1826 lines
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1826 lines
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/** @module hotline */
"use strict";
* @name hotline.mjs
* @description
* Module for creating "hot lines"
* @class
* @public
* @example
* сonst instance = new hotline(shell);
* instance.step = '-5';
* instance.start();
* {@link https://git.mirzaev.sexy/mirzaev/hotline.mjs}
* @license http://www.wtfpl.net/ Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <arsen@mirzaev.sexy>
export class hotline {
* @name Shell
* @description
* Shell of elements that will be moving
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @protected
* @name First
* @description
* The first element of `this.#shell`
* Will be reinitialized on transfer operation ("transfer.beginning", "transfer.end")
* @type {object}
* @property {HTMLElement} element
* @property {DOMRect} rectangle Result of `getBoundingClientRect()`
* @property {number} position Margin (px) from the left or the top (movement)
* @property {number} offset Margin (px) from the right or the bottom (gap betweem elements)
* @property {number} end Coordinate of the element end (rectangle[(x|y)] + rectangle[(width|height)] + offset)
* @protected
#first = {};
* @name Last
* @description
* The last element of `this.#shell`
* Will be reinitialized on transfer operation ("transfer.beginning", "transfer.end")
* @type {object}
* @property {HTMLElement} element
* @property {DOMRect} rectangle Result of `getBoundingClientRect()`
* @property {number} position Margin (px) from the left or the top (movement)
* @property {number} offset Margin (px) from the right or the bottom (gap betweem elements)
* @property {number} end Coordinate of the element end (rectangle[(x|y)] + rectangle[(width|height)] + offset)
* @protected
#last = {};
* @name Status
* @description
* Indicator of the current state of the hotline instance.
* Can contain values: "ready", "started", "stopped".
* @type {(string[]|null)}
* @protected
#status = null;
* @name Process
* @description
* Process of moving elements and handling events.
* Contains identifier from setInterval().
* @type {(number|null)}
* @protected
#process = null;
* @name Interval
* @description
* Time period between executions of `this.#process` in setInterval().
* This greatly affects the experience. Try setting the value to 5, then 0, and then 20.
* I recommend not to ignore this property and change it depending on the type of use.
* `this.interval = 10` with `this.step = 1` is equal to `this.interval = 5` with `this.step = 2`
* But the difference in performance between them is two times!
* @type {number}
* @public
interval = 10;
* @name Alive
* @description
* Will elements move by themselves?
* @type {boolean}
* @public
alive = true;
* @name Freezed
* @description
* Freezed movement of elements by themselves?
* This property is used by the system to block the movement of elements at runtime.
* For example, when hovering the mouse cursor.
* @type {boolean}
* @protected
#freezed = false;
* @name Moving
* @description
* Is the hotline instance currently moving by the user?
* Contain true while handling "onmousemove" or "ontouchmove" events
* @type {boolean}
* @protected
#moving = "false";
* @name Moving (get)
* @description
* Getter for `this.#moving`
* @return {boolean}
* @public
get moving() {
return this.#moving;
* @name Movable
* @description
* Can the user move elements by mouse and touches?
* @type {boolean}
* @public
movable = true;
* @name Wheel
* @description
* Can the user move elements by mouse wheel?
* @type {boolean}
* @public
wheel = false;
* @name Delta
* @description
* Delta offset of the position when processing the "wheel" event.
* If the value is null, "event.wheelDelta" will be used.
* If the value is zero, then you are an insane maniac.
* {@link https://git.mirzaev.sexy/mirzaev/hotline.mjs/issues/5}
* @type {(number|null)}
* @public
delta = 30;
* @name Button
* @description
* Identifier of the mouse button that will perform the movement.
* 0: Main button pressed, usually the left button or the un-initialized state
* 1: Auxiliary button pressed, usually the wheel button or the middle button (if present)
* 2: Secondary button pressed, usually the right button
* 3: Fourth button, typically the Browser Back button
* 4: Fifth button, typically the Browser Forward button
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/button}
* @type {number}
* @public
button = 0;
* @name Hover
* @description
* Freeze movement on mouse hover?
* @type {boolean}
* @public
hover = true;
* @name Step
* @description
* Direction and speed of movement.
* To move in the opposite direction, invert the number.
* It should be configured at the same time as `this.interval`!
* Setting `this.interval = 10` with `this.step = 1` is equal to `this.interval = 5` with `this.step = 2`.
* But the difference in performance between them is two times!
* Setting the value to `float` will result in "lagging" at a slow speed.
