Compare commits


10 Commits

18 changed files with 2360 additions and 504 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file → Executable file
View File

LICENSE Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed.

64 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
The MINIMAL framework that does **not limit your project with its own rules**, has **no dependencies**, implements the **best practices** of popular MVC-frameworks, it **VERY fast** and **optimized** for all the innovations in **PHP 8.2** 🤟
Can be configured to work with **any database** `core::$session` and **any HTML template engine** `$this->view`
*personally, i prefer **ArangoDB** and **Twig***
## Nearest plans (first half of 2025)
1. Add **middlewares** technology
2. Route sorting in the router `router::sort()`
3. Add trigger routes from within routes
4. Think about adding asynchronous executions
5. Write an article describing the principles of the framework
## Installation
Execute: `composer require mirzaev/minimal`
## Usage
// Initializing the router
$router = new router;
// Initializing of routes
->write('/', 'catalog', 'index', 'GET')
->write('/search', 'catalog', 'search', 'POST')
->write('/session/connect/telegram', 'session', 'telegram', 'POST')
->write('/product/$id', 'catalog', 'product', 'POST')
->write('/$categories...', 'catalog', 'index', 'POST'); // Collector (since 0.3.0)
// Initializing the core
$core = new core(namespace: __NAMESPACE__, router: $router, controller: new controller(false), model: new model(false));
// Handle the request
echo $core->start();
## Examples of projects based on MINIMAL
### ebala
**Github mirror:**<br>
*I earned more than a **million rubles** from this project*<br>
*Repositories **may** be closed at the request of the customer*<br>
### huesos
**Guthub mirror:**<br>
*The basis for developing chat-robots with Web App technology (for example for Telegram)*<br>
### arming_bot
**Guthub mirror:**<br>
*Chat-robot based on huesos*<br>
### notchat
**Github mirror:**<br>
*P2P chat project with different blockchains and smart stuff*<br>
### site-repression
**Github mirror:**<br>
*A simple site for my article about **political repressions in Russia** and my **kidnapping by Wagner PMC operatives** from my house*<br>

composer.json Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "mirzaev/minimal",
"type": "framework",
"description": "Lightweight MVC framework that manages only the basic mechanisms, leaving the development of the programmer and not overloading the project",
"description": "My vision of a good framework",
"keywords": [
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"name": "Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich",
"email": "",
"homepage": "",
"role": "Developer"
"role": "Programmer"
"support": {
@ -22,16 +22,11 @@
"issues": ""
"require": {
"php": "~8.2"
"php": "~8.4"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"mirzaev\\minimal\\": "mirzaev/minimal/system"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"mirzaev\\minimal\\tests\\": "mirzaev/minimal/tests"

composer.lock generated Normal file → Executable file
View File

mirzaev/minimal/system/controller.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -4,121 +4,115 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace mirzaev\minimal;
// Файлы проекта
use mirzaev\minimal\model;
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\minimal\model,
// Встроенные библиотеки
use exception;
// Built-in libraries
use exception,
RuntimeException as exception_runtime;
* Контроллер
* Controller
* @package mirzaev\minimal
* @var core $core An instance of the core
* @var request $request Request
* @var model $model An instance of the model connected in the core
* @var view $view View template engine instance (twig)
* @method void __construct(core $core) Constructor
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
class controller
* Постфикс
private const POSTFIX = '_controller';
use magic;
* Инстанция модели
* Core
* @var core $core An instance of the core
protected model $model;
* Инстанция шаблонизатора представления
protected object $view;
* Конструктор
public function __construct()
public core $core {
// Read
get => $this->core;
* Записать свойство
* Request
* @param string $name Название
* @param mixed $value Значение
* @var request $request Request
public request $request {
// Read
get => $this->request;
* Model
* @throws exception_runtime if reinitialize the property
* @throws exception_runtime if an attempt to write null
* @var model $model An instance of the model connected in the core
public ?model $model = null {
// Write
set (model|null $model) {
if (isset($this->{__PROPERTY__})) {
// The property is already initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('The property is already initialized: ' . __PROPERTY__, status::internal_server_error->value);
if ($model instanceof model) {
// Validated model
// Writing
$this->model = $model;
} else {
// Not validated model
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('The property must be an instance of model', status::internal_server_error->value);
// Read
get => $this->model;
* View
* @var view $view View template engine instance (twig)
public object $view {
// Write
set (object $view) {
$this->view ??= $view;
// Read
get => $this->view;
* Constructor
* @param core $core The instance of the core
* @return void
public function __set(string $name, mixed $value = null): void
match ($name) {
'POSTFIX' => throw new exception('Запрещено реинициализировать постфикс ($this::POSTFIX)', 500),
'model' => (function () use ($value) {
if ($this->__isset('model')) throw new exception('Запрещено реинициализировать свойство с инстанцией модели ($this->model)', 500);
else {
// Свойство не инициализировано
if (is_object($value)) $this->model = $value;
else throw new exception('Свойство $this->model должно хранить инстанцию модели (объект)', 500);
'view' => (function () use ($value) {
if ($this->__isset('view')) throw new exception('Запрещено реинициализировать свойство с инстанцией шаблонизатора представления ($this->view)', 500);
else {
// Свойство не инициализировано
if (is_object($value)) $this->view = $value;
else throw new exception('Свойство $this->view должно хранить инстанцию шаблонизатора представления (объект)', 500);
default => throw new exception("Свойство \"\$$name\" не найдено", 404)
* Прочитать свойство
* @param string $name Название
* @return mixed Содержимое
public function __get(string $name): mixed
return match ($name) {
'POSTFIX' => $this::POSTFIX ?? throw new exception("Свойство \"POSTFIX\" не инициализировано", 500),
'model' => $this->model ?? throw new exception("Свойство \"\$model\" не инициализировано", 500),
'view' => $this->view ?? throw new exception("Свойство \"\$view\" не инициализировано", 500),
default => throw new exception("Свойство \"\$$name\" не обнаружено", 404)
* Проверить свойство на инициализированность
* @param string $name Название
* @return bool Инициализировано свойство?
