PHP 8.4 + MINIMAL 3.2.0 + many improvements
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,40 +7,61 @@ namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\controllers;
// Files of the project
use ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\views\manager,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\core as models,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\account_model as account,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\session_model as session;
// Library for ArangoDB
use ArangoDBClient\Document as _document;
// Framework for PHP
use mirzaev\minimal\controller;
use mirzaev\minimal\core as minimal,
* Core of controllers
* Controllers core
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\controllers
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} < mail >
* @param session $session Instance of the session
* @param language $language Language
* @param response $response Response
* @param array $errors Registry of errors
* @method void __construct(minimal $minimal, bool $initialize) Constructor
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
class core extends controller
* Postfix for name of controllers files
final public const POSTFIX = '';
* Instance of a session
* Session
* @var session|null $session Instance of the session
protected readonly session $session;
* Instance of an account
* Language
* @var language $language Language
protected readonly ?account $account;
protected language $language = language::en;
* Registry of errors
* Response
* @see (find a table about backed and virtual hooks)
* @var response $response Response
protected response $response {
// Read
get => $this->response ??= $this->request->response();
* Errors
* @var array $errors Registry of errors
protected array $errors = [
'session' => [],
@ -48,24 +69,25 @@ class core extends controller
* Constructor of an instance
* Constructor
* @param minimal $minimal Instance of the MINIMAL
* @param bool $initialize Initialize a controller?
* @return void
public function __construct(bool $initialize = true)
public function __construct(minimal $minimal, bool $initialize = true)
// Blocking requests from CloudFlare (better to write this blocking into nginx config file)
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] === 'nginx-ssl early hints') return;
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] === 'nginx-ssl early hints') return status::bruh->label;
// For the extends system
parent::__construct(core: $minimal);
if ($initialize) {
// Initializing is requested
// Requestet initializing
// Initializing of models core (connect to ArangoDB...)
// Initializing core of the models
new models();
// Initializing of the date until which the session will be active
@ -100,22 +122,4 @@ class core extends controller
$this->view = new templater($this->session);
* Check of initialization
* Checks whether a property is initialized in a document instance from ArangoDB
* @param string $name Name of the property from ArangoDB
* @return bool The property is initialized?
public function __isset(string $name): bool
// Check of initialization of the property and exit (success)
return match ($name) {
default => isset($this->{$name})
@ -7,24 +7,61 @@ namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\controllers;
// Files of the project
use ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\controllers\core;
// Framework for PHP
use mirzaev\minimal\http\enumerations\status;
* Index controller
* Index
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\controllers
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} < mail >
* @param array $errors Registry of errors
* @method null index() Main page
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
final class index extends core
* Render the main page
* Errors
* @param array $parameters Parameters of the request (POST + GET)
* @var array $errors Registry of errors
public function index(array $parameters = []): ?string
protected array $errors = [
'session' => []
* Main page
* @return null
public function index(): null
// Exit (success)
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') return $this->view->render(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.html');
else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') return $main;
if (str_contains($this->request->headers['accept'], content::any->value)) {
// Request for any response
// Render page
$page = $this->view->render('index.html');
// Sending response
// Deinitializing rendered page
// Exit (success)
return null;
// Exit (fail)
return null;
@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models;
// Framework for PHP
use mirzaev\minimal\model;
use mirzaev\minimal\model,
// Framework for ArangoDB
use mirzaev\arangodb\connection as arangodb,
// Libraries for ArangoDB
// Library for ArangoDB
use ArangoDBClient\Document as _document,
ArangoDBClient\DocumentHandler as _document_handler;
@ -20,38 +21,40 @@ use ArangoDBClient\Document as _document,
use exception;
* Core of models
* Models core
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\controllers
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} < mail >
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models
* @param public ARANGODB Path to the file with ArangoDB session connection data
* @param arangodb $arangodb Instance of the ArangoDB session
* @method void __construct(bool $initialize, ?arangodb $arangodb) Constructor
* @method _document|static|array|null read(string $filter, string $sort, int $amount, int $page, string $return, array $parameters, array &$errors) Read document from ArangoDB
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
class core extends model
* Postfix for name of models files
* ArangoDB connection daa
* @var string ARANGODB Path to the file with ArangoDB session connection data
final public const POSTFIX = '';
final public const string ARANGODB = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'settings' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'arangodb.php';
* Path to the file with settings of connecting to the ArangoDB
final public const ARANGODB = '../settings/arangodb.php';
* Instance of the session of ArangoDB
* ArangoDB
* @var arangodb $arangodb Instance of the ArangoDB session
protected static arangodb $arangodb;
* Name of the collection in ArangoDB
* Constructor of an instance
* Constructor
* @param bool $initialize Initialize a model?
