Catalog cart sticky button #36

opened 2025-03-07 13:59:15 +07:00 by Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich · 2 comments

Add notification: "Товар добавлен в корзину"
Should appear at the bottom of the screen after adding to cart
When the user clicks on the notification, it sends the user to the cart

Add notification: "Товар добавлен в корзину" Should appear at the bottom of the screen after adding to cart When the user clicks on the notification, it sends the user to the cart
Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich added the
labels 2025-03-07 13:59:15 +07:00

Waiting to receive instructions from Arming

Waiting to receive instructions from Arming

add catalog menu with cart items numbers


add catalog menu with cart items numbers ![image](/attachments/9a541448-c9b5-402e-9964-4b7a792ef085) ![image](/attachments/926f2830-5663-42e5-bc5e-de048309ea6a)
Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich changed title from Push message for "added to the cart" to Catalog cart sticky button 2025-03-10 17:47:11 +07:00
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Reference: mirzaev/huesos#36
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