public function __isset(string $name): bool
return match ($name) {
default => isset($this->{$name})
* Удалить свойство
* @param string $name Название
* @return void
public function __unset(string $name): void
match ($name) {
default => (function () use ($name) {
// Удаление
public function __construct(core $core) {
// Writing the core into the property
$this->core = $core;

mirzaev/minimal/system/core.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -4,227 +4,251 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace mirzaev\minimal;
// Файлы проекта
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\minimal\router,
// Встроенные библиотеки
// Built-in libraries
use exception,
RuntimeException as exception_runtime,
BadMethodCallException as exception_method,
DomainException as exception_domain,
InvalidArgumentException as exception_argument,
UnexpectedValueException as exception_value,
LogicException as exception_logic,
ReflectionClass as reflection;
* Ядро
* Core
* @package mirzaev\minimal
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
* @todo
* 1. Добавить __isset() и __unset()
* @param string $namespace Namespace where the core was initialized from
* @param controller $controller An instance of the controller
* @param model $model An instance of the model
* @param router $router An instance of the router
* @mathod void __construct(?string $namespace) Constructor
* @method void __destruct() Destructor
* @method string|null start() Initialize request by environment and handle it
* @method string|null request(request $request, array $parameters = []) Handle request
* @method string|null route(route $route, string $method) Handle route
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
final class core
* Инстанция соединения с базой данных
private object $db;
* Инстанция маршрутизатора
private readonly router $router;
* Инстанция ядра контроллера
private readonly controller $controller;
* Инстанция ядра модели
private readonly model $model;
* Путь пространства имён (системное)
* Namespace
* Используется для поиска файлов по спецификации PSR-4
* @var string $namespace Namespace where the core was initialized from
* @see
private readonly string $namespace;
public string $namespace {
// Read
get => $this->namespace;
* Конструктор
* Controller
* @var controller $controller An instance of the controller
private controller $controller {
// Read
get => $this->controller ??= new controller;
* Model
* @var model $model An instance of the model
private model $model {
// Read
get => $this->model ??= new model;
* Router
* @var router $router An instance of the router
public router $router {
get => $this->router ??= router::initialize();
* Constrictor
* @param ?object $db Инстанция соединения с базой данных
* @param ?router $router Маршрутизатор
* @param ?controller $controller Инстанция ядра контроллера
* @param ?model $model Инстанция ядра модели
* @param ?string $namespace Пространство имён системного ядра
* @return self Инстанция ядра
* @return void
public function __construct(
?object $db = null,
?router $router = null,
?controller $controller = null,
?model $model = null,
?string $namespace = null
) {
// Инициализация свойств
if (isset($db)) $this->__set('db', $db);
if (isset($router)) $this->__set('router', $router);
if (isset($controller)) $this->__set('controller', $controller);
if (isset($model)) $this->__set('model', $model);
$this->__set('namespace', $namespace ?? (new reflection(self::class))->getNamespaceName());
// Writing a namespace to the property
$this->namespace = $namespace ?? (new reflection(self::class))->getNamespaceName();
* Деструктор
* Destructor
public function __destruct()
public function __destruct() {}
* Start
* Initialize request by environment and handle it
* @return string|null Response
public function start(): ?string
// Handle request and exit (success)
return $this->request(new request(environment: true));
* Запуск
* Request
* @param ?string $uri Маршрут
* Handle request
* @return ?string Сгенерированный ответ (HTML, JSON...)
* @param request $request The request
* @paam array $parameters parameters for merging with route parameters
* @return string|null Response
public function start(string $uri = null): ?string
public function request(request $request, array $parameters = []): ?string
// Обработка запроса
return $this->__get('router')->handle($uri, core: $this);
// Matching a route
$route = $this->router->match($request);
if ($route) {
// Initialized a route
if (!empty($parameters)) {
// Recaived parameters
// Merging parameters with route parameters
$route->parameters = $parameters + $route->parameters;
// Writing request options from route options
$request->options = $route->options;
// Handling a route and exit (success)
return $this->route($route, $request);
// Exit (fail)
return null;
* Записать свойство
* Route
* @param string $name Название
* @param mixed $value Содержимое
* Handle route
* @return void
* @param route $route The route
* @param request $request The request
* @throws exception_domain if failed to find the controller or the model
* @throws exception_logic if not received the controller
* @throws exception_method if failed to find the method of the controller
* @return string|null Response, if generated
public function __set(string $name, mixed $value = null): void
public function route(route $route, request $request): ?string
match ($name) {
'db', 'database' => (function () use ($value) {
if ($this->__isset('db')) throw new exception('Запрещено реинициализировать инстанцию соединения с базой данных ($this->db)', 500);
else {
// Свойство ещё не было инициализировано
// Initializing name of the controller class
$controller = $route->controller;
if (is_object($value)) $this->db = $value;
else throw new exception('Свойство $this->db должно хранить инстанцию соединения с базой данных', 500);
'router' => (function () use ($value) {
if ($this->__isset('router')) throw new exception('Запрещено реинициализировать инстанцию маршрутизатора ($this->router)', 500);
else {
// Свойство ещё не было инициализировано
if ($route->controller instanceof controller) {
// Initialized the controller
} else if (class_exists($controller = "$this->namespace\\controllers\\$controller")) {
// Found the controller by its name
if ($value instanceof router) $this->router = $value;
else throw new exception('Свойство $this->router должно хранить инстанцию маршрутизатора (mirzaev\minimal\router)"', 500);
'controller' => (function () use ($value) {
if ($this->__isset('controller')) throw new exception('Запрещено реинициализировать инстанцию ядра контроллеров ($this->controller)', 500);
else {
// Свойство не инициализировано
// Initializing the controller
$route->controller = new $controller(core: $this);
} else if (!empty($route->controller)) {
// Not found the controller and $route->controller has a value
if ($value instanceof controller) $this->controller = $value;
else throw new exception('Свойство $this->controller должно хранить инстанцию ядра контроллеров (mirzaev\minimal\controller)', 500);
'model' => (function () use ($value) {
if ($this->__isset('model')) throw new exception('Запрещено реинициализировать инстанцию ядра моделей ($this->model)', 500);
else {
// Свойство не инициализировано
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_domain("Failed to find the controller: $controller", status::not_implemented->value);
} else {
// Not found the controller and $route->controller is empty
if ($value instanceof model) $this->model = $value;
else throw new exception('Свойство $this->model должно хранить инстанцию ядра моделей (mirzaev\minimal\model)', 500);
'namespace' => (function () use ($value) {
if ($this->__isset('namespace')) throw new exception('Запрещено реинициализировать путь пространства имён ($this->namespace)', 500);
else {
// Свойство не инициализировано
if (is_string($value)) $this->namespace = $value;
else throw new exception('Свойство $this->namespace должно хранить строку с путём пространства имён', 500);
default => throw new exception("Свойство \"\$$name\" не найдено", 404)
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_logic('Not received the controller', status::internal_server_error->value);
* Прочитать свойство
* Записывает значение по умолчанию, если свойство не инициализировано
* @param string $name Название
* @return mixed Содержимое
public function __get(string $name): mixed
return match ($name) {
'db', 'database' => $this->db ?? throw new exception("Свойство \"\$$name\" не инициализировано", 500),
'router' => (function () {
// Инициализация со значением по умолчанию
if (!$this->__isset('router')) $this->__set('router', new router);
// Deinitializing name of the controller class
// Возврат (успех)
return $this->router;
'controller' => (function () {
// Инициализация со значением по умолчанию
if (!$this->__isset('controller')) $this->__set('controller', new controller);
if (!isset($route->controller->model)) {
// Not initialized the model in the controller
// Возврат (успех)
return $this->controller;
'model' => (function () {
// Инициализация со значением по умолчанию
if (!$this->__isset('model')) $this->__set('model', new model);
// Initializing name if the model class
$model = $route->model;
// Возврат (успех)
return $this->model;
'namespace' => $this->namespace ?? throw new exception("Свойство \"\$$name\" не инициализировано", 500),
default => throw new exception("Свойство \"\$$name\" не найдено", 404)
if ($route->model instanceof model) {
// Initialized the model
} else if (class_exists($model = "$this->namespace\\models\\$model")) {
// Found the model by its name
// Initializing the model
$route->model = new $model;
} else if (!empty($route->model)) {
// Not found the model and $route->model has a value
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_domain("Failed to find the model: $model", status::not_implemented->value);
* Проверить свойство на инициализированность
* @param string $name Название
* @return bool Инициализировано свойство?
