    "heading": "Communes",
    "p1": "We establish libertarian socialist communes by buying land, housing and the means of production which are then owned by the members of these communes. There is no private property within the communes and, therefore, exploitation and suffering that comes with it. Decisions are made using direct democracy with a focus on consensus, ensuring that each commune member has power over decisions that affect their life. Communes try to establish their own cooperatives in order to finance their development becoming financially independent and sustainable, which allows for their survival and growth. Within communes the gift economy is utilized whenever possible. Each commune is a small beacon of socialism within the dark capitalist world showing us how good life can be if only we achieve our goal.",
    "subheading1": "Our Communes",
    "subheading2": "Europe",
    "location": "Location",
    "status": "Status",
    "members": "Members",
    "contact": "Contact",
    "EstoniaKohtlaJarve": "Estonia, Kohtla-Järve",
    "forming": "forming",
    "WhatsAppInviteLink": "WhatsApp invite link",
    "DiscordInviteLink": "Discord invite link",
    "CanadaMontreal": "Canada, Montreal",
    "Latvia": "Latvia"