* @type {number}
* @public
step = 1;
* @name Transfer
* @description
* Allowed to transfer elements from one end to another?
* @type {boolean}
* @public
transfer = true;
* @name Transfer
* @description
* Allowed to transfer elements from one end to another?
* Blocks transfer even if `this.transfer === true`
* This is a system constant that is not overwritten in the code.
* @type {boolean}
* @protected
#transfer = true;
* @name Sticky
* @description
* Do not remove `mousemove` event listener when mouse moves out from `this.#shell`?
* Used to fix a bug where if you click on an element ("mousedown")
* and move the cursor outside `this.#shell` element, the functions
* for moving elements will not be removed from the "mousemove" listener.
* Clicking again to dispatch "mouseup" event does not work.
* Another fix is `this.#shell.addEventListener("mouseleave", leaved)`.
* But `sticky === true` is still very problematic.
* {@link https://git.mirzaev.sexy/mirzaev/hotline.mjs/issues/7}
* @type {boolean}
* @public
sticky = false;
* @name Magnetism
* @description
* Types of areas in which the target element will be magnetized
* @type {object}
* @typedef magnetism
* @param {symbol} beginning
* @param {symbol} center
* @param {symbol} end
* @protected
#magnetism = Object.freeze({
beginning: Symbol("beginning"),
center: Symbol("center"),
end: Symbol("end")
* @name Magnetism (get)
* @description
* Getter for `this.#magnetism`
* @return {magnetism}
* @public
get magnetism() {
return this.#magnetism;
* @name Magnetic
* @description
* The area in which the target element will be magnetized
* @type {(magnetism.<symbol>|null)}
* @public
magnetic = null;
* @name Magnet
* @description
* The power of magnetism (otherwise `this.step` will be used)
* Unlike `this.step`, this value must be a positive integer (natural), that is, it does not affect the direction
* @type {number}
* @public
magnet = 1;
* @name Vertical
* @description
* The hotline instance moves vertically?
* @type {boolean}
* @public
vertical = false;
* @name Observe
* @description
* Create an observer to change public properties when "data-hotline-*" attributes change?
* @type {boolean}
* @public
observe = false;
* @name Observer
* @description
* Contains an observer instance that allows editing the properties of the hotline instance.
* by changing the value of `this.#shell` attributes.
* Works only when `this.observe === true`.
* @type {(MutationObserver|null)}
* @protected
#observer = null;
* @name Events
* @description
* Registry of events that will be dispatched
* Events "transfer.beginning" and "transfer.end" used for elements transfers!
* Set `false` only when `this.movable === false`, otherwise there will be errors when calculating coordinates!
* Events dispatch by the shell element (`this.#shell`)
* Events have the form: "hotline.*" ("hotline.moved.forward", "hotline.stopped")
* @type {Map}
* @public
events = new Map([
["ready", false],
["started", false],
["stopped", false],
["configured", false],
["move", false],
["move.mouse", false],
["move.touch", false],
["move.freezed", false],
["move.unfreezed", false],
["moved.forward", false],
["moved.backward", false],
["offset", false],
["transfer.beginning", true],
["transfer.end", true],
["observer.started", false],
["observer.stopped", false]
* @name Ignored
* @description
* Registry of properties (by "data-hotline-*" attributes)
* that will be ignored by the preprocessor
* @type {Set}
* @protected
#ignored = new Set(["events"]);
* @name Listeners
* @description
* Registry of event listeners
* @type {Map}
* @protected
#listeners = new Map();
* @name Constructor
* @description
* Initialize a hotline instance and shell of elements
* @param {HTMLElement} shell Shell
* @param {boolean} [inject=false] Write the hotline instance into the shell element?