public function __isset(string $name): bool
return match ($name) {
default => isset($this->{$name})
// Deinitializing name of the model class
if ($route->model instanceof model) {
// Initialized the model
// Writing the model to the controller
$route->controller->model = $route->model;
* Удалить свойство
* @param string $name Название
* @return void
public function __unset(string $name): void
match ($name) {
default => (function () use ($name) {
// Удаление
// Writing the request to the controller
$route->controller->request = $request;
if (method_exists($route->controller, $route->method)) {
// Found the method of the controller
try {
// Executing method of the controller and exit (success)
return $route->controller->{$route->method}(...($route->parameters + $request->parameters));
} catch (exception $exception) {
// Catched an exception
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('Caught an error while processing the route', status::internal_server_error->value, $exception);
} else {
// Not found the method of the controller
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_method('Failed to find method of the controller: ' . $route->controller::class . "->$route->method()", status::not_implemented->value);
// Exit (fail)
return null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
namespace mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations;
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations\status;
// Built-in libraries
use InvalidArgumentException as exception_argument,
DomainException as exception_domain;
* Content
* Implementation of "Content-Type" header
* @package mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
enum content: string
case any = '*/*';
// Text
case txt = 'text/plain';
case css = 'text/css';
case csv = 'text/csv';
case html = 'text/html';
case js = 'text/javascript'; // js + mjs (
// Applications
case binary = 'application/octet-stream';
case encoded = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
case json = 'application/json';
case rdf = 'application/ld+json';
case xml = 'application/xml';
case ogx = 'application/ogg';
case pdf = 'application/pdf';
case xls = 'application/';
case xlsx = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet';
case tar = 'application/x-tar';
case zip = 'application/zip';
case zip7 = 'application/x-7z-compressed';
case rar = 'application/vnd.rar';
case jar = 'application/java-archive';
case odp = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation';
case ods = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet';
case odt = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text';
case php = 'application/x-httpd-php';
case sh = 'application/x-sh';
case xhtml = 'application/xhtml+xml';
// Audio
case aac = 'audio/aac';
case mp3 = 'audio/mpeg';
case wav = 'audio/wav';
case oga = 'audio/ogg';
case weba = 'audio/webm';
// Images
case gif = 'image/gif';
case jpeg = 'image/jpeg';
case png = 'image/png';
case apng = 'image/apng';
case tiff = 'image/tiff';
case svg = ' image/svg+xml';
case webp = 'image/webp';
case avif = 'image/avif';
case bmp = 'image/bmp';
case ico = 'image/';
// Videos
case avi = 'video/x-msvideo';
case mp4 = 'video/mp4';
case mpeg = 'video/mpeg';
case ogv = 'video/ogg';
case ts = 'video/mp2t';
// Fonts
case otf = 'font/otf';
case ttf = 'font/ttf';
case woff = 'font/woff';
case woff2 = 'font/woff2';
// Multipart
case form = 'multipart/form-data';
case mixed = 'multipart/mixed';
case alternative = 'multipart/alternative';
case related = 'multipart/related';
* Extension
* Returns the file extension without a dot
* @throws exception_argument if content can not have file extension
* @throws exception_domain if failed to recognize content
* @return string File extension
public function extension(): string
// Exit (success)
return match ($this) {
self::jpeg => 'jpg',
self::png => 'png',
self::form, self::mixed, self::alternative, self::related => throw new exception_argument('Content can not have file extension', status::internal_server_error->value),
default => throw new exception_domain('Failed to recognize content: ' . $this->value, status::not_found->value)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
namespace mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations;
* Method
* Methods of HTTP request
* @package mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
enum method: string
case post = 'POST';
case get = 'GET';
case put = 'PUT';
case delete = 'DELETE';
case patch = 'PATCH';
case head = 'HEAD';
case options = 'OPTIONS';
case connect = 'CONNECT';
case trace = 'TRACE';
* Body
* @return bool Request with this method may has body?
public function body(): bool
// Exit (success)
return match ($this) {
self::post, self::put, self::delete, self::patch => true,
default => false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
namespace mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations;
* Protocol
* Versions of HTTP
* @package mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
enum protocol: string
case http_3 = 'HTTP/3.0';
case http_2 = 'HTTP/2.0';
case http_1_1 = 'HTTP/1.1';
case http_1 = 'hTTP/1.0';
case http_0_9 = 'HTTP/0.9';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
namespace mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations;
// Built-in libraries
use DomainException as exception_domain;
* Status
* Status codes and status texts of HTTP response
* @package mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
enum status: int
// 1XX
case continue = 100;
case switching_protocols = 101;
case processing = 102;
case early_hints = 103;
case among_us = 112;
// 2XX
case ok = 200; // ok
case created = 201;
case accepted = 202;
case non_authoritative_information = 203;
case no_content = 204;
case reset_content = 205;
case partial_content = 206;
case multi_status = 207;
case already_reported = 208;
case im_used = 226; // bruh
// 3XX
case multiple_choises = 300;
case moved_permanently = 301;
case found = 302; // Previously "Moved temporarily"
case see_other = 303;
case not_modified = 304;
case use_proxy = 305;
case switch_proxy = 306;
case temporary_redirect = 307;
case permanent_redirect = 308;
// 4XX
case bad_request = 400;
case unauthorized = 401;
case payment_required = 402; // Are you fucking commerce?
case forbidden = 403;
case not_found = 404; // our celebrity
case method_not_allowed = 405;
case not_acceptable = 406;
case proxy_authentication_required = 407;
case request_timeout = 408;
case conflict = 409;
case gone = 410;
case length_required = 411;
case precondition_failed = 412;
case payload_too_large = 413;
case uri_too_long = 414;
case unsupported_media_type = 415;
case range_not_satisfiable = 416;
case expectation_failed = 417;
case i_am_a_teapot = 418;
case misdirected_request = 421;
case unprocessable_content = 422;
case locked = 423;
case failed_dependency = 424;
case too_early = 425;
case upgrade_required = 426;
case precondition_required = 428;
case too_many_requests = 429;
case request_header_fields_too_large = 431;
case unavailable_for_legal_reasons = 451; // @see self::failed_state
case bruh = 441;
// 5XX
case internal_server_error = 500;
case not_implemented = 501;
case bad_gateway = 502;
case service_unawaiable = 503;
case gateway_timeout = 504;
case http_version_not_supported = 505;
case variant_also_negotiates = 506;
case insufficient_storage = 507;
case loop_detected = 508;
case not_extended = 510;
case network_authentication_required = 511;
// 9XX
case failed_state = 911;
* Label
* The result will be in ucwords() format - first character uppercase, rest lowercase
* You might want to do strtoupper() - convert all characters to uppercase
* "HTTP/2 200 Ok" after strtoupper() will be "HTTP/2 200 OK"
* It is common for "OK" to have both characters uppercase,
* and for the other status texts only the first letter of each word uppercase.
* This is universalized here, so the result will be "Ok" instead of "OK".
* If you want to get "OK" without using strtoupper(),
* just use the literal "OK" instead of self::ok->label()
* The uppercase letter on each word makes it easier and faster to read the status text,
* even if it violates the grammar rules we are accustomed to
* I also indignantly conducted a test and tried to use "Early hints" instead of "Early Hints",
* as well as "Already reported" instead of "Already Reported".
* The result of my tests was that the readability of such status texts is greatly reduced.
* Also note the following:
* 1. "Non-Authoritative Information" -> "Non Authoritative Information"
* 2. "Multi-Status" -> "Multi Status"
* 3. "IM Used" -> "I Am Used"
* 4. "I`m a teapot" -> "I Am A Teapot" (Initially, i wanted to leave it as in honor of tradition,
* but i decided that this is, first of all, one of our current and working status codes to this day,
* so it should also be universalized.
* 5. "URI" retains its case because it is an abbreviation.
* 6. "HTTP" retaints its case because it is an abbreviation.
* If you do not like my changes, just fork MINIMAL and edit this file.
* You will be able to get updates without any problems, which probably will not touch this file.
* Or you can write a BASH/FISH script with the creation of a link to your version of the file,
* which will be executed after `composer install`. Of course, you should not do this,
* but this is a completely working solution that is unlikely to break anything
* and is completely automatic and portable.
