generated from mirzaev/pot
234 lines
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Executable File
234 lines
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Executable File
namespace mirzaev\comrader\models;
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\comrader\models\traits\status,
mirzaev\comrader\models\traits\document as document_trait,
mirzaev\comrader\models\interfaces\document as document_interface,
mirzaev\comrader\models\interfaces\collection as collection_interface,
mirzaev\comrader\models\enumerations\session as verification,
// Framework for ArangoDB
use mirzaev\arangodb\collection,
// Library для ArangoDB
use ArangoDBClient\Document as _document;
// Built-in libraries
use exception;
* Session model
* @package mirzaev\comrader\models
* @param string COLLECTION Name of the collection in ArangoDB
* @param verification VERIFICATION Type of session verification
* @method void __construct(?string $hash, ?int $expires, array &$errors) Constructor
* @method document|null hash(string $hash, array &$errors) Search by hash
* @method document|null address(string $address, array &$errors) Search by IP-address
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author mirzaev <>
final class session extends core implements document_interface, collection_interface
use status, document_trait, buffer, cart {
buffer::write as write;
cart::initialize as cart;
* Collection name
* @var string COLLECTION Name of the collection in ArangoDB
final public const string COLLECTION = 'session';
* Session verification type
* @var verification VERIFICATION Type of session verification
final public const verification VERIFICATION = verification::hash_else_address;
* Constructor
* Initialize session and write into the $this->document property
* @param ?string $hash Hash of the session in ArangoDB
* @param ?int $expires Date of expiring of the session (used for creating a new session)
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return void
public function __construct(?string $hash = null, ?int $expires = null, array &$errors = [])
try {
if (collection::initialize(static::COLLECTION, static::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
// Initialized the collection
if (isset($hash) && $document = $this->hash($hash, errors: $errors)) {
// Found the instance of the ArangoDB document of session and received a session hash
// Writing document instance of the session from ArangoDB to the property of the implementing object
} else if (static::VERIFICATION === verification::hash_else_address && $document = $this->address($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], errors: $errors)) {
// Found the instance of the ArangoDB document of session and received a session hash
// Writing document instance of the session from ArangoDB to the property of the implementing object
} else {
// Not found the instance of the ArangoDB document of session
// Initializing a new session and write they into ArangoDB
$_id = document::write(
'active' => true,
'expires' => $expires ?? time() + 604800,
'address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'x-forwarded-for' => $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ?? null,
'referer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? null,
'useragent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? null
if ($session = collection::execute(
FOR d IN @@collection
FILTER d._id == @_id && d.expires > @time && == true
'@collection' => static::COLLECTION,
'_id' => $_id,
'time' => time()
errors: $errors
)) {
// Found the instance of just created new session
// Generating a hash and write into the instance of the ArangoDB document of session property
$session->hash = sodium_bin2hex(sodium_crypto_generichash($_id));
if (document::update($session, errors: $errors)) {
// Writed to ArangoDB
// Writing instance of the session document from ArangoDB to the property of the implementing object
} else throw new exception('Failed to write the session data');
} else throw new exception('Failed to create or find just created session');
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . static::TYPE . ' collection: ' . static::COLLECTION);
} catch (exception $e) {
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'stack' => $e->getTrace()
* Search by hash
* Search for the session in ArangoDB by hash
* @param string $hash Hash of the session in ArangoDB
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return _document|null instance of document of the session in ArangoDB
public static function hash(string $hash, array &$errors = []): ?_document
try {
if (collection::initialize(static::COLLECTION, static::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
// Collection initialized
// Search the session data in ArangoDB
return collection::execute(
FOR d IN @@collection
FILTER d.hash == @hash && d.expires > @time && == true
'@collection' => static::COLLECTION,
'hash' => $hash,
'time' => time()
errors: $errors
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . static::TYPE . ' collection: ' . static::COLLECTION);
} catch (exception $e) {
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'stack' => $e->getTrace()
// Exit (fail)
return null;
* Search by IP-address
* Search for the session in ArangoDB by IP-address
* @param string $address IP-address writed to the session in ArangoDB
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return _document|null instance of document of the session in ArangoDB
public static function address(string $address, array &$errors = []): ?_document
try {
if (collection::initialize(static::COLLECTION, static::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
// Collection initialized
// Search the session data in ArangoDB
return collection::execute(
FOR d IN @@collection
FILTER d.address == @address && d.expires > @time && == true
SORT d.updated DESC
'@collection' => static::COLLECTION,
'address' => $address,
'time' => time()
errors: $errors
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . static::TYPE . ' collection: ' . static::COLLECTION);
} catch (exception $e) {
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'stack' => $e->getTrace()
// Exit (fail)
return null;