constructor(shell, inject = false) {
if (shell instanceof HTMLElement) {
// Initialized the shell of elements
// Writing the shell of elements
this.#shell = shell;
// Writing the hotline instance into the shell element
if (inject) this.#shell.hotline = this;
if (this.#shell.childElementCount > 1) {
// More than 2 elements in the `this.#shell`
// Writing status of the proccess
this.#status = "ready";
if (this.events.get("ready")) {
// Requested triggering the "ready" event
// Dispatching event: "ready"
this.#shell.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hotline.ready"));
* @name Start
* @description
* Start the process of the hotline instance
start() {
if (this.#process === null) {
// Not found working process of the hotline instance
// Initializing link to the instance
const instance = this;
// Creating a process
this.#process = setInterval(() => {
// Initializing the first element
instance.#first.element = instance.#shell.firstElementChild;
// Initializing shape of the first element
instance.#first.rectangle = instance.#first.element.getBoundingClientRect();
if (instance.vertical) {
// Vertical
// Initializing position of the first element (the movement is based on this property)
instance.#first.position =
parseFloat(instance.#first.element.style.marginTop) || 0;
// Initializing offset of the first element (elements are separated like this)
instance.#first.offset =
parseFloat(getComputedStyle(instance.#first.element).marginBottom) || 0;
// Initializing coordinate of the end of the first element
instance.#first.end =
instance.#first.rectangle.y +
instance.#first.rectangle.height +
} else {
// Horizontal
// Initializing position of the first element (the movement is based on this property)
instance.#first.position =
parseFloat(instance.#first.element.style.marginLeft) || 0;
// Initializing offset of the first element (elements are separated like this)
instance.#first.offset =
parseFloat(getComputedStyle(instance.#first.element).marginRight) || 0;
// Initializing coordinate of the end of the first element
instance.#first.end =
instance.#first.rectangle.x +
instance.#first.rectangle.width +
if (
(instance.vertical &&
Math.round(instance.#first.end) < instance.#shell.offsetTop) ||
(!instance.vertical &&
Math.round(instance.#first.end) < instance.#shell.offsetLeft)
) {
// The first element with its separator went beyond the shell
if (instance.transfer === true && instance.#transfer) {
// Transfer is requested and allowed by system
// Transfer the first element to the end of the shell
if (instance.vertical) {
// Vertical
// Deleting position of the last (previously first) element (the movement is based on this property)
instance.#first.element.style.marginTop = null;
if (instance.events.get("transfer.end")) {
// Requested triggering the "transfer.end" event
// Dispatching event: "transfer.end"
new CustomEvent("hotline.transfer.end", {
detail: {
element: instance.#first.element,
offset: -(instance.#first.rectangle.height + instance.#first.offset)
// Deinitializing the first element
instance.#first = {};
} else {
// Horizontal
// Deleting position of the last (previously first) element (the movement is based on this property)
instance.#first.element.style.marginLeft = null;
if (instance.events.get("transfer.end")) {
// Requested triggering the "transfer.end" event
// Dispatching event: "transfer.end"
new CustomEvent("hotline.transfer.end", {
detail: {
element: instance.#first.element,
offset: -(instance.#first.rectangle.width + instance.#first.offset)
// Deinitializing the first element
instance.#first = {};
} else if (
(instance.vertical &&
Math.round(instance.#first.rectangle.y) > instance.#shell.offsetTop) ||
(!instance.vertical &&
Math.round(instance.#first.rectangle.x) > instance.#shell.offsetLeft)
) {
// Beginning border of first element with its separator went beyond the shell
if (instance.transfer === true && instance.#transfer) {
// Transfer is requested and allowed by system
// Initializing the last element
instance.#last.element = instance.#shell.lastElementChild;
// Initializing shape of the last element
instance.#last.rectangle = instance.#last.element.getBoundingClientRect();
// Transfer the last element to the beginning of the shell
if (instance.vertical) {
// Vertical
// Initializing offset of the last element (elements are separated like this)
instance.#last.offset =
parseFloat(getComputedStyle(instance.#last.element).marginBottom) ||
instance.#first.offset ||
if (instance.events.get("transfer.beginning")) {
// Requested triggering the "transfer.beginning" event
// Dispatching event: "transfer.beginning"
new CustomEvent("hotline.transfer.beginning", {
detail: {
element: instance.#last.element,
offset: instance.#last.rectangle.height + instance.#last.offset
// Initializing the position of the last element with the end boundary beyond the beginning boundary of the shell
instance.#last.element.style.marginTop =
-instance.#last.rectangle.height - instance.#last.offset + "px";
// Deleting position of the second (previously first) element (the movement is based on this property)
instance.#first.element.style.marginTop = null;
// Deinitializing the first element
instance.#first = {};
} else {
// Horizontal
// Initializing offset of the last element (elements are separated like this)
instance.#last.offset =
parseFloat(getComputedStyle(instance.#last.element).marginRight) ||
instance.#first.offset ||
if (instance.events.get("transfer.beginning")) {