* @throws exception_domain if failed to recognize status
* @return string Label
public function label(): string
// Exit (success)
return match ($this) {
// 1XX
self::continue => 'Continue',
self::switching_protocols => 'Switching Protocols',
self::processing => 'Processing',
self::early_hints => 'Early Hints',
self::among_us => 'Among Us',
// 2XX
self::ok => 'Ok',
self::created => 'Created',
self::accepted => 'Accepted',
self::non_authoritative_information => 'Non Authoritative Information',
self::no_content => 'No Content',
self::reset_content => 'Reset Content',
self::partial_content => 'Partial Content',
self::multi_status => 'Multi Status',
self::already_reported => 'Already Reported',
self::im_used => 'I Am Used',
// 3XX
self::multiple_choises => 'Multiple Choices',
self::moved_permanently => 'Moved Permanently',
self::found => 'Found', // Previously "Moved Temporarily"
self::see_other => 'See Other',
self::not_modified => 'Not Modified',
self::use_proxy => 'Use Proxy',
self::switch_proxy => 'Switch Proxy',
self::temporary_redirect => 'Temporary Redirect',
self::permanent_redirect => 'Permanent Redirect',
// 4XX
self::bad_request => 'Bad Request',
self::unauthorized => 'Unauthorized',
self::payment_required => 'Payment Required', // do not make me angry
self::forbidden => 'Forbidden',
self::not_found => 'Not Found',
self::method_not_allowed => 'Method Not Allowed',
self::not_acceptable => 'Not Acceeptable',
self::proxy_authentication_required => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
self::request_timeout => 'Request Timeout',
self::conflict => 'Conflict',
self::gone => 'Gone',
self::length_required => 'Length Reuired',
self::precondition_failed => 'Precondition Failed',
self::payload_too_large => 'Payload Too Large',
self::uri_too_long => 'URI Too Long',
self::unsupported_media_type => 'Unsupported Media Type',
self::range_not_satisfiable => 'Range Not Satisfiable',
self::expectation_failed => 'Exception Failed',
self::i_am_a_teapot => 'I Am A Teapot',
self::misdirected_request => 'Misdirected Request',
self::unprocessable_content => 'Unprocessable Content',
self::locked => 'Locked',
self::failed_dependency => 'Failed Dependency',
self::too_early => 'Too Early',
self::upgrade_required => 'Upgrade Required',
self::precondition_required => 'Precondition Required',
self::too_many_requests => 'Too Many Requests',
self::request_header_fields_too_large => 'Request Header Fields Too Large',
self::unavailable_for_legal_reasons => 'Unavaiable For Legal Reasons', // Fucking disgrease.
self::bruh => 'Bruh',
// 5XX
self::internal_server_error => 'Internal Server Error',
self::not_implemented => 'Not Implemented',
self::bad_gateway => 'Bad Gateway',
self::service_unawaiable => 'Service Unawaiable',
self::gateway_timeout => 'Gateway Timeout',
self::http_version_not_supported => 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
self::variant_also_negotiates => 'Variant Also Negotiates',
self::insufficient_storage => 'Insufficient Storage',
self::loop_detected => 'Loop Detected',
self::not_extended => 'Not Extended',
self::network_authentication_required => 'Network Authentication Required',
// 9XX
self::failed_state => 'Failed State',
default => throw new exception_domain('Failed to recognize status', self::not_found->value)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
namespace mirzaev\minimal\http;
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations\method,
// Built-in libraries
use DomainException as exception_domain,
InvalidArgumentException as exception_argument,
RuntimeException as exception_runtime,
LogicException as exception_logic;
* Request
* @package mirzaev\minimal\http
* @param method $method Method
* @param string $uri URI
* @param protocol $protocol Version of HTTP protocol
* @param array $headers Headers
* @param array $parameters Deserialized parameters from URI and body
* @param array $files Deserialized files from body
* @param array $options Options for `request_parse_body($options)`
* @method void __construct(method|string|null $method, ?string $uri, protocol|string|null $protocol, array $headers, array $parameters, array $files, bool $environment) Constructor
* @method response response() Generate response for request
* @method self header(string $name, string $value) Write a header to the headers property
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
final class request
* Method
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @throws exception_runtime if reinitialize the property
* @throws exception_domain if failed to recognize method
* @var method $method Method
public method $method {
// Write
set (method|string $value) {
if (isset($this->{__PROPERTY__})) {
// The property is already initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('The property is already initialized: ' . __PROPERTY__, status::internal_server_error->value);
if ($value instanceof method) {
// Received implementation of the method
// Writing
$this->method = $value;
} else {
// Received a string literal (excected name of the method)
// Initializing implementator of the method
$method = method::{strtolower($value)};
if ($method instanceof method) {
// Initialized implementator of the method
// Writing
$this->method = $method;
} else {
// Not initialized implementator of the method
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_domain('Failed to recognize method: ' . $value, status::not_implemented->value);
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @throws exception_runtime if reinitialize the property
* @var string $uri URI
public string $uri {
// Write
set (string $value) {
if (isset($this->{__PROPERTY__})) {
// The property is already initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('The property is already initialized: ' . __PROPERTY__, status::internal_server_error->value);
// Writing
$this->uri = $value;
* Protocol
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @throws exception_runtime if reinitialize the property
* @throws exception_domain if failed to recognize HTTP version
* @var protocol $protocol Version of HTTP protocol
public protocol $protocol {
// Write
set (protocol|string $value) {
if (isset($this->{__PROPERTY__})) {
// The property is already initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('The property is already initialized: ' . __PROPERTY__, status::internal_server_error->value);
if ($value instanceof protocol) {
// Received implementation of HTTP version
// Writing
$this->protocol = $value;
} else {
// Received a string literal (excected name of HTTP version)
// Initializing implementator of HTTP version
$protocol = protocol::tryFrom($value);
if ($protocol instanceof protocol) {
// Initialized implementator of HTTP version
// Writing
$this->protocol = $protocol;
} else {
// Not initialized implementator of HTTP version
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_domain('Failed to recognize HTTP version: ' . $value, status::http_version_not_supported->value);
* Headers
* @see
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @var array $headers Headers
public array $headers = [] {
// Read
&get => $this->headers;
* Parameters
* For "application/json" will store json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'))
* For method::post will store the value from $_POST ?? []
* For other methods with $this->method->body() === true and "multipart/form-data" will store the result of executing request_parse_body($this->options)[0] (>=PHP 8.4)
* For other methods with $this->method->body() === true and "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" will store the result of executing request_parse_body($this->options)[0] (>=PHP 8.4)
* For other methods with $this->method->body() === true and other Content-Type will store $GLOBALS['_' . $this->method->value] ?? []
* For other methods with $this->method->body() === false will store the value from $GLOBALS['_' . $this->method->value] ?? []
* @see about request_parse_body()
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @throws exception_runtime if reinitialize the property
* @var array $parameters Deserialized parameters from URI and body
public array $parameters {
// Write
set (array $value) {
if (isset($this->{__PROPERTY__})) {
// The property is already initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('The property is already initialized: ' . __PROPERTY__, status::internal_server_error->value);
// Writing
$this->parameters = $value;
// Read
get => $this->parameters ?? [];
* Files
* For method::post will store the value from $_FILES ?? []
* For other methods with $this->method->body() === true and "multipart/form-data" will store the result of executing request_parse_body($this->options)[1] (>=PHP 8.4)
* For other methods with $this->method->body() === true and "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" will store the result of executing request_parse_body($this->options)[1] (>=PHP 8.4)
* For other methods with $this->method->body() === true and other Content-Type will store $_FILES ?? []
* @see about request_parse_body()
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @throws exception_runtime if reinitialize the property
* @throws exception_runtime if $this->method is not initialized
* @throws exception_logic if request with that method can not has files
* @var array $files Deserialized files from body
public array $files {
// Write
set (array $value) {
if (isset($this->{__PROPERTY__})) {
// The property is already initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('The property is already initialized: ' . __PROPERTY__, status::internal_server_error->value);
if (isset($this->method)) {
// Initialized method
if ($this->method->body()) {
// Request with this method can has body
// Writing
$this->files = $value;
} else {
// Request with this method can not has body
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_logic('Request with ' . $this->method->value . ' method can not has body therefore can not has files', status::internal_server_error->value);
} else {
// Not initialized method
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('Method of the request is not initialized', status::internal_server_error->value);
// Read
get => $this->files ?? [];
* Options
* Required if $this->method !== method::post
* @see about request_parse_body()
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @throws exception_runtime if reinitialize the property
* @var array $options Options for `request_parse_body($options)`
public array $options {
// Write
set (array $value) {
if (isset($this->{__PROPERTY__})) {
// The property is already initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('The property is already initialized: ' . __PROPERTY__, status::internal_server_error->value);
// Writing
$this->options = array_filter(
fn(string $key) => match ($key) {
'upload_max_filesize' => true,
default => throw new exception_domain("Failed to recognize option: $key", status::internal_server_error->value)
// Read
get => $this->options ?? [];
* Constructor
* @param method|string|null $method Name of the method
* @param string|null $uri URI
* @param protocol|string|null $protocol Version of HTTP protocol
* @param array|null $headers Headers
* @param array|null $parameters Deserialized parameters from URI and body
* @param array|null $files Deserialized files from body
* @param bool $environment Write values from environment to properties?