* @param ?arangodb $arangodb Instance of a session of ArangoDB
* @param ?arangodb $arangodb Instance of the ArangoDB session
* @return void
@ -63,66 +66,81 @@ class core extends model
if ($initialize) {
// Initializing is requested
if (isset($arangodb)) {
// Recieved an instance of a session of ArangoDB
// Write an instance of a session of ArangoDB to the property
$this->__set('arangodb', $arangodb);
} else {
// Not recieved an instance of a session of ArangoDB
// Initializing of an instance of a session of ArangoDB
// Writing an instance of a session of ArangoDB to the property
self::$arangodb = $arangodb ?? new arangodb(require static::ARANGODB);
* Read from ArangoDB
* Read document from ArangoDB
* @param string $filter Expression for filtering (AQL)
* @param string $sort Expression for sorting (AQL)
* @param int $amount Amount of documents for collect
* @param int $page Page
* @param string $return Expression describing the parameters to return (AQL)
* @param array &$errors The registry on errors
* @param array $parameters Binded parameters for placeholders ['placeholder' => parameter]
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return _document|array|null An array of instances of documents from ArangoDB, if they are found
* @return mixed An array of instances of documents from ArangoDB, if they are found
public static function read(
public static function _read(
string $filter = '',
string $sort = 'd.created DESC, d._key DESC',
int $amount = 1,
int $page = 1,
string $return = 'd',
array $parameters = [],
array &$errors = []
): _document|array|null {
): _document|static|array|null {
try {
if (collection::init(static::$arangodb->session, static::COLLECTION)) {
if (collection::initialize(static::COLLECTION, static::TYPE)) {
// Initialized the collection
// Read from ArangoDB and exit (success)
return collection::search(
// Read from ArangoDB
$result = collection::execute(
FOR d IN %s
FOR d IN @@collection
LIMIT %d, %d
LIMIT @offset, @amount
empty($filter) ? '' : "FILTER $filter",
empty($sort) ? '' : "SORT $sort",
--$page <= 0 ? 0 : $amount * $page,
empty($return) ? 'd' : $return
'@collection' => static::COLLECTION,
'offset' => --$page <= 0 ? 0 : $page * $amount,
'amount' => $amount
] + $parameters,
errors: $errors
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize the collection');
if ($amount === 1 && $result instanceof _document) {
// Received only 1 document and @todo rebuild
// Initializing the object
$object = new static;
if (method_exists($object, '__document')) {
// Object can implement a document from ArangoDB
// Writing the instance of document from ArangoDB to the implement object
// Exit (success)
return $object;
// Exit (success)
return $result;
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . static::TYPE . ' collection: ' . static::COLLECTION);
} catch (exception $e) {
// Write to the registry of errors
// Writing to registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
@ -135,50 +153,6 @@ class core extends model
return null;
* Delete from ArangoDB
* @param _document $instance Instance of the document from ArangoDB
* @param array &$errors The registry on errors
* @return bool Deleted from ArangoDB without errors?
public static function delete(_document $instance, array &$errors = []): bool
try {
if (collection::init(static::$arangodb->session, static::COLLECTION)) {
// Initialized the collection
// Delete from ArangoDB and exit (success)
return (new _document_handler(static::$arangodb->session))->remove($instance);
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize the collection');
} catch (exception $e) {
// Write to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'stack' => $e->getTrace()
// Exit (fail)
return false;
* Update in ArangoDB
* @param _document $instance Instance of the document from ArangoDB
* @return bool Writed to ArangoDB without errors?