// Requested triggering the "transfer.beginning" event
// Dispatching event: "transfer.beginning"
new CustomEvent("hotline.transfer.beginning", {
detail: {
element: instance.#last.element,
offset: instance.#last.rectangle.width + instance.#last.offset
// Initializing the position of the last element with the end boundary beyond the beginning boundary of the shell
instance.#last.element.style.marginLeft =
-instance.#last.rectangle.width - instance.#last.offset + "px";
// Deleting position of the second (previously first) element (the movement is based on this property)
instance.#first.element.style.marginLeft = null;
// Deinitializing the first element
instance.#first = {};
} else {
// The first element is entirely inside the shell
if (this.alive === true && this.#freezed === false) {
// Movement is requested and the hotline instance is not frozen
// Moving elements
}, instance.interval);
if (this.hover) {
// Requested freezing the hotline instance when the user cursor is over the this.#shell
// Initializing event listener for hovering elements by the user
this.#listeners.set("hover", (hover) => {
// The user hovers the mouse cursor over `this.#shell`
// Freezing the hotline instance (stopping movement of elements by themselves)
instance.#freezed = true;
if (instance.events.get("moving.freezed")) {
// Requested triggering the "moving.freezed" event
// Dispatching event: "moving.freezed"
new CustomEvent("hotline.moving.freezed", {
detail: { event: hover }
// Connecting event listener for hovering elements by the user
this.#shell.addEventListener("mouseover", this.#listeners.get("hover"));
} else {
// Not requested freezing the hotline instance when the user cursor is over the this.#shell
// Disconnecting event listener for hovering elements by the user
this.#shell.removeEventListener("mouseover", this.#listeners.get("hover"));
// Deinitializing event listener for hovering elements by the user
if (this.wheel) {
// Requested moving elements by the user mouse whell
// Initializing event listener for moving elements by the user mouse wheel
this.#listeners.set("wheel", (wheel) => {
// The user moves elements by the mouse wheel
if (instance.#status === "started") {
// The hotline instance is started
// Writing new position coordinate for the first element (moving)
instance.vertical ? "marginTop" : "marginLeft"
) || 0) +
(instance.delta === null
? wheel.wheelDelta
: wheel.wheelDelta > 0
? instance.delta
: -instance.delta)
// Connecting event listener for moving elements by the user mouse wheel
this.#shell.addEventListener("wheel", this.#listeners.get("wheel"));
} else {
// Not requested moving elements by the user mouse whell
// Disconnecting event listener for moving elements by the user mouse wheel
this.#shell.removeEventListener("wheel", this.#listeners.get("wheel"));
// Deinitializing event listener for moving elements by the user mouse wheel
// Initializing buffer for generating new position of the first element
let position = 0;
// Initializing event listeners for transfered elements that moved by the user (mouse, touch)
const transfer = function (event) {
// The element was transfered while moved by the user (mouse, touch)
// Generating and writing position of the first element
position += event.detail.offset ?? 0;
if (instance.movable) {
// Requested moving elements by the user (mouse, touch)
// Initializing event listener for starting moving elements by the user (mouse, touch)
instance.#listeners.set("move.start", (start) => {
// Elements have started to be moved by the user (mouse, touch)
if (start.type === "touchstart" || start.button === instance.button) {
// Pressing with a finger or a mouse button specified in `this.button` by the user (mouse, touch)
// Freezing the hotline instance (stopping movement of elements by themselves)
instance.#freezed = true;
if (instance.events.get("moving.freezed")) {
// Requested triggering the "moving.freezed" event
// Dispatching event: "moving.freezed"
new CustomEvent("hotline.moving.freezed", {
detail: { event: start }
// Initializing the start coordinates of the movement by the user (mouse, touch)
const x = start.pageX || (start.touches && start.touches[0]?.pageX) || 0;
const y = start.pageY || (start.touches && start.touches[0]?.pageY) || 0;
// Connecting event listener for transfer elements to the beginning
instance.#shell.addEventListener("hotline.transfer.beginning", transfer);
// Connecting event listener for transfer elements to the end
instance.#shell.addEventListener("hotline.transfer.end", transfer);
// Initializing initial position
const initial = instance.#first.position;
// Initializing event listeners for moving elements by the user (cursor, touch)
instance.#listeners.set("moving", (move) => {
// The user moves elements (cursor, touch)
if (instance.#status === "started") {
// The hotline instance is started
// Writing the status that elements are currently being moved by the user
instance.#moving = true;
if (instance.vertical) {
// Vertical
// Initializing coordinate
const coordinate =
move.pageY || (move.touches && move.touches[0].pageY) || 0;
// Writing new position coordinate for the first element (moving)
instance.position(coordinate - (y + position - initial));
} else {
// Horizontal
// Initializing coordinate
const coordinate =
move.pageX || (move.touches && move.touches[0].pageX) || 0;
// Writing new position coordinate for the first element (moving)
instance.position(coordinate - (x + position - initial));