* @throws exception_domain if failed to normalize name of header
* @throws exception_argument if failed to initialize JSON
* @throws exception_argument if failed to initialize a required property
* @return void
public function __construct(
method|string|null $method = null,
?string $uri = null,
protocol|string|null $protocol = null,
?array $headers = null,
?array $parameters = null,
?array $files = null,
bool $environment = false
) {
// Writing method from argument into the property
if (isset($method)) $this->method = $method;
// Writing URI from argument into the property
if (isset($uri)) $this->uri = $uri;
// Writing verstion of HTTP protocol from argument into the property
if (isset($protocol)) $this->protocol = $protocol;
if (isset($headers)) {
// Received headers
// Declaring the buffer of headers
$buffer = [];
foreach ($headers ?? [] as $name => $value) {
// Iterating over headers
// Normalizing name of header (
$name = mb_strtolower($name, 'UTF-8');
if (empty($name)) {
// Not normalized name of header
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_domain('Failed to normalize name of header', status::internal_server_error->value);
// Writing into the buffer of headers
$buffer[$name] = $value;
// Writing headers from argument into the property
$this->headers = $buffer;
// Deinitializing the buffer of headers
// Writing parameters from argument into the property
if (isset($parameters)) $this->parameters = $parameters;
// Writing files from argument into the property
if (isset($files)) $this->files = $files;
if ($environment) {
// Requested to write values from environment
// Writing method from environment into the property
$this->method ??= $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"];
// Writing URI from environment into the property
$this->uri ??= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
// Writing verstion of HTTP protocol from environment into the property
$this->protocol ??= $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'];
if (!isset($headers)) {
// Received headers
// Declaring the buffer of headers
$buffer = [];
foreach (getallheaders() ?? [] as $name => $value) {
// Iterating over headers
// Normalizing name of header (
$name = mb_strtolower($name, 'UTF-8');
if (empty($name)) {
// Not normalized name of header
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_domain('Failed to normalize name of header', status::internal_server_error->value);
// Writing into the buffer of headers
$buffer[$name] = $value;
// Writing headers from environment into the property
$this->headers = $buffer;
// Deinitializing the buffer of headers
if ($this->headers['content-type'] === content::json->value) {
// The body contains "application/json"
// Initializing data from the input buffer
$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
if (json_validate($input, 512)) {
// Validated JSON
// Decoding JSON and writing parameters into the property (array type for universalization)
$this->parameters = json_decode($input, true, 512);
} else {
// Not validated JSON
// Exit (false)
throw new exception_argument('Failed to validate JSON from the input buffer', status::unprocessable_content->value);
// Writing parameters from environment into the property
$this->parameters = $_POST ?? [];
} else if ($this->method === method::post) {
// POST method
// Writing parameters from environment into the property
$this->parameters = $_POST ?? [];
// Writing files from environment into the property
$this->files = $_FILES ?? [];
} else if ($this->method->body()) {
// Non POST method and can has body
if (match($this->headers['content-type']) { content::form->value, content::encoded->value => true, default => false }) {
// Non POST method and the body content type is "multipart/form-data" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Writing parameters and files from environment into the properties
[$this->parameters, $this->files] = request_parse_body($this->options);
} else {
// Non POST method and the body content type is not "multipart/form-data" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Writing parameters from environment into the property
$this->parameters = $GLOBALS['_' . $this->method->value] ?? [];
// Writing files from environment into the property
$this->files = $_FILES ?? [];
} else {
// Non POST method and can not has body
// Writing parameters from environment into the property
$this->parameters = $GLOBALS['_' . $this->method->value] ?? [];
// Validating of required properties
if (empty($this->method)) throw new exception_argument('Failed to initialize method of the request', status::internal_server_error->value);
if (empty($this->uri)) throw new exception_argument('Failed to initialize URI of the request', status::internal_server_error->value);
* Response
* Generate response for request
* @return response Reponse for request
public function response(): response
// Exit (success)
return new response(protocol: $this->protocol, status: status::ok);
* Header
* Write a header to the headers property
* @see
* @param string $name Name
* @param string $value Value
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function header(string $name, string $value): self
// Normalizing name of header and writing to the headers property (
$this->headers[mb_strtolower($name, 'UTF-8')] = $value;
// Exit (success)
return $this;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
namespace mirzaev\minimal\http;
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations\method,
// Built-in libraries
use DomainException as exception_domain,
InvalidArgumentException as exception_argument,
RuntimeException as exception_runtime,
LogicException as exception_logic;
* Response
* @package mirzaev\minimal\http
* @param protocol $protocol Version of HTTP protocol
* @param status $status Status
* @param array $headers Headers
* @param string $body Body
* @method self __construct(protocol|string|null $protocol, ?status $status, ?array $headers, bool $environment) Constructor
* @method self sse() Writes headers for SSE implementation
* @method self json(mixed $content) Writes headers for JSON implementation
* @method self write(string $value) Concatenates with the response body property
* @method self body() Transfer the contents of the body property to the output buffer
* @method self|false validate(request $request) Validate response by request
* @method string status() Generates the status line (HTTP/2 200 OK)
* @method self header(string $name, string $value) Write a header to the headers property
* @method self start() Initializes response headers and output buffer
* @method self clean() Delete everything in the output buffer
* @method self end() Initializes response headers and flushes the output buffer
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
final class response
* Protocol
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @throws exception_domain if failed to recognize HTTP version
* @var protocol $protocol Version of HTTP protocol
public protocol $protocol {
// Write
set (protocol|string $value) {
if ($value instanceof protocol) {
// Received implementation of HTTP version
// Writing
$this->protocol = $value;
} else {
// Received a string literal (excected name of HTTP version)
// Initializing implementator of HTTP version
$protocol = protocol::{$value};
if ($protocol instanceof protocol) {
// Initialized implementator of HTTP version
// Writing
$this->protocol = $protocol;
} else {
// Not initialized implementator of HTTP version
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_domain("Failed to recognize HTTP version: $value", status::http_version_not_supported>value);
* Status
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @throws exception_domain if failed to recognize status
* @var status $status Status
public status $status {
// Write
set (status|string $value) {
if ($value instanceof status) {
// Received implementation of status
// Writing
$this->status = $value;
} else {
// Received a string literal (excected name of status)
// Initializing implementator of status
$status = status::{$value};
if ($status instanceof status) {
// Initialized implementator of status
// Writing
$this->status = $status;
} else {
// Not initialized implementator of status
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_domain("Failed to recognize status: $value", status::internal_server_error->value);
* Headers
* @see
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @var array $headers Headers
public array $headers = [] {
// Read
&get => $this->headers;
* Body
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @var string $body Serialized content
public string $body = '' {
// Write
set (string $value) {
// Writing
$this->body = $value;
// Read
get => $this->body;
* Constructor
* @param protocol|string|null $protocol version of http protocol
* @param status|null $status Status
* @param array|null $headers Headers
* @param bool $environment Write values from environment to properties?