public static function update(_document $instance): bool
// Update in ArangoDB and exit (success)
return document::update(static::$arangodb->session, $instance);
* Write
@ -191,26 +165,9 @@ class core extends model
match ($name) {
'arangodb' => (function () use ($value) {
if ($this->__isset('arangodb')) {
// Is alredy initialized
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception('Forbidden to reinitialize the session of ArangoDB ($this::$arangodb)', 500);
} else {
// Is not already initialized
if ($value instanceof arangodb) {
// Recieved an appropriate value
// Write the property and exit (success)
self::$arangodb = $value;
} else {
// Recieved an inappropriate value
// Exit (fail)
throw new exception('Session of ArangoDB ($this::$arangodb) is need to be mirzaev\arangodb\connection', 500);
if (isset(static::$arangodb)) throw new exception('Forbidden to reinitialize the ArangoDB session($this::$arangodb)', status::internal_server_error->value);
else if ($value instanceof arangodb) self::$arangodb = $value;
else throw new exception('Session of connection to ArangoDB ($this::$arangodb) is need to be mirzaev\arangodb\connection', status::internal_server_error->value);
default => parent::__set($name, $value)
@ -226,22 +183,6 @@ class core extends model
public function __get(string $name): mixed
return match ($name) {
'arangodb' => (function () {
try {
if (!$this->__isset('arangodb')) {
// Is not initialized
// Initializing of a default value from settings
$this->__set('arangodb', new arangodb(require static::ARANGODB));
// Exit (success)
return self::$arangodb;
} catch (exception) {
// Exit (fail)
return null;
default => parent::__get($name)
@ -280,7 +221,7 @@ class core extends model
public static function __callStatic(string $name, array $arguments): mixed
match ($name) {
return match ($name) {
'arangodb' => (new static)->__get('arangodb'),
default => throw new exception("Not found: $name", 500)
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\enumerations;
* Language
* Types of languages by ISO 639-1 standart
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\enumerations
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author Arsen Mirzaev Tatyano-Muradovich <>
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
enum language
case en;
case ru;
* Label
* Initialize label of the language
* @param language|null $language Language into which to translate
* @return string Translated label of the language
* @todo
* 1. More languages
* 2. Cases???
public function label(?language $language = language::en): string
// Exit (success)
return match ($this) {
language::en => match ($language) {
language::en => 'English',
language::ru => 'Английский'
language::ru => match ($language) {
language::en => 'Russian',
language::ru => 'Русский'
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\enumerations;
* Session
* Types of session verification
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\enumerations
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
enum session
case hash_only;
case hash_else_address;
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces;
// Framework for ArangoDB
use mirzaev\arangodb\enumerations\collection\type;
* Collection
* Interface for implementing a collection from ArangoDB
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
interface collection
* Name of the collection in ArangoDB
* Type of the collection in ArangoDB
public const type TYPE = type::document;
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces;
// Library для ArangoDB
use ArangoDBClient\Document as _document;
* Document
* Interface for implementing a document instance from ArangoDB
* @param _document $document An instance of the ArangoDB document from ArangoDB (protected readonly)
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
interface document
* Write
* Write a property into an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @param mixed $value Content of the property
* @return void
public function __set(string $name, mixed $value = null): void;
* Read
* Read a property from an instance of the ArangoDB docuemnt
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return mixed Content of the property
public function __get(string $name): mixed;
* Delete
* Deinitialize the property in an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return void
public function __unset(string $name): void;
* Check of initialization
* Check of initialization of the property into an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return bool The property is initialized?