if (move.type === "mousemove") {
// Elements are moved by the user using the mouse
if (instance.events.get("move.mouse")) {
// Requested triggering the "move.mouse" event
// Dispatching event: "move.mouse"
new CustomEvent("hotline.move.mouse", {
detail: { from: initial, to: instance.#first.position }
} else if (move.type === "touchmove") {
// Elements are moved by the user using touches
if (instance.events.get("move.touch")) {
// Requested triggering the "move.touch" event
// Dispatching event: "move.touch"
new CustomEvent("hotline.move.touch", {
detail: { from: initial, to: instance.#first.position }
// Connecting event listener for moving elements by the user mouse
document.addEventListener("mousemove", instance.#listeners.get("moving"));
// Connecting event listener for moving elements by the user touches
document.addEventListener("touchmove", instance.#listeners.get("moving"));
// Connecting event listener for starting moving elements by the user mouse
// Connecting event listener for starting moving elements by the user touch
// Initializing event listener for leaving the user cursor from the document area
instance.#listeners.set("move.leaved", () => {
// The user mouse cursor is leave the document area
// Disconnecting event listener for moving elements by the user mouse
// Deinitializing event listener for moving elements by the user touch
// Disconnecting event listener for leaving the user cursor from the document area
// Connecting event listener for leaving the user cursor from the document area
// Initializing event listeners for ending moving elements by the user (mouse, touch)
instance.#listeners.set("move.end", (end) => {
// Elements have ended to be moved by the user (mouse, touch)
// Writing the status that elements are currently not being moved by the user
instance.#moving = false;
// Disconnecting event listener for moving elements by the user mouse
// Disconnecting event listener for moving elements by the user touch
// Deinitializing event listener for moving elements by the user touch
// Reinitializing buffer for generating new position of the first element
position = 0;
// Disconnecting event listener for transfer elements to the beginning
// Disconnecting event listener for transfer elements to the end
instance.#shell.removeEventListener("hotline.transfer.end", transfer);
if (instance.hover !== false || !instance.#shell.contains(end.target)) {
// Not requested freezing or not the user cursor hovered `instance.#shell`
// Unfreezing the hotline instance (starting movement of elements by themselves)
instance.#freezed = false;
if (instance.events.get("move.unfreezed")) {
// Requested triggering the "move.unfreezed" event
// Dispatching event: "move.unfreezed"
instance.#shell.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hotline.move.unfreezed"));
if (instance.magnetic !== null) {
// Requested to magnetize the first element
if (end.target === instance.#shell) {
// Target is `instance.#shell`
} else {
// Target is not `instance.#shell`
// Initializing buffer of the target element
let element = end.target;
// Initializing counter of iterations
let i = 100;
while (element.parentElement !== instance.#shell && --i !== 0) {
// Search for the target element
// Writing the possible target element
element = element.parentElement;
if (
element instanceof HTMLElement &&
element.parentElement === instance.#shell
) {
// Initialized the target element
// Magnetizing the first element
instance.magnetize(element, instance.magnetic);
// Connecting event listeners for ending moving elements by the user mouse
// Connecting event listeners for ending moving elements by the user touch
// Initializing event listeners for leaving the user mouse cursor from the shell
instance.#listeners.set("move.leave", (leave) => {
// The user mouse cursor leaved `this.#shell` area
// Reinitializing buffer for generating new position of the first element
position = 0;
if (instance.sticky === false) {
// Not requested to stick the user mouse cursor to `this.#shell`
// Writing the status that elements are currently not being moved by the user
instance.#moving = false;
// Disconnecting event listener for moving elements by the user mouse
// Disconnecting event listener for moving elements by the user touch
// Deinitializing event listener for moving elements by the user touch
// Disconnecting event listener for transfer elements to the beginning
// Disconnecting event listener for transfer elements to the end
instance.#shell.removeEventListener("hotline.transfer.end", transfer);
// Unfreezing the hotline instance (starting movement of elements by themselves)
instance.#freezed = false;
if (instance.events.get("move.unfreezed")) {
// Requested triggering the "move.unfreezed" event
// Dispatching event: "move.unfreezed"
instance.#shell.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hotline.move.unfreezed"));
// Connecting event listener for leaving the user mouse cursor from the shell
} else {
// Not requested moving elements by the user (mouse, touch)
// Disconnecting event listener for starting moving elements by the user mouse
// Disconnecting event listener for starting moving elements by the user touch
// Deinitializing event listener for starting moving elements by the user (mouse, touch)
// Writing the status that elements are currently not being moved by the user
instance.#moving = false;
// Disconnecting event listener for moving elements by the user mouse