* @throws exception_domain if failed to normalize name of header
* @throws exception_argument if failed to initialize a required property
* @return void
public function __construct(
protocol|string|null $protocol = null,
?status $status = null,
?array $headers = null,
bool $environment = false
) {
// Writing verstion of HTTP protocol from argument into the property
if (isset($protocol)) $this->protocol = $protocol;
// Writing status from argument into the property
if (isset($status)) $this->status = $status;
if (isset($headers)) {
// Received headers
// Declaring the buffer of headers
$buffer = [];
foreach ($headers ?? [] as $name => $value) {
// Iterating over headers
// Normalizing name of header (
$name = mb_strtolower($name, 'UTF-8');
if (empty($name)) {
// Not normalized name of header
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_domain('Failed to normalize name of header', status::internal_server_error->value);
// Writing into the buffer of headers
$buffer[$name] = $value;
// Writing headers from argument into the property
$this->headers = $buffer;
// Deinitializing the buffer of headers
if ($environment) {
// Requested to write values from environment
// Writing verstion of HTTP protocol from environment into the property
$this->protocol ??= $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'];
// Writing status from environment into the property
$this->status ??= status::ok;
// Validating of required properties
if (!isset($this->protocol)) throw new exception_argument('Failed to initialize HTTP version of the request', status::internal_server_error->value);
if (!isset($this->status)) throw new exception_argument('Failed to initialize status of the request', status::internal_server_error->value);
* Server-Sent Events (SSE)
* Writes headers for SSE implementation
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function sse(): self
// Writing headers to the headers property (
$this->headers['x-accel-buffering'] = 'no';
$this->headers['content-encoding'] = 'none';
// Exit (success)
return $this;
* Writes headers for JSON implementation
* Concatenates with the response body property if $content argument was received
* @param mixed $content JSON or content that will be serialized via json_encode()
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function json(mixed $content): self
// Writing headers to the headers property (
$this->headers['content-type'] = content::json->value;
if (!empty($content)) {
// Received content
if (is_string($content) && json_validate($content, 512)) {
// Validated as JSON
// Writing to the response body property
$this->body .= $content;
} else {
// Not validated as JSON
// Writing to the response body property
$this->body .= json_encode($content, depth: 512);
// Exit (success)
return $this;
* Write
* Concatenates with the response body property
* @param string $value Value that will be concatenated with the response body property
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function write(string $value): self
// Writing to the response body property
$this->body .= $value;
// Exit (success)
return $this;
* Body
* Transfer the contents of the body property to the output buffer
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function body(): self
// Writing to the output buffer
echo $this->body;
// Exit (success)
return $this;
* Validate
* Validate response by request
* @param request $request The request for validating with it
* @return self|false The instance from which the method was called if validated (fluent interface)
public function validate(request $request): self|false
if (str_contains($request->headers['accept'], $this->headers['content-type'] ?? '')) {
// Validated with "accept" and "content-type"
// Exit (success)
return $this;
// Exit (fail)
return false;
// Exit (fail)
return false;
* Status line
* Generates the status line (HTTP/2 200 OK)
* @param protocol|null $protocol Version of HTTP
* @param status|null $status Status code and status text
* @return string The status line
public function status(?protocol $protocol = null, ?status $status = null): string
// Declaring buffer of status line
$buffer = '';
if ($protocol instanceof protocol) {
// Received version of HTTP
// Writing to buffer of status line
$buffer .= $protocol->value . ' ';
} else {
// Not received version of HTTP
// Writing to buffer of status line
$buffer .= $this->protocol->value . ' ';
if ($status instanceof status) {
// Received status
// Writing to buffer of status line
$buffer .= $status->value . ' ' . $status->label();
} else {
// Not received status
// Writing to buffer of status line
$buffer .= $this->status->value . ' ' . $this->status->label();
// Exit (success)
return $buffer;
* Header
* Write a header to the headers property
* @see
* @param string $name Name
* @param string $value Value
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function header(string $name, string $value): self
// Normalizing name of header and writing to the headers property (
$this->headers[mb_strtolower($name, 'UTF-8')] = $value;
// Exit (success)
return $this;
* Start
* Initializes response headers and output buffer
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function start(): self
// Initializing the heaader string
// Initializing headers
foreach ($this->headers ?? [] as $name => $value) header("$name: $value", replace: true);
// Initializing the output buffer
// Exit (success)
return $this;
* Clean
* Delete everything in the output buffer
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function clean(): self
// Flushing the output buffer
// Exit (success)
return $this;
* End
* Initializes response headers and flushes the output buffer
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function end(): self
// Calculate length of the output buffer and write to the header (
header('content-length: ' . ob_get_length());
// Sending response and flushing the output buffer
// Deinitializing headers property
// Deinitializing headers
// Exit (success)
return $this;

mirzaev/minimal/system/model.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -4,88 +4,27 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace mirzaev\minimal;
// Встроенные библиотеки
use exception;
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\minimal\traits\magic;
* Модель
* Model
* @package mirzaev\minimal
* @method void __construct() Constructor
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
class model
* Постфикс
private const POSTFIX = '_model';
use magic;
* Конструктор
public function __construct()
* Записать свойство
* @param string $name Название
* @param mixed $value Содержимое
* Constructor
* @return void
public function __set(string $name, mixed $value = null): void
match ($name) {
'POSTFIX' => throw new exception('Запрещено реинициализировать постфикс ($this::POSTFIX)', 500),
default => throw new exception("Свойство \"\$$name\" не найдено", 404)
* Прочитать свойство
* @param string $name Название
* @return mixed Содержимое
public function __get(string $name): mixed
return match ($name) {
'POSTFIX' => $this::POSTFIX ?? throw new exception("Свойство \"POSTFIX\" не инициализировано", 500),
default => throw new exception("Свойство \"\$$name\" не обнаружено", 404)
* Проверить свойство на инициализированность
* @param string $name Название
* @return bool Инициализировано свойство?