public function __isset(string $name): bool;
* Execute a method
* Execute a method from an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the method
* @param array $arguments Arguments for the method
* @return mixed Result of execution of the method
public function __call(string $name, array $arguments = []): mixed;
@ -5,8 +5,13 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models;
// Files of the project
use mirzaev\ebala\models\account,
use ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits\status,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits\document as document_trait,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces\document as document_interface,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces\collection as collection_interface,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\enumerations\session as verification,
// Framework for ArangoDB
use mirzaev\arangodb\collection,
@ -19,81 +24,113 @@ use ArangoDBClient\Document as _document;
use exception;
* Model of session
* Session model
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\controllers
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} < mail >
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models
* @param string COLLECTION Name of the collection in ArangoDB
* @param verification VERIFICATION Type of session verification
* @method void __construct(?string $hash, ?int $expires, array &$errors) Constructor
* @method document|null hash(string $hash, array &$errors) Search by hash
* @method document|null address(string $address, array &$errors) Search by IP-address
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
final class session extends core
final class session extends core implements document_interface, collection_interface
* Name of the collection in ArangoDB
final public const COLLECTION = 'session';
use status, document_trait, buffer, cart {
buffer::write as write;
cart::initialize as cart;
* An instance of the ArangoDB document from ArangoDB
* Collection name
* @var string COLLECTION Name of the collection in ArangoDB
protected readonly _document $document;
final public const string COLLECTION = 'session';
* Constructor of an instance
* Session verification type
* @var verification VERIFICATION Type of session verification
final public const verification VERIFICATION = verification::hash_else_address;
* Constructor
* Initialize of a session and write them to the $this->document property
* Initialize session and write into the $this->document property
* @param ?string $hash Hash of the session in ArangoDB
* @param ?int $expires Date of expiring of the session (used for creating a new session)
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return static instance of the ArangoDB document of session
* @return void
public function __construct(?string $hash = null, ?int $expires = null, array &$errors = [])
try {
if (collection::init(static::$arangodb->session, self::COLLECTION)) {
if (collection::initialize(static::COLLECTION, static::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
// Initialized the collection
if ($this->search($hash, $errors)) {
// Found an instance of the ArangoDB document of session and received a session hash
if (isset($hash) && $document = $this->hash($hash, errors: $errors)) {
// Found the instance of the ArangoDB document of session and received a session hash
// Writing document instance of the session from ArangoDB to the property of the implementing object
} else if (static::VERIFICATION === verification::hash_else_address && $document = $this->address($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], errors: $errors)) {
// Found the instance of the ArangoDB document of session and received a session hash
// Writing document instance of the session from ArangoDB to the property of the implementing object
} else {
// Not found an instance of the ArangoDB document of session
// Not found the instance of the ArangoDB document of session
// Initializing a new session and write they into ArangoDB
$_id = document::write($this::$arangodb->session, self::COLLECTION, [
'active' => true,
'expires' => $expires ?? time() + 604800,
'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'x-forwarded-for' => $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ?? null,
'referer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? null,
'useragent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? null
$_id = document::write(
'active' => true,
'expires' => $expires ?? time() + 604800,
'address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'x-forwarded-for' => $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ?? null,
'referer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? null,
'useragent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? null
if ($session = collection::search($this::$arangodb->session, sprintf(
FOR d IN %s
FILTER d._id == '%s' && d.expires > %d && == true
if ($session = collection::execute(
FOR d IN @@collection
FILTER d._id == @_id && d.expires > @time && == true
))) {
// Found an instance of just created new session
'@collection' => static::COLLECTION,
'_id' => $_id,
'time' => time()
errors: $errors
)) {
// Found the instance of just created new session
// Generate a hash and write into an instance of the ArangoDB document of session property
// Generating a hash and write into the instance of the ArangoDB document of session property
$session->hash = sodium_bin2hex(sodium_crypto_generichash($_id));
if (document::update($this::$arangodb->session, $session)) {
// Is writed update
if (document::update($session, errors: $errors)) {
// Writed to ArangoDB
// Write instance of the ArangoDB document of session into property and exit (success)
$this->document = $session;
} else throw new exception('Could not write the session data');
} else throw new exception('Could not create or find just created session');
// Writing instance of the session document from ArangoDB to the property of the implementing object
} else throw new exception('Failed to write the session data');
} else throw new exception('Failed to create or find just created session');
} else throw new exception('Could not initialize the collection');
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . static::TYPE . ' collection: ' . static::COLLECTION);
} catch (exception $e) {
// Write to the registry of errors
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
@ -104,45 +141,38 @@ final class session extends core
* Search
* Search by hash
* Search for the session in ArangoDB by hash and write they into $this->document property if they are found
* Search for the session in ArangoDB by hash
* @param ?string $hash Hash of the session in ArangoDB
* @param string $hash Hash of the session in ArangoDB
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return static instance of the ArangoDB document of session
* @return _document|null instance of document of the session in ArangoDB
public function search(?string $hash, array &$errors = []): bool
public static function hash(string $hash, array &$errors = []): ?_document
try {
if (isset($hash)) {
// Recieved a hash
if (collection::initialize(static::COLLECTION, static::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
// Collection initialized
// Search the session data in ArangoDB
$_document = $session = collection::search($this::$arangodb->session, sprintf(
FOR d IN %s
FILTER d.hash == '%s' && d.expires > %d && == true
return collection::execute(
FOR d IN @@collection
FILTER d.hash == @hash && d.expires > @time && == true
if ($_document instanceof _document) {
// An instance of the ArangoDB document of session is found
// Write the session data to the property
$this->document = $_document;
// Exit (success)
return true;
'@collection' => static::COLLECTION,
'hash' => $hash,
'time' => time()
errors: $errors
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . static::TYPE . ' collection: ' . static::COLLECTION);
} catch (exception $e) {
// Write to the registry of errors
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
@ -152,37 +182,44 @@ final class session extends core
// Exit (fail)
return false;
return null;
* Write to buffer of the session
* Search by IP-address
* @param array $data Data for merging
* Search for the session in ArangoDB by IP-address
* @param string $address IP-address writed to the session in ArangoDB
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return bool Is data has written into the session buffer?