// Disconnecting event listener for moving elements by the user touch
// Deinitializing event listener for moving elements by the user touch
// Reinitializing buffer for generating new position of the first element
position = 0;
// Disconnecting event listeners for ending moving elements by the user mouse
// Disconnecting event listeners for ending moving elements by the user touch
// Deinitializing event listener for ending moving elements by the user (mouse, touch)
// Disconnecting event listener for leaving the user mouse cursor from the shell
// Deinitializing event listener for leaving the user mouse cursor from the shell
// Writing status of the proccess
this.#status = "started";
if (instance.events.get("started")) {
// Requested triggering the "started" event
// Dispatching event: "started"
this.#shell.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hotline.started"));
if (this.observe) {
// Requester observing for changing `this.#shell` attributes values
if (this.#observer === null) {
// Not initialized the observer instance
// Initializing the observer instance
this.#observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
// Detected mutation
for (const mutation of mutations) {
// Iterating over mutations
if (mutation.type === "attributes") {
// Attribute was changed
// Reinitializing property by new value of the attribute
// Restarting the hotline instance
// Starting observation for attributes mutations in the `this.#shell`
this.#observer.observe(this.#shell, {
attributes: true
if (this.events.get("observer.started")) {
// Requested triggering the "observer.started" event
// Dispatching event: "observer.stopped"
new CustomEvent("hotline.observer.started", {
detail: {
instance: this.#observer
} else if (this.#observer instanceof MutationObserver) {
// Not requested observing for changing `this.#shell` attributes values but found the observer instance
// Stoppingobservation for attributes mutations in the `this.#shell`
// Deleting the observer instance
this.#observer = null;
if (this.events.get("observer.stopped")) {
// Requested triggering the "observer.stopped" event
// Dispatching event: "observer.stopped"
this.#shell.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hotline.observer.stopped"));
* @name Stop
* @description
* Stop the process of the hotline instance
stop() {
// Stopping the process
// Deleting identifier of the proccess
this.#process = null;
// Writing status of the proccess
this.#status = "stopped";
if (this.events.get("stopped")) {
// Requested triggering the "stopped" event
// Dispatching event: "stopped"
this.#shell.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hotline.stopped"));
* @name Restart
* @description
* Stop and start the process of the hotline instance
restart() {
// Stopping the hotline instance
// Starting the hotline instance
* @name Configure
* @description
* Validate attribute and write parameter with its value
* @param {string} attribute HTMLElement attribute
configure(attribute) {
// Initializing parameter name
const name = (/^data-hotline-(\w+)$/.exec(attribute) ?? [, null])[1];
if (typeof name === "string") {
// Validated parameter name
// Is the parameter allowed to be change?
if (this.#ignored.has(name)) return;
// Initializing parameter value
const value = this.#shell.getAttribute(attribute);
if (name === "magnetic" && typeof this.magnetism[value] === "symbol") {
// Validated magnetism area value
// Writing implemented value to the parameter
this.magnetic = this.magnetism[value];
} else if (typeof value === "string") {
// Validated parameter value
if (value === "true" || value === "on" || value === "yes") {
// True
// Writing implemented value to the parameter
this[name] = true;
} else if (value === "false" || value === "off" || value === "no") {
// False
// Writing implemented value to the parameter
this[name] = false;
} else {
// Number or string
// Writing value to the parameter
this[name] = parseFloat(value) || value;
if (this.events.get("configured")) {
// Requested triggering the "configured" event
// Dispatching event: "configured"
new CustomEvent("hotline.configured", {
detail: {
value: this[name]
* @name Position
* @description
* Write position of the first element (margin to the left or the top)
* This method is used to move elements.
* @param {number} value Coordinate
* @return {number|null} Offset of new position from old position of the first element
position(value) {
// Initializing old position of the first element
const old = this.#first.position || undefined;
if (typeof this.#first.element === "undefined") {
// Not initialized the first element
// Initializing the first element
this.#first.element = this.#shell.firstElementChild;
if (this.#first.element instanceof HTMLElement) {
// Initialized the first element
// Writing new position of the first element to the property
this.#first.position = value;
// Writing new position of the first element to the element
this.#first.element.style[this.vertical ? "marginTop" : "marginLeft"] =
this.#first.position + "px";
if (this.events.get("position")) {
// Requested triggering the "position" event
// Dispatching event: "position"
new CustomEvent("hotline.position", {
detail: {
from: old,
to: value
// Calculating offset of new position from old position and exit (success)
return value - (old || 0);
// Exit (fail)
return null;
* @name Move
* @description
* Move the first element (margin to the left or the top)
* This method is used to move elements.