public function __isset(string $name): bool
return match ($name) {
default => isset($this->{$name})
* Удалить свойство
* @param string $name Название
* @return void
public function __unset(string $name): void
match ($name) {
default => (function () use ($name) {
// Удаление
public function __construct() {}

mirzaev/minimal/system/route.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
namespace mirzaev\minimal;
* Route
* @package mirzaev\minimal
* @param string|controller $controller Name of the controller
* @param string $method Name of the method of the method of $this->controller
* @param string|model $model Name of the model
* @param array $parameters Arguments for the $this->method (will be concatenated together with generated request parameters)
* @param array $options Options for `request_parse_body($options)`
* @method void __construct(string|controller $controller, ?string $method, string|model|null $model, array $parameters, array $options) Constructor
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
final class route
* Controller
* @var string|controller $controller Name of the controller or an instance of the controller
public string|controller $controller {
// Read
get => $this->controller;
* Method
* @var string $method Name of the method of the method of $this->controller
public string $method{
// Read
get => $this->method;
* Model
* @var string|model|null $model Name of the model of an instance of the model
public string|model|null $model {
// Read
get => $this->model;
* Parameters
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @var array $parameters Arguments for the $this->method (will be concatenated together with generated request parameters)
public array $parameters = [] {
// Read
&get => $this->parameters;
* Options
* Required if $this->method !== method::post
* @see about request_parse_body()
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @throws exception_runtime if reinitialize the property
* @var array $options Options for `request_parse_body($options)`
public array $options {
// Write
set (array $value) {
if (isset($this->{__PROPERTY__})) {
// The property is already initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception_runtime('The property is already initialized: ' . __PROPERTY__, status::internal_server_error->value);
// Writing
$this->options = array_filter(
fn(string $key) => match ($key) {
'upload_max_filesize' => true,
default => throw new exception_domain("Failed to recognize option: $key", status::internal_server_error->value)
// Read
get => $this->options ?? [];
* Constructor
* @param string|controller $controller Name of the controller
* @param string|null $method Name of the method of the method of $controller
* @param string|model|null $model Name of the model
* @param array $parameters Arguments for the $method (will be concatenated together with generated request parameters)
* @param array $options Options for `request_parse_body` (Only for POST method)
* @return void
public function __construct(
string|controller $controller,
?string $method = 'index',
string|model|null $model = null,
array $parameters = [],
array $options = []
) {
// Writing name of the controller
$this->controller = $controller;
// Writing name of the model
$this->model = $model;
// Writing name of the method of the controller
$this->method = $method;
// Writing parameters
$this->parameters = $parameters;
// Writing options
if (match ($method) {
'GET', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE' => true,
default => false
}) $this->options = $options;

mirzaev/minimal/system/router.php Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -4,170 +4,287 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace mirzaev\minimal;
// Файлы проекта
use mirzaev\minimal\core;
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\minimal\route,
// Build-ing libraries
use InvalidArgumentException as exception_argument;
* Маршрутизатор
* Router
* @package mirzaev\minimal
* @param array $routes Registry of routes
* @method self write(string $urn, route $route, string|array $method) Write route to registry of routes (fluent interface)
* @method route|null match(request $request) Match request URI with registry of routes
* @method self sort() Sort routes (DEV)
* @method string universalize(string $urn) Universalize URN
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
final class router
* @var array $router Реестр маршрутов
protected array $routes = [];
use singleton;
* Записать маршрут
* Routes
* @param string $route Маршрут
* @param string $handler Обработчик - инстанции контроллера и модели (не обязательно), без постфиксов
* @param ?string $method Вызываемый метод в инстанции контроллера обработчика
* @param ?string $request HTTP-метод запроса (GET, POST, PUT...)
* @param ?string $model Инстанция модели (переопределение инстанции модели в $target)
* @return void
* @var array $routes Registry of routes
public function write(
string $route,
string $handler,
?string $method = 'index',
?string $request = 'GET',
?string $model = null
): void {
// Запись в реестр
$this->routes[$route][$request] = [
'controller' => $handler,
'model' => $model ?? $handler,
'method' => $method
protected array $routes = [] {
// Read
&get => $this->routes;
* Обработать маршрут
* Write route
* @param ?string $uri URI запроса (
* @param ?string $method Метод запроса (GET, POST, PUT...)
* @param ?core $core Инстанция системного ядра
* Write route to registry of routes
* @param string $urn URN of the route ('/', '/page', '/page/$variable', '/page/$collector...'...)
* @param route $route The route
* @param string|array $method Method of requests
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
public function handle(?string $uri = null, ?string $method = null, ?core $core = new core): ?string
public function write(string $urn, route $route, string|array $method): self
// Инициализация значений по умолчанию
$uri ??= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? '/';
$method ??= $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] ?? 'GET';
foreach (is_array($method) ? $method : [$method] as $method) {
// Iterate over methods of requests
// Инициализация URL запроса (/foo/bar)
$url = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH);
// Initializing the request
$request = new request(
uri: $urn,
method: $method,
environment: false
// Универсализация маршрута
$url = self::universalize($url);
// Writing to the registry of routes
$this->routes[$request->uri][$request->method->value] = $route;
// Сортировка реестра маршрутов от большего ключа к меньшему (кешируется)
// Exit (success) (fluent interface)
return $this;
// Поиск директорий в ссылке
preg_match_all('/[^\/]+/', $url, $directories);
// Инициализация директорий
$directories = $directories[0];
* Match
* Match request URI with registry of routes
* @param request $request The request
* @return route|null Route, if found
public function match(request $request): ?route
// Declaration of the registry of routes directoies
$routes = [];
foreach ($this->routes as $route => $data) {
// Перебор маршрутов
// Iteration over routes
// Универсализация маршрута
// Search directories of route (explode() creates empty value in array)
preg_match_all('/(^\/$|[^\/]+)/', $route, $data['directories']);
$routes[$route] = $data['directories'][0];
if (count($routes) === count($this->routes)) {
// Initialized the registry of routes directoies
// Universalization of URN (/foo/bar)
$urn = self::universalize(parse_url(urldecode($request->uri), PHP_URL_PATH));
// Search directories of URN (explode() creates empty value in array)
preg_match_all('/(^\/$|[^\/]+)/', $urn, $directories);
$directories = $directories[0];
* Initialization of the route
// Initializing the buffer of matches of route directories with URN directories
$matches = [];
foreach ($directories as $i => $urn_directory) {
// Iteration over directories of URN
foreach ($this->routes as $route => $data) {
// Iteration over routes
if (isset($data[$request->method->value])) {
// The request method matches the route method
// Universalization of route
$route = self::universalize($route);
// Поиск директорий
preg_match_all('/[^\/]+/', $route, $data['directories']);
// Skipping unmatched routes based on results of previous iterations
if (isset($matches[$route]) && $matches[$route] === false) continue;
// Инициализация директорий
$data['directories'] = $data['directories'][0];
// Initializing of route directory
$route_directory = $routes[$route][$i] ?? null;
if (count($directories) === count($data['directories'])) {
// Входит в диапазон маршрут (совпадает количество директорий у ссылки и маршрута)
if (isset($route_directory)) {
// Initialized of route directory
// Инициализация реестра переменных
$data['vars'] = [];
if ($urn_directory === $route_directory) {
// The directory of URN is identical to the directory of route
foreach ($data['directories'] as $index => &$directory) {
// Перебор директорий
// Writing: end of URN directories XNOR end of route directories
$matches[$route] = !(isset($directories[$_i = $i + 1]) xor isset($routes[$route][$_i]));
} else if (preg_match('/^\$([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff]+)$/', $route_directory) === 1) {
// The directory of route is a variable ($variable)
if (preg_match('/\$([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]+)/', $directory) === 1) {
// Директория является переменной (.../$variable/...)
// Writing: end of URN directories XNOR end of route directories
$matches[$route] = !(isset($directories[$_i = $i + 1]) xor isset($routes[$route][$_i]));
} else if (
!isset($routes[$route][$i + 1])
&& preg_match('/^\$([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff]+\.\.\.)$/', $route_directory) === 1
) {
// The directory of route is a collector ($variable...)