* @return _document|null instance of document of the session in ArangoDB
public function write(array $data, array &$errors = []): bool
public static function address(string $address, array &$errors = []): ?_document
try {
if (collection::init($this::$arangodb->session, self::COLLECTION)) {
// Initialized the collection
if (collection::initialize(static::COLLECTION, static::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
// Collection initialized
// An instance of the ArangoDB document of session is initialized?
if (!isset($this->document)) throw new exception('An instance of the ArangoDB document of session is not initialized');
// Write data into buffwer of an instance of the ArangoDB document of session
$this->document->buffer = array_replace_recursive(
$this->document->buffer ?? [],
[$_SERVER['INTERFACE'] => array_replace_recursive($this->document->buffer[$_SERVER['INTERFACE']] ?? [], $data)]
// Search the session data in ArangoDB
return collection::execute(
FOR d IN @@collection
FILTER d.address == @address && d.expires > @time && == true
SORT d.updated DESC
'@collection' => static::COLLECTION,
'address' => $address,
'time' => time()
errors: $errors
// Write to ArangoDB and exit (success)
return document::update($this::$arangodb->session, $this->document) ? true : throw new exception('Не удалось записать данные в буфер сессии');
} else throw new exception('Could not initialize the collection');
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . static::TYPE . ' collection: ' . static::COLLECTION);
} catch (exception $e) {
// Write to the registry of errors
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
@ -191,86 +228,6 @@ final class session extends core
return false;
* Write
* Write a property into an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @param mixed $value Content of the property
* @return void
public function __set(string $name, mixed $value = null): void
// Write to the property into an instance of the ArangoDB document and exit (success)
$this->document->{$name} = $value;
* Read
* Read a property from an instance of the ArangoDB docuemnt
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return mixed Content of the property
public function __get(string $name): mixed
// Read a property from an instance of the ArangoDB document and exit (success)
return match ($name) {
'arangodb' => $this::$arangodb,
default => $this->document->{$name}
* Delete
* Deinitialize the property in an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return void
public function __unset(string $name): void
// Delete the property in an instance of the ArangoDB document and exit (success)
* Check of initialization
* Check of initialization of the property into an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return bool The property is initialized?
public function __isset(string $name): bool
// Check of initializatio nof the property and exit (success)
return isset($this->document->{$name});
* Execute a method
* Execute a method from an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the method
* @param array $arguments Arguments for the method
* @return mixed Result of execution of the method
public function __call(string $name, array $arguments = []): mixed
// Execute the method and exit (success)
if (method_exists($this->document, $name)) return $this->document->{$name}($arguments);
// Exit (fail)
return null;
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits;
// Files of the project
use ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits\document as document_trait,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces\document as document_interface,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces\collection as collection_interface,
// Library for ArangoDB
use ArangoDBClient\Document as _document;
// Framework for ArangoDB
use mirzaev\arangodb\collection,
// Built-in libraries
use exception;
* Buffer
* Storage of data in the document from ArangoDB
* @uses document
* @uses document_interface
* @uses collection_interface
* @param static COLLECTION Name of the collection in ArangoDB
* @param static TYPE Type of the collection in ArangoDB
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
trait buffer
* Write to buffer of the document
* @param array $data Data for writing (merge)
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return bool Is data has written into the document from ArangoDB?