* @param {number} [step] step Direction and speed of movement (otherwise `this.step`)
* @return {number|null} Offset of new position from old position of the first element
move(step) {
// Initializing obsolete position coordinate (`x` or `y` by `this.vertical`)
const obsolete = this.#first.position;
// Initializing actual position coordinate (`x` or `y` by `this.vertical`)
const coordinate = this.#first.position + (step || this.step);
// Writing new position coordinate to the first element (moving)
const moved = this.position(coordinate);
if (this.events.get("moving")) {
// Requested triggering the "moving" event
// Dispatching event: "moving"
new CustomEvent("hotline.moving", {
detail: {
from: obsolete,
to: coordinate
// Exit (success)
return moved;
* @name Move forward
* @description
* Moving the first element forward untill the last element be transfered to the first element position
* This method is used to move elements.
* @return {Promise}
forward() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Declaring timer of the forced stopping the moving process
let timer;
// Initializing speed of movement
let step = Math.abs(this.step) || 1;
// Starting moving proccess
const moving = setInterval(() => {
// Increasing the speed of movement with each iteration
// Moving
}, this.interval);
// Initializing function for event listener for stopping movement when the last element be transferred to the first element position
const stopping = () => {
if (step > 10) {
// More than 10 pixels have been passed (used to fix the 1 pixel movement bug)
// Deinitializingt the moving process
// Deinitializing the timer of the forced stopping the moving process
if (this.events.get("moved.forward")) {
// Requested triggering the "moved.forward" event
// Dispatching event: "moved.forward"
this.#shell.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hotline.moved.forward"));
// Disconnecting event listener for stopping movement when the last element be transferred to the first element position
this.#shell.removeEventListener("hotline.transfer.beginning", stopping);
// Exit (success)
// Connecting event listener for stopping movement when the last element be transferred to the first element position
this.#shell.addEventListener("hotline.transfer.beginning", stopping, false);
// Initializing timer of the forced stopping the moving process
timer = setTimeout(() => {
// Deinitializing the moving process
// Exit (fail)
}, 5000);
* @name Move backward
* @description
* Moving the first element backward untill the first element be transfered to the last element position
* This method is used to move elements.
* @return {Promise}
backward() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Declaring timer of the forced stopping the moving process
let timer;
// Initializing speed of movement
let step = -Math.abs(this.step) || -1;
// Starting moving proccess
const moving = setInterval(() => {
// Increasing the speed of movement with each iteration
// Moving
}, this.interval);
// Initializing function for event listener for stopping movement when the first element be transferred to the last element position
const stopping = () => {
if (step < -10) {
// More than 10 pixels have been passed (used to fix the 1 pixel movement bug)
// Deinitializingt the moving process
// Deinitializing the timer of the forced stopping the moving process
if (this.events.get("moved.backward")) {
// Requested triggering the "moved.backward" event
// Dispatching event: "moved.backward"
this.#shell.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hotline.moved.backward"));
// Disconnecting event listener for stopping movement when the first element be transferred to the last element position
this.#shell.removeEventListener("hotline.transfer.end", stopping);
// Exit (success)
// Connecting event listener for stopping movement when the first element be transferred to the last element position
this.#shell.addEventListener("hotline.transfer.end", stopping, false);
// Initializing timer of the forced stopping the moving process
timer = setTimeout(() => {
// Deinitializing the moving process
// Exit (fail)
}, 5000);
* @name Magnetize
* @description
* Move the target element to the specified area and stop
* This method is used to move elements.
* To use this method you must have a fixed size of `this.#shell`,
* otherwise `this.#shell.getBoundingClientRect()` will return the result
* of the entire length including hidden elements.
* ⚠️ At the moment, the element does not always stopped exactly in the desired position.
* The error in getting into the desired area depends on the settings.
* If you want to stop elements for users to view, then use `this.forward` and `this.backward`,
* setting event listeners on them to implement the "swipe right" and "swipe left" technology,
* as well as the "keydown" for the "<-" and "->" buttons on the keyboard.
