
- m: function mount(target, anchor) {
- insert_dev(target, label, anchor);
- append_dev(label, input);
- input.checked = /*checked*/ ctx[0];
- append_dev(label, t);
- append_dev(label, span);
- if (!mounted) {
- dispose = [
- listen_dev(input, "change", /*input_change_handler*/ ctx[4]),
- listen_dev(input, "click", /*toggleClick*/ ctx[1], false, false, false)
- ];
- mounted = true;
- }
- },
- p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) {
- if (dirty & /*checked*/ 1) {
- input.checked = /*checked*/ ctx[0];
- }
- },
- i: noop,
- o: noop,
- d: function destroy(detaching) {
- if (detaching) detach_dev(label);
- mounted = false;
- run_all(dispose);
- }
- };
- dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", {
- block,
- id: create_fragment.name,
- type: "component",
- source: "",
- ctx
- });
- return block;
-function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
- let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props;
- validate_slots('switch-component', slots, []);
- let { callback = null } = $$props;
- let { checked = false } = $$props;
- const toggle = () => {
- let f = () => {
- if (callback != null) {
- $$invalidate(0, checked = !checked);
- callback();
- } else {
- toggle();
- }
- };
- setTimeout(f, 100);
- };
- function toggleClick() {
- if (callback != null) {
- $$invalidate(0, checked = !checked);
- callback();
- }
- }
- // Main code
- onMount(() => {
- });
- const writable_props = ['callback', 'checked'];
- Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => {
- if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`);
- });
- function input_change_handler() {
- checked = this.checked;
- $$invalidate(0, checked);
- }
- $$self.$$set = $$props => {
- if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, callback = $$props.callback);
- if ('checked' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, checked = $$props.checked);
- };
- $$self.$capture_state = () => ({
- onMount,
- px2rem,
- getTextWidth,
- getCanvasFont,
- callback,
- checked,
- toggle,
- toggleClick
- });
- $$self.$inject_state = $$props => {
- if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, callback = $$props.callback);
- if ('checked' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, checked = $$props.checked);
- };
- if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) {
- $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject);
- }
- return [checked, toggleClick, callback, toggle, input_change_handler];
-class Switch_component extends SvelteElement {
- constructor(options) {
- super();
- this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``;
- init(
- this,
- {
- target: this.shadowRoot,
- props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes),
- customElement: true
- },
- instance,
- create_fragment,
- safe_not_equal,
- { callback: 2, checked: 0, toggle: 3 },
- null
- );
- if (options) {
- if (options.target) {
- insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor);
- }
- if (options.props) {
- this.$set(options.props);
- flush();
- }
- }
- }
- static get observedAttributes() {
- return ["callback", "checked", "toggle"];
- }
- get callback() {
- return this.$$.ctx[2];
- }
- set callback(callback) {
- this.$$set({ callback });
- flush();
- }
- get checked() {
- return this.$$.ctx[0];
- }
- set checked(checked) {
- this.$$set({ checked });
- flush();
- }
- get toggle() {
- return this.$$.ctx[3];
- }
- set toggle(value) {
- throw new Error(": Cannot set read-only property 'toggle'");
- }
-customElements.define("switch-component", Switch_component);
-export { Switch_component as default };
+import{S as t,i as e,a as s,b as c,u as i,s as a,f as r,g as o,n as h,h as n,l,q as d,d as u,r as p,o as b}from"./index-4348483d.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js";function k(t){let e,s,i,a,b,k;return{c(){e=r("label"),s=r("input"),i=o(),a=r("span"),this.c=h,n(s,"type","checkbox"),n(a,"class","switch-span"),n(e,"class","switch")},m(r,o){c(r,e,o),l(e,s),s.checked=t[0],l(e,i),l(e,a),b||(k=[d(s,"change",t[4]),d(s,"click",t[1])],b=!0)},p(t,[e]){1&e&&(s.checked=t[0])},i:h,o:h,d(t){t&&u(e),b=!1,p(k)}}}function g(t,e,s){let{callback:c=null}=e,{checked:i=!1}=e;const a=()=>{setTimeout((()=>{null!=c?(s(0,i=!i),c()):a()}),100)};return b((()=>{})),t.$$set=t=>{"callback"in t&&s(2,c=t.callback),"checked"in t&&s(0,i=t.checked)},[i,function(){null!=c&&(s(0,i=!i),c())},c,a,function(){i=this.checked,s(0,i)}]}class m extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:s(this.attributes),customElement:!0},g,k,a,{callback:2,checked:0,toggle:3},null),t&&(t.target&&c(t.target,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),i()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["callback","checked","toggle"]}get callback(){return this.$$.ctx[2]}set callback(t){this.$$set({callback:t}),i()}get checked(){return this.$$.ctx[0]}set checked(t){this.$$set({checked:t}),i()}get toggle(){return this.$$.ctx[3]}}customElements.define("switch-component",m);export{m as default};
diff --git a/Server/public/js/libraries/serverTools.js b/Server/public/js/libraries/serverTools.js
index 6e85d01..3748b19 100644
--- a/Server/public/js/libraries/serverTools.js
+++ b/Server/public/js/libraries/serverTools.js
@@ -53,9 +53,11 @@ export function sendText(route,data,callback) {
if (status === 0 || (status >= 200 && status < 400)) {
// The request has been completed successfully
if (callback !== undefined) {
+ console.log(xhr.responseText)
} else {
+ callback(false)
// Oh no! There has been an error with the request!