public function write(array $data, array &$errors = []): bool
try {
if (collection::initialize(static::COLLECTION, static::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
// Initialized the collection
// Is the instance of the document from ArangoDB are initialized?
if (!isset($this->document)) throw new exception('The instance of the sessoin document from ArangoDB is not initialized');
// Writing data into buffer of the instance of the document from ArangoDB
$this->document->buffer = array_replace_recursive($this->document->buffer ?? [], $data);
// Is the buffer of the instance of the document from ArangoDB exceed 10 megabytes?
if (mb_strlen(json_encode($this->document->buffer)) > 10485760) throw new exception('The buffer size exceeds 10 megabytes');
// Serializing parameters
if ($this->document->language instanceof language) $this->document->language = $this->document->language->name;
// Writing to ArangoDB and exit (success)
return document::update($this->document, errors: $errors);
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . static::TYPE . ' collection: ' . static::COLLECTION);
} catch (exception $e) {
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'stack' => $e->getTrace()
// Exit (fail)
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits;
// Files of the project
use ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces\document as document_interface,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces\collection as collection_interface,
// Library для ArangoDB
use ArangoDBClient\Document as _document;
// Framework for ArangoDB
use mirzaev\arangodb\connection as arangodb,
mirzaev\arangodb\document as framework_document,
// Built-in libraries
use exception;
* Trait for implementing a document instance from ArangoDB
* @uses document_interface
* @var protected readonly _document|null $document An instance of the ArangoDB document
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
trait document
* Document
* @var _document $document An instance of the document from ArangoDB
protected readonly _document $document;
* Constructor
* @param bool $initialize Initialize a model?
* @param ?arangodb $arangodb Instance of a session of ArangoDB
* @param _document|null|false $document An instance of the ArangoDB document
* @return void
public function __construct(
bool $initialize = true,
?arangodb $arangodb = null,
_document|null|false $document = false
) {
// For the extends system
parent::__construct($initialize, $arangodb);
// Writing to the property
if ($document instanceof _document) $this->__document($document);
else if ($document === null) throw new exception('Failed to initialize an instance of the document from ArangoDB');
* Write or read document
* @param _document|null $document Instance of document from ArangoDB
* @return _document|null Instance of document from ArangoDB
public function __document(?_document $document = null): ?_document
// Writing a property storing a document instance to ArangoDB
if ($document) $this->document ??= $document;
// Read a property storing a document instance to ArangoDB and exit (success)
return $this->document ?? null;
* Connect
* @param collecton_interface $document Document
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return string|null The identifier of the created edge of the "connect" collection, if created
public function connect(collection_interface $document, array &$errors = []): ?string
try {
if (collection::initialize(static::COLLECTION, static::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
if (collection::initialize(connect::COLLECTION, connect::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
if (collection::initialize($document::COLLECTION, $document::TYPE, errors: $errors)) {
// Initialized collections
if ($this->document instanceof _document) {
// Initialized instance of the document from ArangoDB
// Writing document and exit (success)
return framework_document::write(
'_from' => $document->getId(),
'_to' => $this->document->getId()
errors: $errors
} else throw new exception('The instance of the document from ArangoDB is not initialized');
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . $document::TYPE . ' collection: ' . $document::COLLECTION);
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . connect::TYPE . ' collection: ' . connect::COLLECTION);
} else throw new exception('Failed to initialize ' . static::TYPE . ' collection: ' . static::COLLECTION);
} catch (exception $e) {
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'stack' => $e->getTrace()
// Exit (fail)
return null;
* Write
* Write a property into an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @param mixed $value Content of the property
* @return void
public function __set(string $name, mixed $value = null): void
// Writing to the property into an instance of the ArangoDB document and exit (success)
$this->document->{$name} = $value;
* Read
* Read a property from an instance of the ArangoDB docuemnt
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return mixed Content of the property
public function __get(string $name): mixed
// Read a property from an instance of the ArangoDB document and exit (success)
return match ($name) {
default => $this->document->{$name}
* Delete
* Deinitialize the property in an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return void
public function __unset(string $name): void
// Delete the property in an instance of the ArangoDB document and exit (success)
* Check of initialization
* Check of initialization of the property into an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the property
* @return bool The property is initialized?