* @param {HTMLElement} element Target element that will be magnetized
* @param {magnetism.<symbol>} magnetism Magnetism area
* @return {Promise}
magnetize(element, magnetism) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (element instanceof HTMLElement) {
// Initialized the element
// Initializing shape of the target element
const target = element.getBoundingClientRect();
// Initializing shape of the shell element
const shell = this.#shell.getBoundingClientRect();
// Declaring offset center of the target element from center of the shell element
let offset;
switch (magnetism) {
case this.#magnetism.beginning:
// Beginning area
// wait for updates
case this.#magnetism.center:
// Central area
// Calculating and writing offset of the target element center from the shell element center
offset = target.x + target.width / 2 - (shell.x + shell.width / 2);
case this.#magnetism.end:
// End area
// wait for updates
if (offset > 0) {
// The target element center is ahead of the shell element center (right or bottom by `this.vertical`)
// Declaring timer of the forced stopping the magnetizing process
let timer;
// Initializing speed of movement
let step = -Math.abs(this.magnet) || -Math.abs(this.step) || 0;
// Starting magnetizing proccess (moving)
const magnet = setInterval(() => {
// Increasing the speed of movement with each iteration
// Calculating brake
const brake = offset + step;
if (brake <= 0) {
// The target element center is going to pass the shell element center
// Changing step length to reach the shell element center
step = -offset;
// Moving
offset += this.move(step) || 0;
if (offset === 0) {
// The target element center has reached the shell element center
// Deinitializingt the magnetizing process
// Deinitializing the timer of the forced stopping the magnetizing process
if (this.events.get("magnetized")) {
// Requested triggering the "magnetized" event
// Dispatching event: "magnetized"
new CustomEvent("hotline.magnetized", {
detail: {
magnetism: magnetism
// Exit (success)
}, this.interval);
// Initializing timer of the forced stopping the magnetizing process
timer = setTimeout(() => {
// Deinitializing the magnetizing process
// Exit (fail)
}, 5000);
} else if (offset < 0) {
// The target element center is behind of the shell element center (left or top by `this.vertical`)
// Declaring timer of the forced stopping the magnetizing process
let timer;
// Initializing speed of movement
let step = Math.abs(this.magnet) || Math.abs(this.step) || 0;
// Starting magnetizing proccess (moving)
const magnet = setInterval(() => {
// Increasing the speed of movement with each iteration
// Calculating brake
const brake = offset + step;
if (brake >= 0) {
// The target element center is going to pass the shell element center
// Changing step length to reach the shell element center
step = -offset;
// Moving
offset += this.move(step) || 0;
if (offset === 0) {
// The target element center has reached the shell element center
// Deinitializingt the magnetizing process
// Deinitializing the timer of the forced stopping the magnetizing process
if (this.events.get("magnetized")) {
// Requested triggering the "magnetized" event
// Dispatching event: "magnetized"
new CustomEvent("hotline.magnetized", {
detail: {
magnetism: magnetism
// Exit (success)
}, this.interval);
// Initializing timer of the forced stopping the magnetizing process
timer = setTimeout(() => {
// Deinitializing the magnetizing process
// Exit (fail)
}, 5000);
} else {
// The target element center has reached the shell element center
if (this.events.get("magnetized")) {
// Requested triggering the "magnetized" event
// Dispatching event: "magnetized"
new CustomEvent("hotline.magnetized", {
detail: {
magnetism: magnetism
// Exit (success)
* @name Preprocessing
* @description
* Read the DOM, identify shells and generate the hotline instances.
* It is a rather slow process, but very convenient.
* Personally, i do not recommend using it.
* @param {boolean} [event=false] Dispatch "hotline.preprocessed" event? (contains return values)
* @param {boolean} [inject=false] Write the hotline instance into the shell element?
* @return {Set} Generated the hotline instances
static preprocessing(event = false, inject = false) {
// Initializing registry of generated the hotline instances
const generated = new Set();
// Initializing counter of errors
let error = 0;
for (const shell of document.querySelectorAll('*[data-hotline="true"]')) {
// Iterating over found shells with the hotline attributes
// Initializing the hotline instance
const instance = new this(shell, inject);
for (const attribute of shell.getAttributeNames()) {
// Iterating over the shell attributes
// Initializing property by value of the attribute
// Starting the hotline instance
// Writing into registry of generated the hotline instances
if (event) {
// Requested triggering the "hotline.preprocessed" event
// Dispatching event: "hotline.preprocessed"
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("hotline.preprocessed"), {
detail: {
// Exit (success)
return generated;
} |