// AND this is the end of route directories
// Writing
$matches[$route] = 'collector';
} else $matches[$route] = false;
} else if ($matches[$route] === 'collector') {
} else $matches[$route] = false;
// Finding a priority route from match results
foreach ($matches as $route => $match) if ($match !== false) break;
if ($route && !empty($data = $this->routes[$route])) {
// Route found
// Universalization of route
$route = self::universalize($route);
* Initialization of route variables
foreach ($routes[$route] as $i => $route_directory) {
// Iteration over directories of route
if (preg_match('/^\$([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff]+)$/', $route_directory) === 1) {
// The directory is a variable ($variable)
// Запись в реестр переменных и перещапись директории в маршруте
$data[$request->method->value]->variables[trim($route_directory, '$')] = $directories[$i];
} else if (preg_match('/^\$([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff]+\.\.\.)$/', $route_directory) === 1) {
// The directory of route is a collector ($variable...)
// Инициализаия ссылки на массив сборщика
$collector = &$data[$request->method->value]->variables[trim($route_directory, '$.')];
// Инициализаия массива сборщика
$collector ??= [];
// Запись в реестр переменных
$directory = $data['vars'][trim($directory, '$')] = $directories[$index];
$collector[] = $directories[$i];
foreach (array_slice($directories, ++$i, preserve_keys: true) as &$urn_directory) {
// Перебор директорий URN
// Запись в реестр переменных
$collector[] = $urn_directory;
// Реиницилазция маршрута
$route = self::universalize(implode('/', $data['directories']));
// Проверка на пустой маршрут
if (empty($route)) $route = '/';
if (mb_stripos($route, $url, 0, "UTF-8") === 0 && mb_strlen($route, 'UTF-8') <= mb_strlen($url, 'UTF-8')) {
// Идентифицирован маршрут (длина не меньше длины запрошенного URL)
if (array_key_exists($method, $data)) {
// Идентифицирован метод маршрута (GET, POST, PUT...)
$route = $data[$method];
if (class_exists($controller = $core->namespace . '\\controllers\\' . $route['controller'] . $core->controller::POSTFIX)) {
// Найден контроллер
// Инициализация инстанции ядра контроллера
$controller = new $controller;
// Инициализация инстанции ядра модели
if (class_exists($model = $core->namespace . '\\models\\' . $route['model'] . $core->model::POSTFIX)) $controller->model = new $model;
// Вызов связанного с маршрутом методв и возврат (успех)
return $controller->{$route['method']}($data['vars'] + $_REQUEST, $_FILES);
// Выход из цикла (провал)
// Exit (success or fail)
return $data[$request->method->value] ?? null;
// Возврат (провал)
return $this->error($core);
// Exit (fail)
return null;
* Сгенерировать ответ с ошибкой
* Sorting routes
* Вызывает метод error404 в инстанции контроллера ошибок
* 1. Short routes
* 2. Long routes
* 3. Short routes with variables (position of variables from "right" to "left")
* 4. Long routes with variables (position of variables from "right" to "left")
* 5. Short routes with collector
* 6. Long routes with collector
* 7. Short routes with variables and collector (position of variables from "right" to "left" then by amount)
* 8. Long routes with variables and collector (position of variables from "right" to "left")
* @param ?core $core Инстанция системного ядра
* Добавить чтобы сначала текст потом переменная затем после переменной первыми тексты и в конце перменные опять и так рекурсивно
* @return ?string HTML-документ
* @return self The instance from which the method was called (fluent interface)
private function error(core $core = new core): ?string
public function sort(): self
return class_exists($class = '\\' . $core->namespace . '\\controllers\\errors' . $core->controller::POSTFIX)
&& method_exists($class, $method = 'error404')
? (new $class)->$method()
: null;
uksort($this->routes, function (string $a, string $b) {
// Sorting routes
// Initialization of string lengths (multibyte-safe)
$length = [
$a => mb_strlen($a),
$b => mb_strlen($b)
// Initialization of the presence of variables
$variables = [
$a => preg_match('/\$([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff]+)(\/|$)/', $a) === 1,
$b => preg_match('/\$([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff]+)(\/|$)/', $b) === 1
// Initialization of the presence of collectors
$collectors = [
$a => preg_match('/\$([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff]+)\.\.\.$/', $a) === 1,
$b => preg_match('/\$([a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff]+)\.\.\.$/', $b) === 1
if ($variables[$a] && !$variables[$b]) return 1;
else if (!$variables[$a] && $variables[$b]) return -1;
else if ($variables[$a] && $variables[$b]) {
} else if ($collectors[$a] && !$collectors[$b]) return 1;
else if (!$collectors[$a] && $collectors[$b]) return -1;
else {
// NOR variables and XAND collectors (both are not found or both are found)
// The routes are the same length (no changes)
if ($length[$a] === $length[$b]) return 0;
// The longer route moves to the end
return $length[$a] > $length[$b] ? 1 : -1;
// Exit (success) (fluent interface)
return $this;
* Универсализировать маршрут
* Universalize URN
* @param string $route Маршрут
* Always "/" at the beginning and never "/" at the end
* @return string Универсализированный маршрут
* @param string $urn URN (/foo/bar)
* @return string Universalized URN
private function universalize(string $route): string
private function universalize(string $urn): string
// Если не записан "/" в начале, то записать, затем, если записан "/" в конце, то удалить
return preg_replace('/(.+)\/$/', '$1', preg_replace('/^([^\/])/', '/$1', $route));
// Universalization of URN and exit (success)
return (string) '/' . mb_trim($urn, '/');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
namespace mirzaev\minimal\traits;
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations\status;
// Built-in libraries
use exception;
* Trait of magical methods
* @package mirzaev\minimal\traits
* @method void __set(string $name, mixed $value) Write property
* @method mixed __get(string $name) Read property
* @method void __unset(string $name) Delete property
* @method bool __isset(string $name) Check property for initialization
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
trait magic
* Write property
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @param mixed $value Value of the property
* @return void
public function __set(string $name, mixed $value = null): void
match ($name) {
default => throw new exception('Failed to find property: ' . static::class . "::\$$name", status::not_found->value)
* Read property
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return mixed Value of the property
public function __get(string $name): mixed
return match ($name) {
default => throw new exception('Failed to find property: ' . static::class . "::\$$name", status::not_found->value)
* Delete property
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return void
public function __unset(string $name): void
match ($name) {
default => (function () use ($name) {
* Check property for initialization
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return bool Is the property initialized?
public function __isset(string $name): bool
return match ($name) {
default => isset($this->{$name})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
namespace mirzaev\minimal\traits;
// Built-in libraries
use exception;
* Trait of singleton
* @package mirzaev\minimal\traits
* @method static initialize() Initialize an instance
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
trait singleton
* Constructor (blocked)
* @return void
final private function __construct()
// Initializing the indicator that an instance of static::class has already been initialized
static $instance = false;
if ($instance) {
// An instance of static has already been initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception('Has already been initialized an instance of the ' . static::class);
// Writing the indicator that the instance of static been initialized
$instance = true;
* Initialize an instance
* Create an instance of static::class, or return an already created static::class instance
* @return static
public static function initialize(): static
// Initialize the buffer of the instance of static::class
static $instance;
// Exit (success)
return $instance ??= new static;
* Clone (blocked)
private function __clone()
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception('Cloning is inadmissible');
* Sleep (blocked)
public function __sleep()
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception('Serialization is inadmissible');
* Wake up (blocked)
public function __wakeup()
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception('Deserialisation is inadmissible');