public function __isset(string $name): bool
// Check of initializatio nof the property and exit (success)
return isset($this->document->{$name});
* Execute a method
* Execute a method from an instance of the ArangoDB document
* @param string $name Name of the method
* @param array $arguments Arguments for the method
* @return mixed Result of execution of the method
public function __call(string $name, array $arguments = []): mixed
// Execute the method and exit (success)
return method_exists($this->document, $name) ? $this->document->{$name}($arguments) ?? null : null;
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits;
// Built-in libraries
use exception;
* Files
* Trait with files handlers
* @method static void delete(string $directory, array &$errors)
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
trait files
* Delete
* Delete files recursively
* @param string $directory Directory
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return void
private static function delete(string $directory, array &$errors = []): void
try {
if (file_exists($directory)) {
// Directory exists
// Deleting descendant files and directories (enter to the recursion)
foreach (scandir($directory) as $file) {
if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') continue;
else if (is_dir("$directory/$file")) static::delete("$directory/$file", $errors);
else unlink("$directory/$file");
// Deleting the directory
// Exit (success)
} else throw new exception('Directory does not exist');
} catch (exception $e) {
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'stack' => $e->getTrace()
// Exit (fail)
@ -4,24 +4,38 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits;
// Files of the project
use ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits\document as document_trait,
${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\interfaces\document as document_interface;
// Built-in libraries
use exception;
* Trait fo initialization of a status
* Status (DUMB SHIT)
* Trait for initialization of a status
* @uses document_trait
* @uses document_interface
* @method bool|null status(array &$errors) Check document by its status
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\traits
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} < mail >
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
trait status
* Initialize of a status
* Status
* Check document by its status
* @param array &$errors Registry of errors
* @return ?bool Status, if they are found
* @return ?bool Status, if found
public function status(array &$errors = []): ?bool
@ -29,7 +43,7 @@ trait status
// Read from ArangoDB and exit (success)
return $this->document->active ?? false;
} catch (exception $e) {
// Write to the registry of errors
// Writing to the registry of errors
$errors[] = [
'text' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ body {
background-color: var(--background, #fafafa);
aside {
@ -4,29 +4,40 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME};
use mirzaev\minimal\core;
use mirzaev\minimal\router;
// Framework for PHP
use mirzaev\minimal\core,
// Enabling debugging
/* ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); */
// Initializing path to the public directory
define('PUBLIC', __DIR__);
// Initializing path to the project root directory
// Initializing path to the directory of views
define('VIEWS', realpath('..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views'));
// Initializing path to the directory of the storage
define('STORAGE', realpath('..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'storage'));
define('INDEX', __DIR__);
// Автозагрузка
// Initializing default theme for the views templater
define('THEME', 'default');
// Инициализация маршрутизатора
$router = new router;
// Initializing dependencies
require ROOT . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
// Запись маршрутов
$router->write('/', 'index', 'index');
// Initializing core
$core = new core(namespace: __NAMESPACE__);
// Инициализация ядра
$core = new core(namespace: __NAMESPACE__, router: $router);
// Обработка запроса
echo $core->start();
// Initializing routes
->write('/', new route('index', 'index'), 'GET')
// Handling request
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\views;
// Files of the project
use ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\models\session,
// Framework for PHP
use mirzaev\minimal\controller;
@ -15,61 +15,72 @@ use mirzaev\minimal\controller;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader,
Twig\Environment as twig,
Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension as intl,
// Built-in libraries
use ArrayAccess;
use ArrayAccess as array_access,
Error as error;
* Templater core
* Templater
* @package ${REPO_OWNER}\${REPO_NAME}\views
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} < mail >
* @param twig $twig Instance of the twig templater
* @param array $variables Registry of view global variables
* @method void __construct(?session &$session) Constructor
* @method string|null render(string $file, ?array $variables) Render the HTML-document
* @license Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @author ${REPO_OWNER} <>
final class templater extends controller implements ArrayAccess
final class templater extends controller implements array_access
* Registry of global variables of view
public array $variables = [];
* Instance of twig templater
* Twig
* @var twig $twig Instance of the twig templater
readonly public twig $twig;
* Variables
* @var array $variables Registry of view global variables
public array $variables = [];
* Constructor of an instance
* @param ?session $session Instance of the session of ArangoDB
* @param ?session $session Instance of the session in ArangoDB
* @return void
public function __construct(?session &$session = null): void
public function __construct(?session &$session = null)
// Initializing of an instance of twig
// Initializing the Twig instance
$this->twig = new twig(new FilesystemLoader(VIEWS));
// Initializing of global variables
// Initializing global variables
$this->twig->addGlobal('theme', 'default');
$this->twig->addGlobal('server', $_SERVER);
$this->twig->addGlobal('cookies', $_COOKIE);
if (!empty($session->status())) {
$this->twig->addGlobal('session', $session);
// Initializing of twig extensions
$this->twig->addExtension(new intl());
if (!empty($session->status())) $this->twig->addGlobal('session', $session);
$this->twig->addGlobal('language', $language = $session?->buffer['language'] ?? language::en);
* Render a HTML-document
* Render
* Render the HTML-document
* @param string $file Related path to a HTML-document
* @param ?array $variables Registry of variables to push into registry of global variables
* @return ?string HTML-документ
* @return ?string HTML-document
public function render(string $file, ?array $variables = null): ?string
@ -80,7 +91,7 @@ final class templater extends controller implements ArrayAccess
* Write
* Write a variable into registry of global variables
* Write the variable into the registry of the view global variables
* @param string $name Name of the variable
* @param mixed $value Value of the variable
@ -96,7 +107,7 @@ final class templater extends controller implements ArrayAccess
* Read
* Read a variable from registry of global variables
* Read the variable from the registry of the view global variables
* @param string $name Name of the variable
@ -111,7 +122,7 @@ final class templater extends controller implements ArrayAccess
* Delete
* Delete a variable from the registry of global variables
* Delete the variable from the registry of the view global variables
* @param string $name Name of the variable
@ -126,7 +137,7 @@ final class templater extends controller implements ArrayAccess
* Check of initialization
* Check of initialization in registry of global variables
* Check of initialization in the registry of the view global variables
* @param string $name Name of the variable
@ -141,7 +152,7 @@ final class templater extends controller implements ArrayAccess
* Write
* Write a variable into registry of global variables
* Write the variable into the registry of the view global variables
* @param mixed $name Name of an offset of the variable
* @param mixed $value Value of the variable
@ -157,7 +168,7 @@ final class templater extends controller implements ArrayAccess
* Read
* Read a variable from registry of global variables
* Read the variable from the registry of the view global variables
* @param mixed $name Name of the variable
@ -172,7 +183,7 @@ final class templater extends controller implements ArrayAccess
* Delete
* Delete a variable from the registry of global variables
* Delete the variable from the registry of the view global variables
* @param mixed $name Name of the variable
@ -187,7 +198,7 @@ final class templater extends controller implements ArrayAccess
* Check of initialization
* Check of initialization in registry of global variables
* Check of initialization in the registry of the view global variables
* @param mixed $name Name of the variable
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
"description": "${REPO_DESCRIPTION}",
"homepage": "${REPO_LINK}",
"type": "site",
"keywords": [],
"keywords": [
"readme": "",
"license": "WTFPL",
"authors": [
@ -15,17 +17,17 @@
"support": {
"docs": "${REPO_LINK}/manual",
"wiki": "${REPO_LINK}/wiki",
"issues": "${REPO_LINK}/issues"
"require": {
"php": "~8.3",
"ext-sodium": "~8.3",
"mirzaev/minimal": "^2.2.0",
"mirzaev/accounts": "~1.2.x-dev",
"mirzaev/arangodb": "^1.0.0",
"triagens/arangodb": "~3.9.x-dev",
"twig/twig": "^3.4"
"php": "^8.4",
"triagens/arangodb": "^3.8",
"mirzaev/minimal": "^3.2.0",
"mirzaev/arangodb": "^1.3",
"twig/twig": "^3.10",
"twig/extra-bundle": "^3.7",
"twig/intl-extra": "^3.10"
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "~9.5"
Reference in New Issue